Monthly Archives: September 2023

2023-09-24: News Headlines

JANET (2023-09-24). Remembering the martyrs of the 1963 Birmingham bombing. By Monica Moorehead September 21, 2023 The 60th anniversary of the infamous Birmingham, Alabama, bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church occurred on Sept. 15. On this day in 1963, four Black girls — Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Addie Mae Collins and Cynthia Wesley — ranging from ages 11-14, were murdered while participating in a Bible study class in the basement of the church. Members of the fascistic Ku Klux Klan claimed responsibility for this heinous crime, along with a stream of other bombings targeting Civil Rights activists. Three of the four KKK members responsible for the bombing were co…

Editor (2023-09-23). A prison medical company faced lawsuits from incarcerated people. The prison giant Corizon spun off a new company, which could allow it to pay pennies on the dollar for medical malpractice and civil rights claims.

JANET (2023-09-23). LIVE SATURDAY, SEPT 23, 7PM: CUBA & VENEZUELA SPEAK FROM NYC Inbox. TONIGHT, tune into Breakthrough News for a special broadcast, live from New York City, featuring Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of Cuba & Yvan Gil Pinto, Foreign Minister of Venezuela. Over the past two centuries, the United States has waged various wars, economic sabotage, coups, blockades, and sanctions across the Americas and the Caribbean to assert the interests of the U.S. business and political elite under the auspices of the Monroe Doctrine. The same forces that have carried out the Monroe Doctrine are now fighting for a rollback of fundamental civil rights in the United States. As we enter the 200th year of…

Palestine Legal (2023-09-23). Civil Rights Groups Warn UCSC Attempts to Censor Pro-Palestine Scholarship May Violate Federal Laws. On Wednesday, Palestine Legal and the Center for Constitutional Rights wrote to the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) warning them to cease attempts to unlawfully censor the upcoming Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ) convening, "Battling the 'IHRA definition': Theory & Activism", which is set to be jointly held at UCSC and New York University (NYU) on October 13th and 14th. The convening is a working meeting of the Institute's community of scholars and activists, aimed at combating dangerous efforts to use a distorted definition of antisemitism to silence advocacy for Palestinian rights…

Editor (2023-09-23). In jail for 5 years, activist Mahesh Raut gets bail in Elgar Parishad case. The 36-year-old tribal rights activist is one of the first five persons to have been arrested in the controversial case, on June 6, 2018.

JANET (2023-09-24). Tell Biden: Free Leonard Peltier! By Leonard Peltier September 22, 2023 The excerpted remarks were written by political prisoner Leonard Peltier (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians) for the 53rd annual National Day of Mourning, Nov. 24, 2022, at Plymouth, Massachusetts. On Sept. 12, 2023, Peltier turned 79 years old. He has been falsely imprisoned for over 47 years for allegedly killing two FBI agents in 1975. The International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee continues to demand clemency from the White House for the ailing Indigenous leader. Go to All the world now faces the same challenges that our people foreto…

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-09-24). Kiev Desperate in Search for New Energy Sources: Using Prison Inmates to Generate Electricity with "Bicycle Generators"

Editor (2023-09-23). Nebraska Woman Gets Two Years in Prison After Giving Abortion Pills to Teen Daughter.

Justine Barron, Fairness, Accuracy in Reporting. (2023-09-23). The Baltimore Sun's Reckoning On Freddie Gray. Five days after Freddie Gray's death, the Baltimore Sun (4/24/15) published on its website an interactive slideshow on his arrest, which it updated later that month as the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) added information. Audiences could click through a timeline of details of Gray's long April 12, 2015, ride in a Baltimore police van, during which police reportedly made six stops before officers said they discovered their prisoner was unconscious. (Gray died on April 19, after a week in a coma.) The slideshow was almost entirely sourced from the statements given by BPD leaders during press conferences, without…

Paul Haeder (2023-09-23). Stages of Grief, Disempowering the Abuser, Healing. When the bureaucratic well runs dry, you as survivor of DV are on your own, especially when family and friends are riding in their own Private Idaho. Preface: According to band member Kate Pierson, "Private Idaho" was inspired by the feeling of being trapped and isolated, like a prisoner in solitary confinement. The song originated …

Staff (2023-09-23). Venezuela's Attorney General: Dismantling Tocorón Prison a Blow to Criminal Mafias (+Alarming Videos). The attorney general of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, stated that the Cacique Guaicaipuro Liberation Operation carried out at the Tocorón Penitentiary Center in Aragua State, by officers of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) and other law enforcement agencies, was a resounding blow against criminal mafias operating from inside the prison. | Saab made the statement on Thursday, September 21, congratulating the Venezuelan security agencies for the success of the operation carried out at the Tocorón Penitentiary, in strict compliance with the human rights of the inmates. | *Fiscal General Tarek William Saab…

Staff (2023-09-23). Venezuela's Attorney General: Dismantling Tocorón Prison a Blow to Criminal Mafias (+Alarming Videos).

Staff (2023-09-23). Samidoun Brussels highlights struggle of migrants and refugees at event honouring Semira Adamu. On Friday, 22 September, commemorating the murder of Semira Adamu by Belgian police 25 years ago, during their sixth attempted forced deportation of the 20-year-old Nigerian woman, Samidoun Brussels organized an event on the deportation of migrants and refugees and the imprisonment of Palestinians. The event highlighted the role of Western imperialism in forced migration …

2023-09-24 22:35:05 | 22:35 EST | rz | 15 | 0 | 11 | 3 | 0 

2023-09-21: News Headlines

Christopher E. Bruce (2023-09-21). RICO and Domestic Terrorism Charges Against Cop City Activists Send a Chilling Message.

Ed Rampell (2023-09-20). Filmmaker Connects Dots Between Fugitive Slave Law and Modern-Day "Karens" Since 1989 Oscar-nominated filmmaker Stanley Nelson has been among the leading chroniclers of Black liberation and civil rights struggles in the U.S. Some of the documentaries Nelson has directed and produced, such as 2003's The Murder of Emmett Till, 2021's Tulsa Burning: The 1921 Race Massacre and the 2021 short Lynching Postcards: 'Token of a Great Day' — about souvenir postcards that… |

Staff (2023-09-20). Assassination of Sikh Leader in Canada Highlights Modi's Embrace of Authoritarianism in India & Abroad. We speak to Arjun Sethi, a Sikh community activist, civil rights lawyer and professor at Georgetown Law, about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's public accusations that the Indian government arranged the assassination of a prominent Sikh leader and Canadian citizen outside a Sikh temple in British Columbia in June. India has denied the allegations. Hardeep Singh Nijjar was a prominent leader in the Khalistan movement, a Sikh separatist movement that advocates for the formation of an independent Sikh homeland in the northwest Indian state of Punjab. He had been designated a terrorist by India's…

Assange Defense. (2023-09-21). Australian Politicians Coming To US To Free Julian Assange. More than 60 Australian politicians have called on the United States government to drop the prosecution of Julian Assange, warning of "a sharp and sustained outcry in Australia" if the WikiLeaks founder is extradited. The letter comes ahead of announcements that a contingent of parliamentarians are coming to Washington D.C. this week in hopes of securing Assange's freedom. In the letter, the 63 MPs and senators said they were "resolutely of the view that the prosecution and incarceration of the Australian citizen Julian Assange must end". The letter will be taken to Washington D.C. where it will be presented to U…

Staff (2023-09-20). Colombian President Gustavo Petro: Charges Against Julian Assange Are "Mockery of Freedom of Press" At the United Nations General Assembly this week, multiple world leaders voiced support for the imprisoned founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, including Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Colombian President Gustavo Petro. We air an excerpt of Democracy Now!'s exclusive interview with Petro, who calls Assange's continued incarceration "the greatest mockery of freedom of press … brought to bear by the country that built the concept."…

Brenda Norrell (2023-09-21). Appeals Court to Hear Excessive Force Lawsuit at Backwater Bridge at Standing Rock Today.

Brenda Norrell (2023-09-20). Appeals Court to Hear Excessive Force Lawsuit at Backwater Bridge at Standing Rock Today.

Chris Walker (2023-09-20). Ohio Ed Board Members Sue State Over Law Creating New, Separate Education Agency. Several members of the Ohio state Board of Education have filed a lawsuit against the state of Ohio and Gov. Mike DeWine (R), alleging that recent changes by him and the Republican-controlled state legislature violate the state constitution. The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday by seven members of the board, claims that aspects of the bill usurp the constitutional authority of the Board of Education by… |

Zane McNeill (2023-09-20). Citizen Groups Sue EPA for Using Black Neighborhoods as "Sacrifice Zones" Environmental citizen groups in Louisiana, West Virginia and Texas are suing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) after Black communities in these states were excluded from an effort to tighten regulations regarding cancer-causing air pollution. The lawsuit alleges that majority-Black communities in these states are disproportionately burdened with facilities that are major sources of… |

infobrics (2023-09-21). Kiev in search for new energy sources using inmates and bicycles. In the midst of the energy crisis, Ukrainian politicians propose to use prisoners to generate electricity.

Dave DeCamp (2023-09-20). State Department Confirms US Citizen Gonzalo Lira Is Detained in Ukraine. The State Department has confirmed that American citizen Gonzalo Lira is being held in a Ukrainian prison over charges related to his speech and views on the war in Ukraine. Lira is a popular YouTuber and journalist who was arrested by the Ukrainian Security Services (SBU) in May for creating content that was critical of …

2023-09-21 18:52:12 | 18:52 EST | rz | 13 | 0 | 7 | 4 | 0