Daily Archives: 2022-06-17

2022-06-17: News Headlines

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-06-17). Updated Mayo Clinic recommendations for infant formula shortage. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there have been significant shortages of infant formulas in some stores, largely caused by supply chain issues, as well as a recent recall of several contaminated baby formula products. While this unfortunate crisis continues to impact thousands of caregivers needing to feed their babies, Mayo Clinic continues to offer advice on safe alternatives in the short term to patients. Alternative formula options For most infants, it is OK to switch…

Alliance for Justice w (2022-06-17). Thursday 7/7: 'Presumed Guilty: How SCOTUS Empowered Police & Subverted Civil Rights' Book Talk w/ AFJ. indybay.org Online event…

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-06-17). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: LGBTQ community faces barriers to care. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LGBTQ people can face specific health concerns related to their gender incongruence, sexual orientation, practices and social stigma. People in the LGBTQ community often experience barriers to accessing health care and preventive services, which can result in disparities in both cancer risk and treatment. "Many of those disparities are rooted in stigma and discrimination that have really historically been an issue for this population," says Dr. Jewel Kling, chair of the Women's Health Center at…

Peter Koenig (2022-06-16). Kissinger y la guerra en Ucrania: El mensajero y el amo. globalizacion.ca Cuando Henry Kissinger sorprendió al mundo con su discurso en el reciente Foro Económico Mundial (FEM) en Davos (22-26 de mayo de 2022), diciéndole al presidente de Ucrania, Zelenskyy, que tenía que hacer alguna concesión a cambio de la paz,…

Editor2 (2022-06-16). Ecuadorian Indigenous Organizations Start Strike Against Lasso. orinocotribune.com The current protests are taking place in a political-institutional environment that is potentially very dangerous for the respect of human and civil rights. | From the early hours of Monday, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) began a national strike against the government of Guillermo Lasso by blocking highways in provinces such as Pastaza, Napo, and Guayas. | CONAIE President Leonidas Iza said that the social mobilization, which will continue for an indefinite period of time, emerges as a result of the reluctance of the Lasso administration to continue the dialogue process, the las…

_____ (2022-06-16). Ecuador: CONAIE and Unions to Maintain National Strike. popularresistance.org Mobilizations will continue and key roads remain blocked as the indefinite Ecuador-wide protests against the neoliberal policies of Guillermo Lasso's administration head into a fourth day. | Security forces have been unsuccessful in trying to lift 24 hour roadblocks, which have now been reinforced by communities. | The government's attempt to quell protests by sweeping up alleged leaders not only failed, it backfired. News of the arrest of Leonidas Iza, president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), mobilized thousands of people to the Latacunga prison where he was taken and promp…

Staff (2022-06-16). New National Security Programs, Same Old Dangerous Patterns. aclu.org The government has long infringed on Americans' fundamental rights and liberties under the guise of national security. From the FBI's surveillance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to the round-up of innocent people simply because they were perceived to be Muslim after 9/11, new initiatives to address real or perceived national security concerns have inevitably and disproportionately impacted communities of color and immigrants. Over the past two decades especially, we've seen how domestic counterterrorism policies target Black, Brown, and Muslim communities for unmerited surveillance and investigation, trampling…

Grace Woods (2022-06-16). Horrific conditions at NYC Rikers jail expose criminalization of poverty, capitalist greed. liberationnews.org The system of mass incarceration can be depicted no better than at Rikers Island—it is a manifestation of capital's drive toward maximizing profit that thrives and relies on racism, brutality, and the criminalization of poverty.

Ann Brown (2022-06-16). Netflix Decides To Cut The Settlement Check To Mo'Nique Over Lowball $ 0K Offer, Alleged Discrimination. moguldom.com After a three-year legal battle, streaming entertainment giant Netflix has decided to settle a lawsuit brought by comedian Mo'Nique over discrimination and retaliation. Back in 2019, the Oscar-winning actress sued Netflix, accusing it of systematically underpaying Black women. She also claimed Netflix retaliated against her by refusing to engage in good-faith negotiations after she accused the company …

Freedom Socialist Party (2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: Labor History: A key to unlocking workers' power today. indybay.org Online via Zoom | To register: bit.ly/FSFD-Labor

David Giesen (2022-06-16). Sunday 7/3: Fulfilling the Promise of America, a symposium. indybay.org ZOOM video meet: | zoom.us/j/94131824284?pwd=RzI0ZEY1eEkrbkxFemNOMHFHbUZXZz09

United We Dream (2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: DACA Décimo Aniversario – °Antes, Ahora y Más Allá! Celebración y Reuinon para la Acción. indybay.org Virtual celebration & action rally…

La Peña (2022-06-16). Friday 6/17: Baila Community Dance Party. indybay.org La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705…

Staff (2022-06-16). Iran arrests element linked with 2 French spies. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 16 (MNA) — Iranian Intelligence Forces announced the detention of a person who was linked with the espionage operations performed by two French nationals in Iran.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-06-16). 2022 California Juneteenth – National Freedom Day. indybay.org In the coming years over 100 California cities with @100,000+ residents will begin to discover our unique California Juneteenth Legacy, helping manifest equity and greater inclusion throughout the 5th largest economy in the world. Today, "Mining for Freedom" or the authentic "Golden Legacy" of our California USCT who fought, bleed and died for freedom is a fierce debate impacting future generation.

United We Dream (2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: DACA Tenth Anniversary: Then, Now and Beyond! Celebration & Action Rally. indybay.org Virtual celebration & action rally…

Contributing Writers (2022-06-15). Germany on same side as Nazism as it Censors and Persecutes Truth-Tellers. marktaliano.net SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence (Ukraine, Syria, Yemen), [2022-06-15 12: 24 PM][Forwarded from Neues aus Russland ü™Üüì¢][ Video ]‚ö°Ô∏èThe German government is fighting against freedom of speech. I am a free journalist who covers the special operation in Ukraine. They are going to sentence me now to 3 YEARS IN PRISON for telling the truth‚ö°Ô∏è According to …

2022-06-17 09:49 | 05:49 EST | jz | 19 | 2 | 13 | 3 | 0