Monthly Archives: March 2023

2023-03-31: News Headlines

Zara Haq (2023-03-30). Here's How New Mexico is Leading the Way for Voting Rights. Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy, and protecting that right is one of the central obligations of our government. Due to partisan gridlock in Congress, the federal government has not acted to restore some of the original protections of the New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham just signe…

Ann Brown (2023-03-30). FBI Indicts 16 East Cleveland Police Officers for Civil Rights Violations. A total of 16 current and former East Cleveland police officers have been indicted in the past six-and-a-half months for civil rights violations. Among the 16 who were indicted by the FBI is former police chief Scott Gardner, who was indicted in September on several counts of theft and fraud. East Cleveland, Ohio, is nine …

Staff (2023-03-30). Headlines for March 30, 2023. In Landmark Vote, U.N. General Assembly Asks for World Court's Opinion on Climate Crisis, U.S. Auctions Oil and Gas Leases in Vast Section Gulf of Mexico, Despite Biden's Climate Pledges, Seniors Sue Switzerland over Deadly Heat Waves Caused by Climate Crisis, Mexico to Bring Charges Against 8 People over Deadly Fire at Juárez Detention Center, Senate Votes to Repeal AUMFs 20 Years After Illegal Invasion of Iraq, Finland Poised to Become NATO Member, Russia Detains WSJ Reporter Evan Gershkovich, West Virginia and Kentucky Republicans Impose More Anti-Trans Laws, Jill Biden Attends Nashville School Sho…

Petteri Muukkonen (2023-04-01). [Correspondence] Geography education to help understand discrimination in climate change and health. Thilagawathi A Deivanayagam and colleagues1 have highlighted that the effects of climate change are not equally distributed around the world, creating discrimination related to climate change and health. The authors mentioned briefly that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recognises education as one way to address this issue.2 However, the problem is so large and multidimensional that it should be answered with cross-disciplinary solutions. The effects of climate change vary across countries and regions due to differences in geography, history, and economic development. (2023-03-31). Comicomment: U.S. summit makes a mockery of democracy. The United States, with its tattered version of "American-style democracy," hosted the second so-called "Summit for Democracy" this week. However, the country is plagued by chronic issues such as money in politics, racial discrimination, gun and police violence, and wealth polarization. Human rights legislation and justice have suffered an extreme regression, further undermining the basic rights and freedoms of the American people.

WSWS (2023-03-30). The slanderous campaign of "Our Harvard Can Do Better" against Professor John Comaroff. The group doesn't document any of its sweeping claims. What "sexual violence crisis"? What administration complicity in "harassment, misogyny, and discrimination"?

Chris Walker (2023-03-30). At least 39 asylum seekers dead after fire at migrant jail in Mexico.

John Kiriakou, Consortium News. (2023-03-30). New Report On US Solitary Confinement. In prisons and jails across America, between 41,000 and 48,000 people are currently being held in solitary confinement, or "isolation," as it is called in a new study by the Correctional Leaders Association and the Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law at Yale University Law School. | Those numbers are too high, especially when the United Nations' special rapporteur for torture has called the U.S. practice of using solitary confinement as a punishment a form of torture. Still, as high as the numbers are, they are far lower than they were in 2014. And there is growing support across the country for solitary…

The Associated Press (2023-03-30). Mexico: Despite 'Coup,' Castillo Legal President of Peru. Mexico's president said Wednesday that Peru's ousted president, Pedro Castillo, remains "the legal and legitimate president" of that country and that he was jailed as part of a "coup," saying that Peru's current government is "racist" and had jailed Castillo because he is Indigenous.

Chris Walker (2023-03-30). Missouri GOP Seeks to Eliminate All Funding for Public Libraries in State Budget. Missouri's Republican-led House of Representatives has given initial approval to a state budget that would strip libraries of state funding in what appears to be retaliation for a lawsuit filed by librarians seeking to overturn a law expanding book bans in schools. Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage), chair of the House Budget Committee, proposed eliminating all funding for public libraries in the state… |

Fight Back (2023-03-30). Communist Party of the Philippines calls on NPA to "stir up and spread flames" of armed struggle. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | The leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today, March 28, issued a statement on the occasion of 54th anniversary of the New People's Army (NPA) tomorrow, March 29. The CPP exhorted the NPA's commanders and Red fighters to "stir up and spread the flames of the people's war for national freedom and democracy." | The Central Committee of the CPP cited "intensified imperialist oppression against the Filipino people" and emphasized the need to "attain freedom from US control and dominatio…

A Guest Author (2023-03-30). Call for June 3 action for prison reform. Credit: by Kevin Caplicki for Calling all activists, protesters and supporters to join us in refusing to move on June 3, until prison and education reform has been accomplished. This is a call to action for all Pennsylvania prisoners and supporters. We encourage every person incarcerated throughout the country . . . |

The Associated Press (2023-03-30). Mexico: Despite 'Coup,' Castillo Legal President of Peru. Mexico's president said Wednesday that Peru's ousted president, Pedro Castillo, remains "the legal and legitimate president" of that country and that he was jailed as part of a "coup," saying that Peru's current government is "racist" and had jailed Castillo because he is Indigenous.

Chris Walker (2023-03-30). Missouri GOP Seeks to Eliminate All Funding for Public Libraries in State Budget. Missouri's Republican-led House of Representatives has given initial approval to a state budget that would strip libraries of state funding in what appears to be retaliation for a lawsuit filed by librarians seeking to overturn a law expanding book bans in schools. Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage), chair of the House Budget Committee, proposed eliminating all funding for public libraries in the state… |

Fight Back (2023-03-30). Communist Party of the Philippines calls on NPA to "stir up and spread flames" of armed struggle. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | The leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today, March 28, issued a statement on the occasion of 54th anniversary of the New People's Army (NPA) tomorrow, March 29. The CPP exhorted the NPA's commanders and Red fighters to "stir up and spread the flames of the people's war for national freedom and democracy." | The Central Committee of the CPP cited "intensified imperialist oppression against the Filipino people" and emphasized the need to "attain freedom from US control and dominatio…

A Guest Author (2023-03-30). Call for June 3 action for prison reform. Credit: by Kevin Caplicki for Calling all activists, protesters and supporters to join us in refusing to move on June 3, until prison and education reform has been accomplished. This is a call to action for all Pennsylvania prisoners and supporters. We encourage every person incarcerated throughout the country . . . |

Munther Khalaf Mufleh, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-03-30). Palestinian Prisoners' Movement Victory. After the escalation of Zionist attacks against the achievements gained by the prisoners' movement over the years, and the attempts of the fascist Ben Gvir to seize our rights by enacting laws and policies such as the laws for the execution of prisoners, revocation of nationality, and deportation of prisoners and former prisoners, as well as the attacks on the achievements of daily life of the prisoners' movement, such as cutting access to water, setting brief times for bathing and the imposition of dozens of punitive measures, such as repeated transfer and isolation, led the prisoners' movement to take action.

Staff (2023-03-30). Free the Land, Free Walid Daqqah! Take action to liberate imprisoned Palestinian writer with rare cancer. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all organizations and communities advocating for justice in Palestine to join the campaign to free Walid Daqqah, Palestinian writer, thinker and political prisoner. One of the longest-held Palestinian prisoners, he was diagnosed on 18 December 2022 with myelofibrosis, a rare form of bone marrow cancer that requires a bone …

WSWS (2023-03-30). Israel's protest leaders enter talks to stabilise Netanyahu government. Equally committed to the Zionist project, Jewish supremacy and the suppression of the Palestinians within a system of apartheid rule, along with the enrichment of Israel's corporate elite, the protest leaders fear Netanyahu's measures will destroy Israel's democratic fig leaf.

2023-03-31 11:10:13 | 11:10 EST | tr | 27 | 2 | 17 | 2 | 1 

2023-03-30: News Headlines

Alasdair Baverstock (2023-03-29). The future of El Salvador's security. El Salvador is cracking down on gangs. The full-fledged government effort started a year ago, and the successes are echoing around Central America. But along with progress come concerns about protecting civil rights. (2023-03-29). 40 migrants die in fire at Mexico facility. A fire that started as a protest led to the deaths of at least 40 people at a migrant detention center in Ciudad Juarez, a Mexican city across from El Paso, Texas.

Staff (2023-03-29). 38 Die in Fire Inside Mexican Immigration Jail Amid Broader Crackdown Near U.S. Border. We go to Ciudad Juárez for an update on the fire that killed at least 38 men held at a Mexican immigration detention center just across the U.S. border from El Paso, Texas. Surveillance video from the jail shows guards walking away as flames spread inside the jail cells, making no effort to open the jail cells or help the migrants who were trapped. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador blamed the fire on the men who were being held at the detention jail, alleging that they set their mattresses on fire to protest conditions, while U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar claimed the tragedy was a consequence…

The Associated Press (2023-03-29). 38 Dead in Mexico Fire After Guards Didn't Let Migrants Out. After 38 migrants dead and 28 were seriously injured in a fire at a detention center in Ciudad Juárez late Monday, much of Mexico is wondering why authorities didn't attempt to release the men before smoke filled the room and killed so many?

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-29). Administrative Detention and 'Medical Neglect' in Israeli Prisons Lead to Deaths and Protests.

WSWS (2023-03-30). The slanderous campaign of "Our Harvard Can Do Better" against Professor John Comaroff. The group doesn't document any of its sweeping claims. What "sexual violence crisis"? What administration complicity in "harassment, misogyny, and discrimination"?

Matias Perez Ojeda Del Arco, Forest Peoples Programme. (2023-03-29). The Kichwa Community Demands Justice For Violation Of Territorial Rights. A public hearing was held for the writ of amparo lawsuit filed by the Puerto Franco Kichwa community, who sued the Peruvian State and the Cordillera Azul National Park (PNCAZ) for failing to title their traditional lands, the imposition of an exclusionary conservation model and the generation of profits from the sale of carbon credits without their consent, in the San Martin region of the Peruvian Amazon. | On 22 March, a public hearing was held as part of the amparo process that has been going on before the Mixed Court of Bellavista since 2020, brought forward by the Indigenous Kichwa community of Puerto Franco…

Fight Back (2023-03-30). Communist Party of the Philippines calls on NPA to "stir up and spread flames" of armed struggle. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | The leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today, March 28, issued a statement on the occasion of 54th anniversary of the New People's Army (NPA) tomorrow, March 29. The CPP exhorted the NPA's commanders and Red fighters to "stir up and spread the flames of the people's war for national freedom and democracy." | The Central Committee of the CPP cited "intensified imperialist oppression against the Filipino people" and emphasized the need to "attain freedom from US control and dominatio…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-29). For Israelis, Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians Is Fine, but Judicial Reform Is a Red Line. By Miko Peled — Mar 27, 2023 | The successful mobilization of hundreds of thousands of Israelis to stand up against the Netanyahu government is proof of one thing: Israelis do not want to end the oppression and killing of Palestinian people. | Israeli society has never seen such ongoing massive anti-government protests. So it is clear that had Israelis wanted to, they could have mobilized around lifting the brutal and inhumane blockade Israel has imposed on Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, or the release of political prisoners or any of the myriad mechanisms Israel uses to oppress and terrorize Palesti…

Matias Perez Ojeda Del Arco, Forest Peoples Programme. (2023-03-29). The Kichwa Community Demands Justice For Violation Of Territorial Rights. A public hearing was held for the writ of amparo lawsuit filed by the Puerto Franco Kichwa community, who sued the Peruvian State and the Cordillera Azul National Park (PNCAZ) for failing to title their traditional lands, the imposition of an exclusionary conservation model and the generation of profits from the sale of carbon credits without their consent, in the San Martin region of the Peruvian Amazon. | On 22 March, a public hearing was held as part of the amparo process that has been going on before the Mixed Court of Bellavista since 2020, brought forward by the Indigenous Kichwa community of Puerto Franco…

Fight Back (2023-03-30). Communist Party of the Philippines calls on NPA to "stir up and spread flames" of armed struggle. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | The leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today, March 28, issued a statement on the occasion of 54th anniversary of the New People's Army (NPA) tomorrow, March 29. The CPP exhorted the NPA's commanders and Red fighters to "stir up and spread the flames of the people's war for national freedom and democracy." | The Central Committee of the CPP cited "intensified imperialist oppression against the Filipino people" and emphasized the need to "attain freedom from US control and dominatio…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-29). For Israelis, Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians Is Fine, but Judicial Reform Is a Red Line. By Miko Peled — Mar 27, 2023 | The successful mobilization of hundreds of thousands of Israelis to stand up against the Netanyahu government is proof of one thing: Israelis do not want to end the oppression and killing of Palestinian people. | Israeli society has never seen such ongoing massive anti-government protests. So it is clear that had Israelis wanted to, they could have mobilized around lifting the brutal and inhumane blockade Israel has imposed on Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, or the release of political prisoners or any of the myriad mechanisms Israel uses to oppress and terrorize Palesti…

A Guest Author (2023-03-30). Call for June 3 action for prison reform. Credit: by Kevin Caplicki for Calling all activists, protesters and supporters to join us in refusing to move on June 3, until prison and education reform has been accomplished. This is a call to action for all Pennsylvania prisoners and supporters. We encourage every person incarcerated throughout the country . . . |

Anish R M (2023-03-29). In split decision, US apex court rejects Steven Donziger's review plea despite irregularities. The Supreme Court of the United States has rejected a review petition by environmental lawyer and indigenous rights advocate Steven Donziger against a 2021 ruling by a federal judge convicting him of contempt. The decision to reject the petition was delivered on Monday, March 27, based on a split verdict with two of the nine justices dissenting with the decision. | Donziger was held guilty of six charges of criminal contempt by senior district judge Loretta Preska of the US Southern District Court of New York in July 2021. In October 2021, he was sentenced to six months in prison, even after having spent more tha…

Editor (2023-03-29). John Kiriakou: US Solitary Confinement. Most states have at least considered initiatives to do away with, or to reduce the use of, isolation in their prison systems, according to the latest major report on the subject. But there's bad news too.

scorinoco (2023-03-29). Palestinian Prisoners' Movement Victory is an Implementation of Unity and True Partnership. Munther Khalaf Mufleh — Mar 24, 2023 | After the escalation of Zionist attacks against the achievements gained by the prisoners' movement over the years, and the attempts of the fascist Ben Gvir to seize our rights by enacting laws and policies such as the laws for the execution of prisoners, revocation of nationality, and deportation of prisoners and former prisoners, as well as the attacks on the achievements of daily life of the prisoners' movement, such as cutting access to water, setting brief times for bathing and the imposition of dozens of punitive measures, such as repeated transfer and isolation, l…

Tamara Pearson (2023-03-29). Mexican guards let 41 migrants and refugees die in fire, US policy responsible. At least 41 migrants and refugees died in a fire in a migrant prison in Ciudad Juarez, near the United States border, on March 27, reports Tamara Pearson.

WSWS (2023-03-29). UK government plans prison ships and internment camps for asylum seekers. Thousands will find themselves in a state of permanent semi-imprisonment in Britain, deprived of access to basic social services.

Ann Brown (2023-03-29). Lawyer for Nipsey Killer Eric Holder AKA Shi*ty Cuz Seeks Protective Custody. Warns Client's Life in Pen 'Will Be Hell'. One would not expect a prison to be a welcoming place, but the convicted murderer of hip-hop artist Nipsey Hussle was recently warned that his time in prison would be especially hard. Eric Holder Jr., who was found guilty of shooting and killing Hussle in 2019 in Los Angeles, was sentenced to 60 years to …

teleSUR (2023-03-29). Salvadorans Reject Arbitrarily Arrests Over State of Exception. On Tuesday, some 500 Salvadorans took to the streets of San Salvador to demand that President Nayib Bukele free their relatives, who are imprisoned due to the "State of Exception" promoted by the President to counteract armed gangs' violence. | RELATED: | Carrying banners with messages such as "Freedom for my son and brother" and "We defend innocent non-criminals," the demonstrators marched to Congress, where the police…

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