2023-12-31: News Headlines

Labor Video Project (2023-12-31). Travis AFB 14 Get Out of Jail After Protest at Largest Military Air Base in the US. indybay.org At a protest to stop the shipment of weapons from Travis AFB to Israel, 14 people were arrested and charged with unlawful assembly. After being released they talk about what happened and why they decided to take this action.

WSWS (2023-12-30). Behind the exoneration of Australian woman convicted of killing her children. wsws.org The science of genetics was critical to the release of Kathleen Folbigg, who spent nearly two decades in jail after being wrongly convicted of killing her four children.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-30). Travis AFB 14 Get Out of Jail After Protest at Largest Military Air Base in the US. indybay.org At a protest to stop the shipment of weapons from Travis AFB to Israel, 14 people were arrested and charged with unlawful assembly. After being released they talk about what happened and why they decided to take this action.

presstv.ir (2023-12-31). OIC welcomes South Africa's filing of genocide case against Israel at ICJ. presstv.ir The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has welcomed South Africa's decision to file a lawsuit against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-12-30). PFLP Welcomes South Africa's Move and Calls on All Countries to Emulate Them. libya360.wordpress.com Press Release The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine welcomes South Africa's filing of a lawsuit at the International Court of Justice against the Zionist entity for committing the crime of genocide and calls on everyone to follow this step to prosecute the leaders of the occupation and all those who colluded with them….

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-12-30). Lawsuit Aims to Protect Pacific Sea Turtles From Fishing Gear. indybay.org Fishery's Expansion Threatens Endangered Leatherback Habitat Off California…

presstv.ir (2023-12-30). South Africa files ICJ lawsuit against Israel over 'genocidal acts'. presstv.ir South Africa has instituted proceedings against Israel at the International Court of Justice over the regime's "genocidal" onslaught on Gaza.

Victoria Torres (2023-12-31). Alex Saab Appears on Maduro Podcast, Provides Details of Illegal Imprisonment in Cape Verde and US. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, who was recently liberated from illegal imprisonment in the US, was interviewed by President Nicolás Maduro on the third episode of Maduro Podcast. In the interview, aired on Thursday, December 28, Saab shared details of his experiences during his illegal imprisonment of more than three years, first in Cape Verde and afterwards in the US. | Saab, accompanied by his wife Camila Fabri de Saab, expressed his gratitude to the Bolivarian government "for not getting tired when it was easy to get tired" and achieving his release from an unjust kidnapping of more than 1,280 days in a U.S. p…

Edwin Rubis (2023-12-31). I'm Serving 40 Years in Federal Prison. Here's a Glimpse Into My World. truthout.org The morning quietly waits for the public address system to emit its familiar message. I am laying on my top bunk, eyes half-open, while an opaque light is streaming through a small, barred window, brightening the pale cinderblock walls, paint-chipped metal table, rusted basin and blue metal door of a room I've learned to call my home. In the amplified quiet, I can hear my cell-mate breathing as he… |

Editor (2023-12-31). In Washington State, Prison Closure Divides Abolitionist Community. scheerpost.com

WSWS (2023-12-30). Assange's final British appeal against extradition set for February. wsws.org The WikiLeaks publisher is perilously close to being extradited to the US, where he would face life imprisonment for exposing US-led war crimes, human rights abuses and diplomatic conspiracies.

Anonymous Contributor (2023-12-30). Hunger Strike Launched at Red Onion State Prison in Virginia. itsgoingdown.org Report on hunger-strike launched at the Red Onion State Prison in so-called Virginia. On Tuesday, December 26th, 2023, several prisoners confined at Virginia's Red Onion State Prison began a hunger strike to protest the continued use of long-term solitary confinement within the institution. Despite critical concern, outcry from the public and prisoner populations in the…

Raymond Williams (2023-12-30). Prison Closure Divides Abolitionist Community in Washington State. truthout.org I board the transport in an orange jumpsuit, shackled and cuffed at the waist, one of many prisoners in exodus from the Washington State Reformatory. The rattling of our chains fills the cabin as we find places to sit. I slide into a seat with a small window high on the wall next to me — the coveted seat with a "view." Nervous chatter ensues as we wait to be shipped to the next prison. In 2021… |

presstv.ir (2023-12-30). Hamas refutes Israeli claims about 'discussion of prisoner exchange'. presstv.ir Hamas refutes the Israeli regime's claims of taking place of "discussion of prisoner exchange" between the resistance movement and Tel Aviv.

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