Daily Archives: 2022-12-27

2022-12-27: News Headlines

| AFP | (2022-12-27). 'Proud and strong': Afghan girl stages solo protest against Taliban university ban. tribune.com.pk An 18-year-old Afghan student endured Taliban taunts and insults at the weekend as she staged a solo protest against the ban on women attending university. | "For the first time in my life, I felt so proud, strong, and powerful because I was standing against them and demanding a right that God has given us," Marwa told AFP, asking not to be further identified. | Women-led protest have become increasingly rare in Afghanistan since the Taliban's return — particularly after the detention of core activists at the start of the year. | Participants risk arrest, violence, and social stigma. But Marwa was adaman…

Immigrant Children Are Innocent (2022-12-27). Mayor of El Paso refusing to let undocumented immigrant children in Convention cot shelter. indybay.org When an adult parent is put in prison, the jailers don't throw the children in prison with their parent. The authorities put the children into foster care. In Texas, where the Mayor is refusing entry to the Convention center cot shelter for migrants, he is leaving out in the cold migrants with no immigration papers, he is leaving their babies and small children out in the cold with the parents. That is wrong. The children should immediately be put into foster care, not punished for illegal immigration by being left out in the freezing cold with their parents. The children did not chose to break any immigration la…

WSWS (2022-12-27). Australian climate activist Violet Coco speaks on her jailing for Sydney Harbour Bridge protest. wsws.org After being sentenced to 15 months' jail for briefly blocking a lane on the bridge, Violet Coco discussed with the WSWS about the political implications of climate change and Australia's anti-protest laws.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Judge rejects lawsuit by Trump-endorsed Kari Lake seeking to overturn Arizona election defeat. wsws.org Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson ruled against every single one of Lake's claims and noted in his decision that none of Lake's witnesses could point to any intentional misconduct or evidence of a single vote that was changed.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Judge rejects lawsuit by Trump-endorsed Kari Lake, seeking to overturn Arizona election defeat. wsws.org Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson ruled against every single one of Lake's claims and noted in his decision that none of Lake's witnesses could point to any intentional misconduct or evidence of a single vote that was changed.

_____ (2022-12-26). Overthrow of President Castillo Exposes the Race and Class Divide in Peru. popularresistance.org Unfulfilled campaign promises, accusations of corruption, and even an attempted self-coup cannot turn the many supporters of Peruvian President Pedro Castillo against him. The president has probably ceased to represent hopes for change, but he still symbolizes —perhaps more now than ever— structural discrimination in Peru. | In Lima, the political, economic, and intellectual elites are intrigued. They wonder why the majority of Peruvians in the streets are demanding Castillo's release. They are even more disconcerted by the minority that insists he be reinstated.

_____ (2022-12-26). Peru: Overthrow Of President Castillo Exposes The Race And Class Divide. popularresistance.org Unfulfilled campaign promises, accusations of corruption, and even an attempted self-coup cannot turn the many supporters of Peruvian President Pedro Castillo against him. The president has probably ceased to represent hopes for change, but he still symbolizes —perhaps more now than ever— structural discrimination in Peru. | In Lima, the political, economic, and intellectual elites are intrigued. They wonder why the majority of Peruvians in the streets are demanding Castillo's release. They are even more disconcerted by the minority that insists he be reinstated. It is not surprising that the ruling c…

Editor (2022-12-26). As Temperature Drops, Incarcerated People Prepare for Dangerously Cold Conditions. scheerpost.com

Staff (2022-12-26). To Catch a Dictator: Human Rights Lawyer Reed Brody on the Pursuit and Trial of Chad's Hissène Habré. democracynow.org In this special broadcast, we speak with Reed Brody, the international human rights lawyer who has been called "the dictator hunter" for his role in bringing historic legal cases against former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and others. Brody's new book is just out, titled "To Catch a Dictator: The Pursuit and Trial of Hissène Habré." Habré, a former U.S. ally, was convicted in 2016 by the Extraordinary African Chambers in the Senegalese court system and sentenced to life in prison.

2022-12-27 17:08:24 | 17:08 EST | jz | 11 | 0 | 4 | 5 | 0