Monthly Archives: September 2023

2023-09-08: News Headlines

Kiran Yeh (2023-09-07). How I Fought for Trans Justice This Summer. Holding up a pink and blue "Trans People Belong" poster, I marched alongside 150 fellow high school students in the heart of Washington D.C this summer. Angered by the direct attack on either themselves or their trans siblings, we linked our arms to protest the approximately As an intern and a participant in the ACLU National Advocacy Institute (NAI), I had spent the past week learning alongside other young activists about major ACLU issues. The NAI is an annual program th…

Leah Watson (2023-09-07). What the Fight Against Classroom Censorship is Really About. The ACLU is leading the fight to end classroom censorship and protect our right to learn. We filed the first case in the country to challenge a law that censored instruction about systemic sexism and racism in

Staff (2023-09-08). Protecting Free Speech and the Right to Learn in Florida. In classrooms and educational spaces across our country, a coordinated attack on our students' right to learn is underway. Perhaps nowhere are those attacks more pronounced than in Florida, where state officials have led a coordinated effort to restrict free speech in classrooms under the guise of protecting children. | Last July, the "

Kiran Yeh (2023-09-07). How I Fought for Trans Justice This Summer. Holding up a pink and blue "Trans People Belong" poster, I marched alongside 150 fellow high school students in the heart of Washington D.C. this summer. Angered by the direct attack on either themselves or their trans siblings, we linked our arms to protest the approximately As an intern and a participant in the ACLU National Advocacy Institute (NAI), I had spent the past week learning alongside other young activists about major ACLU issues. The NAI is an annual program t…

Melvin Goodman (2023-09-08). When Difi Took on the CIA Over Torture. So Senator Feinstein did what Obama feared to do—conduct a serious and comprehensive investigation of CIA's program of torture and abuse. She ignored criticism from congressional colleagues as well as mainstream media pundits. Even David Cole, currently the national legal director at the ACLU, wrote that the CIA got a "bum rap" from Feinstein's report on CIA torture, making the absurd claim that torture worked. Over the years, Feinstein demonstrated that she was not intimidated by the national security state and its humongous defense and intelligence budgets. The national security state wields too much poli…

Zane McNeill (2023-09-06). Nation's Oldest, Largest Latino Civil Rights Group Issues FL Emergency Plan. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) has issued an emergency preparedness plan to confront the threat posed by Florida's SB 1718, an anti-immigrant law which no longer recognizes driver's licenses issued to undocumented immigrants from other states and criminalizes the transportation of undocumented workers across state lines into Florida. "LULAC is ready to help our immigrant… |

Andreas Sartzekis (2023-09-08). In Greece, megaracists fan the flames of megafires.

Zane McNeill (2023-09-06). Nation's Oldest, Largest Latino Civil Rights Group Issues FL Emergency Plan. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) has issued an emergency preparedness plan to confront the threat posed by Florida's SB 1718, an anti-immigrant law which no longer recognizes driver's licenses issued to undocumented immigrants from other states and criminalizes the transportation of undocumented workers across state lines into Florida. "LULAC is ready to help our immigrant… |

unitedEditor (2023-09-08). Ukraine, Africa and Europe's fateful choice. The approach that the Ukraine conflict has been instigated by the US to detach Europe from Russia and, thus Asia, is gaining wider acceptance day by day. The US, by stirring turmoil in Ukraine, a convergence point of Europe and Asia, aimed in the short term to hinder Eurasian integration and in the long-term China's …

Zane McNeill (2023-09-06). Nation's Oldest, Largest Latino Civil Rights Group Issues FL Emergency Plan. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) has issued an emergency preparedness plan to confront the threat posed by Florida's SB 1718, an anti-immigrant law which no longer recognizes driver's licenses issued to undocumented immigrants from other states and criminalizes the transportation of undocumented workers across state lines into Florida. "LULAC is ready to help our immigrant… |

Anonymous (2023-09-07). Murder, Corruption, Fraud and Felons at LAVC Exposed in 2020. In 2020, a Twitter account @Laccdw published a thread exposing just how bad things were at Los Angeles Valley College. It was shut-down two weeks before the LACCD Board of Trustees Election.

Staff (2023-09-07). Palestinian prisoners prepare for mass hunger strike; 3 prisoners continue strikes against administrative detention. On Thursday, 7 September, Palestinian detainee Abdel-Rahman Baraqa suspended his hunger strike against administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial, after 26 days. Baraqa, 24, from Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, has been detained without charge or trial since 30 April 2023. In his hunger strike, he has experienced severe deterioration of his health while fighting …

Staff (2023-09-07). Four Palestinian prisoners continue hunger strikes for liberation. Four Palestinian prisoners are continuing their hunger strikes for freedom against administrative detention and arbitrary imprisonment: Kayed Fasfous, Sultan Khallouf, Abdel-Rahman Baraqa and Maher al-Akhras. Fasfous and Khallouf have now been on hunger strike for 35 days, while Baraqa has been on strike for 28 days and al-Akhras for 15 days. Fasfous, Khallouf and Baraqa …

Sean Summers, Unicorn Riot. (2023-09-07). Hundreds Set To Launch Hunger Strike Inside Stewart Detention Center. Last weekend, hundreds of people detained at the Stewart Detention Center announced plans for a hunger strike in response to inedible food and inhumane conditions inside the notorious Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in rural southwest Georgia. Though detainees have continued to eat while they negotiate with the facility's staff, as many as 800 people are set to refuse food starting this week if their demands are not met. On the morning of Saturday, Aug. 26, roughly 300 people held inside the Stewart Detention Center were brought out of their holding cells for their morning meal.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-08). Rights groups urge Egyptian government to release imprisoned political activist Mohamed Adel. After having already spent five years in pre-trial detention, Adel was sentenced this week to four years in prison on charges of spreading false news and involvement in an unlawful group, among others…

Ed Holt (2023-09-09). World Report] Ukrainian medic prisoners of war speak out. Civil society groups say that the detention of medical personnel is probably a breach of the Geneva Conventions. Ed Holt reports. (2023-09-08). Livestreamer detained for using drones to tail women. A livestreamer in Chongyang county, Hubei province, has been placed under a 10-day administrative detention and had his account suspended after using drones to invade the privacy of women on their way home, as reported by China Central Television on Wednesday. (2023-09-08). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely.

Mohammed Amin (2023-09-08). Sudan: Torture and sexual assault taking place in illegal detention centres.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-08). Moscow Blasts Arrest of Sputnik Armenia Reporter as Aimed at Harming Russia-Armenia Ties. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Forces that are interested in sowing hatred and fear between Armenia and Russia are behind the provocation involving the detention of Sputnik Armenia columnist Ashot Gevorgyan, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

MEE staff (2023-09-07). Egypt: Rights groups call for immediate release of prominent activist. Egypt: Rights groups call for immediate release of prominent activist | The detained April 6 movement leader Mohamed Adel has been sentenced to four years in prison after already serving five years in pre-trial detention on charges deemed politically motivated | Thu, 09/07/2023 – 12: 31 | Mohamed Adel (right) has been sentenced to four years in prison, which rights groups say is based on "bogus charges"

sputnikglobe (2023-09-07). Rossiya Segodnya Media Group Says Monitors Detention of Sputnik Armenia Columnist. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Rossiya Segodnya international media group ris monitoring the situation with the detention of Sputnik Armenia columnist Ashot Gevorgyan and expects that an unbiased investigation will be conducted into the matter.

WSWS (2023-09-07). Israel: Netanyahu threatens Eritrean migrants with mass deportations after violent police crackdown. A regime of mass deportations and administrative detentions, long used against the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, will inevitably be used against Israeli workers as well.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-07). Another Provocation to Spoil Relations: Zakharova on Pro-Russian Blogger's Detention. The detention of pro-Russian blogger Mikael Badalyan in the Armenian city of Goris was another provocation by the West ahead of the Russia-Armenia media forum in Yerevan, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated on her Telegram channel.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-08). Moscow Blasts Arrest of Sputnik Armenia Reporter as Aimed at Harming Russia-Armenia Ties. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Forces that are interested in sowing hatred and fear between Armenia and Russia are behind the provocation involving the detention of Sputnik Armenia columnist Ashot Gevorkyan, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-07). Children in Police Watch Houses: A Nasty Queensland Experiment. They really are a brutal lot. While the Queensland Labor Government croons on matters regarding rights, liberties and, it should be said, the plight of the First Nations Peoples, its policy, notably on youth detention, is a contradictory abomination. This situation finds itself repeated across the country, though the Sunshine State, as it is sometimes … (2023-09-07). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely.

Staff (2023-09-07). Four Palestinian prisoners continue hunger strikes for liberation. Four Palestinian prisoners are continuing their hunger strikes for freedom against administrative detention and arbitrary imprisonment: Kayed Fasfous, Sultan Khallouf, Abdel-Rahman Baraqa and Maher al-Akhras. Fasfous and Khallouf have now been on hunger strike for 35 days, while Baraqa has been on strike for 28 days and al-Akhras for 15 days. Fasfous, Khallouf and Baraqa … (2023-09-07). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely.

Richard Sanders (2023-09-08). UK Labour Party accused of discrimination over expulsion of Jewish members. UK Labour Party accused of discrimination over expulsion of Jewish members | Jewish members of the Labour Party are almost 13 times more likely to be expelled for supporting proscribed left-wing organisations than non-Jewish members, JVL claims | Fri, 09/08/2023 – 12: 12 | Demonstrators hold placards as they protest outside the headquarters of Britain's opposition Labour party in centr…

Wes Vaughan (2023-09-07). Parole Didn't Integrate Me Into Society. It Kept Me Out of It. I have lived as a fugitive, as far outside the law as possible, and as a parolee on the strictest level of supervision available, outside of physical incarceration. I can say with the utmost confidence that it is much easier to obtain and sustain the basic adult necessities required to be a tax paying, positively contributing member of polite society as a fugitive from justice than as a compliant… |

Martha Grevatt, Workers' World. (2023-09-07). Cleveland: A Message To The Community, 'No New Jail!'. Cleveland, Ohio – The Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition was warmly received by participants and onlookers at Cleveland's Labor Day parade Sept. 4, as it promoted its efforts to stop construction of a new county jail. With principal and interest to bondholders combined, a new jail could cost county taxpayers over $2 billion, making it the most expensive project in Cuyahoga County's history. The Coalition banner, shown in the photo, called on county residents to "say no to 40 years of debt." | Every year in Cleveland, the 11th Congressional District Caucus holds its parade on Labor Day. For over a decade this Black co…

Staff (2023-09-08). Fulton County Jail: Shawndre Delmore Is 10th Person to Die at Notorious Facility So Far in 2023. We look at the dire conditions inside the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, where Donald Trump and his 18 co-defendants were recently booked. Ten prisoners have now died in the jail's custody just this year — the latest on Sunday. Shawndre Delmore had been incarcerated pretrial for five months before he was found unresponsive in a cell on August 31. Delmore's family is demanding answers as to why a previously healthy 24-year-old would so suddenly suffer from cardiac arrest, and is calling for an immediate independent investigation into conditions at the jail, which is already under federal investig…

MEE staff (2023-09-08). Turkey: Crypto boss sentenced to over 11,000 years in jail over money laundering. Turkey: Crypto boss sentenced to over 11,000 years in jail over money laundering | Faruk Fatih Ozer was arrested in Albania last year after disappearing in 2021 along with millions of dollars of user assets | Fri, 09/08/2023 – 12: 49 | Faruk Fatih Ozer, head of cryptocurrency exchange Thodex, had been missing since 2021 after his company went offline before he was arrested in Albania last year (Screengr…

themoscowtimes (2023-09-08). U.S. Court Jails Russian Hacker 9 Years for Stock Cheating Scam. In February, businessman Vladislav Klyushin was convicted by a federal court in Boston for hacking and securities fraud.

Abby Zimet (2023-09-07). Completely Without Merit, Every Time, On Every Level.

Abhishek Awasthi (2023-09-07). Press freedom? Photojournalist in Myanmar gets 20 years in Jail for 'misreporting' on Cyclone aftermath. A Myanmar court has given a photojournalist a 20-year prison sentence with hard labor due to his reporting on the aftermath of a deadly cyclone. | This information comes from Myanmar Now, the media outlet he worked for. | Sai Zaw Thaike, a photographer for the independent online news service, received what seems to be the harshest punishment for any journalist detained since the military took control of the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in February 2021. | Myanmar Now, operating covertly, reported that a military tribunal conducted the trial, found Sai Zaw Thaike guilty, and issued the sentence on Wednes…

Dianne Mathiowetz (2023-09-07). Death toll mounts at Fulton County Jail. Inside notorious Fulton County jail Atlanta In the last five weeks, five inmates have died while being held at the massive Fulton County Jail in Atlanta. Since September 2022, 16 people have died while being detained there. Built in 1989 in advance of the 1996 Olympic Games — to house . . . |

Martha Grevatt (2023-09-07). Cleveland: A message to the community — "No new jail!" Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition before marching in the Cleveland Labor Day parade, Sept. 4, 2023. Cleveland The Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition was warmly received by participants and onlookers at Cleveland's Labor Day parade Sept. 4, as it promoted its efforts to stop construction of a new county jail. With principal . . . |

Dianne Mathiowetz (2023-09-07). Death toll mounts at Fulton County Jail. Inside notorious Fulton County jail Atlanta In the last five weeks, five inmates have died while being held at the massive Fulton County Jail in Atlanta. Since September 2022, 16 people have died while being detained there. Built in 1989 in advance of the 1996 Olympic Games — to house . . . |

Martha Grevatt (2023-09-07). Cleveland: A message to the community — "No new jail!" Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition before marching in the Cleveland Labor Day parade, Sept. 4, 2023. Cleveland The Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition was warmly received by participants and onlookers at Cleveland's Labor Day parade Sept. 4, as it promoted its efforts to stop construction of a new county jail. With principal . . . |

WSWS (2023-09-07). Will Lehman replies to Biden's Department of Labor in ongoing lawsuit to demand rerun of UAW election. The filing takes apart the ridiculous claims by the DOL that Lehman should have filed his complaint–which centered on the fact that the historically low turnout was the product of deliberate voter suppression by the UAW bureaucracy–before the election results were known.

Sara Sneath (2023-09-08). Toxins from Marathon refinery fire leaked 15 hours before evacuation calledÔøº. Documents reveal air monitoring detected carcinogens from burning petroleum; residents with respiratory issues file lawsuit.

Mehul Reuben Das (2023-09-08). Microsoft taking responsibility? Announces it will help users sued over copyright issues from AI-gen content. Microsoft has taken a significant step in addressing concerns related to copyright infringement arising from its AI-powered software offered to businesses, including tools in Word, PowerPoint, and coding. | The tech giant has committed to assuming legal responsibility for any copyright violations associated with material generated by its AI software. This pledge encompasses covering the legal costs for commercial customers who may face lawsuits over the use of AI-generated content or tools. | Microsoft's assurance extends to users of GitHub Copilot, which utilizes generative AI to create computer code, as well as…

Shannon Dawson (2023-09-08). 'N*ggers' Do Not Belong Here': Drunk Berkeley Cop Aims Gun At Unarmed Black Man Visiting A Friend, Lawsuit Says. Brian Lindhurst Jr. is reportedly suing Sgt. David Marble, an officer who allegedly attacked him and yelled racial slurs after he left a friend's house in Antioch in 2022.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-08). Some 150 Japanese Residents File Lawsuit to Halt Fukushima Water Release – Reports. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – About 150 residents of several Japanese prefectures, including Fukushima and Miyagi, filed a first-of-its-kind lawsuit on Friday to stop the release of treated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant (NPP), Japanese media reported.

WSWS (2023-09-07). Will Lehman replies to Biden's Department of Labor in ongoing lawsuit to demand rerun of UAW election. The filing takes apart the ridiculous claims by the DOL that Lehman should have filed his complaint–which centered on the fact that the historically low turnout was the product of deliberate voter suppression by the UAW bureaucracy–before the election results were known.

Staff (2023-09-07). Collectif Palestine Vaincra on Al Mayadeen: Free all Palestinian prisoners, free Georges Abdallah. On Wednesday 6 September 2023, the Lebanese channel Al Mayadeen organized a special program on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Freedom Tunnel operation, when six Palestinian prisoners escaped from the maximum security prison of Gilboa. This program took place with the participation of a member of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, alongside Sahar Francis, …

Kirill Medvedev (2023-09-08). Russia Policing and Repression Prisons The Persecution of Azat Miftakhov Is Designed to Silence Russia's Left.

Revolution Books (2023-09-08). Sunday 9/17: An Evening of Poetry for the Mahsa Amini Uprising & the Heroic Political Prisoners in Iran. Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

Staff (2023-09-08). Brazil's Supreme Court Labels Lula's Imprisonment as Historic Mistake.

Ann Brown (2023-09-07). Proud Boys Leader Was 'Prolific' Government Informant And Still Got 22-Year Sentence. Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, former leader of the right-wing extremist group Proud Boys, has been sentenced to 22 years in prison for his involvement in the Jan. 6th Capitol insurrection. Tarrio was found guilty in May of seditious conspiracy related to the events of Jan. 6th, along with several other members of the Proud Boys. Prosecutors …

MEE staff (2023-09-07). Daniel Khalife: Terror suspect who escaped UK prison accused of spying for Iran, says BBC.

Tina Vásquez (2023-09-07). Incarcerated Laborers Can Barely Afford Basic Necessities While in Prison. The outside world may be in the grips of inflation and financial instability, but inside a Burgin, Kentucky, prison, the financial woes more closely resemble the Great Depression. For many incarcerated inside the Northpoint Training Center, the primary concern isn't how they will pay for gas, insurance, or even rent upon release from prison. The uncertainty they feel is far more urgent. |

Unicorn Riot (2023-09-07). Civil Disobedience Inside Minnesota's Stillwater Prison.

Nadda Osman (2023-09-08). Bahrain: Activist to travel home despite risk of imprisonment.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-07). Defense Says Will Appeal Verdict After Klyushin Sentenced to 9 Years in US Prison. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Russian businessman Vladislav Klyushin's defense will appeal his nine-year sentence delivered by a US court, lawyer Maksim Nemtsev said Thursday.

Charise Frazier, NewsOne Staff (2023-09-08). A Journey Of Ls: Rudy Giuliani's 'Big Lie' Consequences For Defending Trump Keep Mounting. Source: Spencer Platt / Getty | UPDATED: 11 a.m. ET, Sept. 8, 2023 | Originally published April 28, 2021 | The consequences of showing blind loyalty to former President That is particularly true for Rudy Giuliani, who is still pretending like Trump won the 2020 election by spewing lies that helped get him indicted under sprawling Georgia RICO charges that are all but guaranteed to give him and his 18 co-defendants prison time. | Plainly put: The man just keeps taking Ls. | Case in point: T…

Kenny Coyle (2023-09-08). Chile's '1000 Days of Revolution': A Marxist analysis of the Allende years. On the morning of September 11, 1973, Hawker Hunter jets bombed La Moneda presidential palace in Santiago, Chile. Hours later, Chile's elected head of state, President Salvador Allende, was dead. Soldiers raided working-class districts across the country rounding up left-wing activists. Around 40,000 were incarcerated in Chile's National Stadium, awaiting interrogation. Many faced torture and imprisonment, …

sputnikglobe (2023-09-08). Russian Forces Eliminate Ukrainian Reconnaissance Unit in Donbass. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian armed forces have eliminated a Ukrainian reconnaissance unit in the South Donetsk direction, taking one of the enemy soldiers prisoner, spokesman for Russia's Vostok troops grouping Oleg Chekhov told Sputnik.

Staff (2023-09-08). Brazil's Supreme Court Labels Lula's Imprisonment as Historic Mistake.

Abhishek Awasthi (2023-09-07). Ex-army soldier facing terror charges escapes prison by 'clinging to food delivery Van' in UK. A nationwide search is underway for a ex-UK soldier, Daniel Abed Khalife, 21, who is suspected of committing acts of terrorism and has managed to escape from HMP Wandsworth, a prison located in London. | The escape took place on Wednesday morning, leading to significant disruptions at airports and ports due to increased security measures. | Khalife, who had been awaiting trial, was accused of placing hoax explosive devices at a military base. His escape involved attaching himself to the underside of a food delivery van in the prison's kitchen, a daring move that allowed him to elude authorities. | Standing at 6 f…

FP Staff (2023-09-07). Wealthy Russian with Kremlin ties gets 9 years in US prison for insider trading. A wealthy Russian businessman with ties to the Kremlin was sentenced on Thursday to nine years in prison for his role in a nearly $100 million stock market cheating scheme that relied on secret earnings information stolen through the hacking of US computer networks. | Vladislav Klyushin, who ran a Moscow-based information technology company that did work for the highest levels of the Russian government, was convicted in February of charges including wire fraud and securities fraud after a two-week trial in federal court in Boston. | Authorities say he personally pocketed more than $33 million in the scheme, which…

Ann Brown (2023-09-07). Proud Boys Leader Was 'Prolific' Government Informant And Still Got 22-Year Sentence. Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, former leader of the right-wing extremist group Proud Boys, has been sentenced to 22 years in prison for his involvement in the Jan. 6th Capitol insurrection. Tarrio was found guilty in May of seditious conspiracy related to the events of Jan. 6th, along with several other members of the Proud Boys. Prosecutors …

Revolution Books (2023-09-07). Sunday 9/17: An Evening of Poetry for the Mahsa Amini Uprising & the Heroic Political Prisoners in Iran. Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

Kirill Medvedev (2023-09-07). Russia Policing and Repression Prisons The Persecution of Azat Miftakhov Is Designed to Silence Russia's Left.

Revolution Books (2023-09-07). Sunday 9/17: An Evening of Poetry for the Mahsa Amini Uprising & the Heroic Political Prisoners in Iran. Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

2023-09-08 20:35:41 | 20:35 EST | tr | 66 | 3 | 37 | 27 | 1 

2023-09-07: News Headlines

Kiran Yeh (2023-09-07). How I Fought for Trans Justice This Summer. Holding up a pink and blue "Trans People Belong" poster, I marched alongside 150 fellow high school students in the heart of Washington D.C this summer. Angered by the direct attack on either themselves or their trans siblings, we linked our arms to protest the approximately As an intern and a participant in the ACLU National Advocacy Institute (NAI), I had spent the past week learning alongside other young activists about major ACLU issues. The NAI is an annual program th…

Leah Watson (2023-09-07). What the Fight Against Classroom Censorship is Really About. The ACLU is leading the fight to end classroom censorship and protect our right to learn. We filed the first case in the country to challenge a law that censored instruction about systemic sexism and racism in

Staff (2023-09-06). Why Access to Education is Key to Systemic Equality. All students have a right to an equal education, but students of color — particularly Black and Brown students and students with disabilities, have historically been marginalized and criminalized by the public school system. The ACLU has been working to challenge unconstitutional disciplinary policies in schools, combat classroom censorship efforts that disproportionately impact marginalized students, and support race conscious admission policies to increase access to higher education. | Let's break down why education equity is critical to the fight for systemic equality. |

Staff (2023-09-06). Why Access to Education is Key to Systemic Equality. All students have a right to an equal education, but students of color — particularly Black and Brown students and students with disabilities, have historically been marginalized and criminalized by the public school system. The ACLU has been working to challenge unconstitutional disciplinary policies in schools, combat classroom censorship efforts that disproportionately impact marginalized students, and support race conscious admission policies to increase access to higher education. | Let's break down why education equity is critical to the fight for systemic equality. | |

Staff (2023-09-06). Why Access to Education is Key to Systemic Equality. All students have a right to an equal education, but students of color — particularly Black and Brown students and students with disabilities, have historically been marginalized and criminalized by the public school system. The ACLU has been working to challenge unconstitutional disciplinary policies in schools, combat classroom censorship efforts that disproportionately impact marginalized students, and support race conscious admission policies to increase access to higher education. | Let's break down why education equity is critical to the fight for systemic equality. |

Staff (2023-09-06). Why Access to Education is Key to Systemic Equality. All students have a right to an equal education, but students of color — particularly Black and Brown students and students with disabilities, have historically been marginalized and criminalized by the public school system. The ACLU has been working to challenge unconstitutional disciplinary policies in schools, combat classroom censorship efforts that disproportionately impact marginalized students, and support race conscious admission policies to increase access to higher education. | Let's break down why education equity is critical to the fight for systemic equality. | dummyvar2

Anonymous (2023-09-07). Murder, Corruption, Fraud and Felons at LAVC Exposed in 2020. In 2020, a Twitter account @Laccdw published a thread exposing just how bad things were at Los Angeles Valley College. It was shut-down two weeks before the LACCD Board of Trustees Election.

Zane McNeill (2023-09-06). Nation's Oldest, Largest Latino Civil Rights Group Issues FL Emergency Plan. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) has issued an emergency preparedness plan to confront the threat posed by Florida's SB 1718, an anti-immigrant law which no longer recognizes driver's licenses issued to undocumented immigrants from other states and criminalizes the transportation of undocumented workers across state lines into Florida. "LULAC is ready to help our immigrant… |

Zane McNeill (2023-09-06). Nation's Oldest, Largest Latino Civil Rights Group Issues FL Emergency Plan. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) has issued an emergency preparedness plan to confront the threat posed by Florida's SB 1718, an anti-immigrant law which no longer recognizes driver's licenses issued to undocumented immigrants from other states and criminalizes the transportation of undocumented workers across state lines into Florida. "LULAC is ready to help our immigrant… |

Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-07). Children in Police Watch Houses: A Nasty Queensland Experiment. They really are a brutal lot. While the Queensland Labor Government croons on matters regarding rights, liberties and, it should be said, the plight of the First Nations Peoples, its policy, notably on youth detention, is a contradictory abomination. This situation finds itself repeated across the country, though the Sunshine State, as it is sometimes … (2023-09-07). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely.

Kathy Kelly (2023-09-06). Prioritizing Human Rights in Relations with Saudi Arabia. The Saudis picked us up from the detention center in Daer and put us in a minibus going back to the Yemen border. When they released us, they created a kind of chaos; they screamed at us to "get out of the car and get away." … this is when they started to fire mortars …

sputnikglobe (2023-09-07). Another Provocation to Spoil Relations: Zakharova on Pro-Russian Blogger's Detention. The detention of pro-Russian blogger Mikael Badalyan in the Armenian city of Goris was another provocation by the West ahead of the Russia-Armenia media forum in Yerevan, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated on her Telegram channel.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-07). Rossiya Segodnya Media Group Says Monitors Detention of Sputnik Armenia Columnist. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Rossiya Segodnya international media group ris monitoring the situation with the detention of Sputnik Armenia columnist Ashot Gevorgyan and expects that an unbiased investigation will be conducted into the matter.

Staff (2023-09-07). Four Palestinian prisoners continue hunger strikes for liberation. Four Palestinian prisoners are continuing their hunger strikes for freedom against administrative detention and arbitrary imprisonment: Kayed Fasfous, Sultan Khallouf, Abdel-Rahman Baraqa and Maher al-Akhras. Fasfous and Khallouf have now been on hunger strike for 35 days, while Baraqa has been on strike for 28 days and al-Akhras for 15 days. Fasfous, Khallouf and Baraqa …

Chris Blackwell, The Appeal. (2023-09-06). Unlocking The Black Box Of In-Custody Deaths. Arrest and incarceration are uniquely dangerous experiences, regardless of where they take place. People die every day in law enforcement custody. In jails, prisons, and immigration detention centers. On sidewalks, city streets, and in their homes. From violence, neglect, and suicide. Despite the frequency of in-custody deaths, their exact scope remains unknown and data is often intentionally obfuscated by the refusal of states to comply with federally mandated reporting requirements. | More than two decades ago, Congress passed the Death in Custody Reporting Act (DCRA), requiring states to report the number of p…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-06). Former Tunisian prime minister and opposition leader released after interrogation. Opposition leader Hamadi Jebali was detained and interrogated by the Tunisian security forces for several hours on Tuesday, September 5. His detention came The former secretary general of the Ennahda movement Hamadi Jebali was elected prime minister of Tunisia in the first general elections held following the Tunisian revolution and ouster of authoritarian ruler Zine El…

MEE staff (2023-09-07). Egypt: Rights groups call for immediate release of prominent activist. Egypt: Rights groups call for immediate release of prominent activist | The detained April 6 movement leader Mohamed Adel has been sentenced to four years in prison after already serving five years in pre-trial detention on charges deemed politically motivated | Thu, 09/07/2023 – 12: 31 | Mohamed Adel (right) has been sentenced to four years in prison, which rights groups say is based on "bogus charges"

WSWS (2023-09-07). Israel: Netanyahu threatens Eritrean migrants with mass deportations after violent police crackdown. A regime of mass deportations and administrative detentions, long used against the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, will inevitably be used against Israeli workers as well.

Unicorn Riot (2023-09-06). Hundreds Set to Launch Hunger Strike Inside Stewart Detention Center.

Staff (2023-09-07). Four Palestinian prisoners continue hunger strikes for liberation. Four Palestinian prisoners are continuing their hunger strikes for freedom against administrative detention and arbitrary imprisonment: Kayed Fasfous, Sultan Khallouf, Abdel-Rahman Baraqa and Maher al-Akhras. Fasfous and Khallouf have now been on hunger strike for 35 days, while Baraqa has been on strike for 28 days and al-Akhras for 15 days. Fasfous, Khallouf and Baraqa … (2023-09-07). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely.

Chris Blackwell, The Appeal. (2023-09-06). Unlocking The Black Box Of In-Custody Deaths. Arrest and incarceration are uniquely dangerous experiences, regardless of where they take place. People die every day in law enforcement custody. In jails, prisons, and immigration detention centers. On sidewalks, city streets, and in their homes. From violence, neglect, and suicide. Despite the frequency of in-custody deaths, their exact scope remains unknown and data is often intentionally obfuscated by the refusal of states to comply with federally mandated reporting requirements. | More than two decades ago, Congress passed the Death in Custody Reporting Act (DCRA), requiring states to report the number of p…

Unicorn Riot (2023-09-06). Hundreds Set to Launch Hunger Strike Inside Stewart Detention Center.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-06). Former Tunisian prime minister and opposition leader released after interrogation. Opposition leader Hamadi Jebali was detained and interrogated by the Tunisian security forces for several hours on Tuesday, September 5. His detention came The former secretary general of the Ennahda movement Hamadi Jebali was elected prime minister of Tunisia in the first general elections held following the Tunisian revolution and ouster of authoritarian ruler Zine El… (2023-09-06). Man caught modifying car to look like fire truck, punished with 15 days in detention. A man in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, was punished with 15 days in detention for illegally modifying his car to resemble a fire department vehicle. (2023-09-06). Man caught modifying car to look like fire truck, punished with 15 days in detention. A man in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, was punished with 15 days in detention for illegally modifying his car to resemble a fire department vehicle.

Wes Vaughan (2023-09-07). Parole Didn't Integrate Me Into Society. It Kept Me Out of It. I have lived as a fugitive, as far outside the law as possible, and as a parolee on the strictest level of supervision available, outside of physical incarceration. I can say with the utmost confidence that it is much easier to obtain and sustain the basic adult necessities required to be a tax paying, positively contributing member of polite society as a fugitive from justice than as a compliant… |

Staff (2023-09-06). 7 September, Vienna: Free Amin Abu Rashed! Palestine Solidarity Austria is organizing a demonstration at the Dutch embassy in Austria to demand freedom for Amin Abu Rashed, Palestinian leader and organizer being persecuted and jailed for his charity work for Palestine. Details at their Instagram: Join our rally on Thursday at 6pm in front of the Dutch Embassy in Vienna (Opernring …

Staff (2023-09-06). Audio interview: Palestinian prisoners' movement declares plans for hunger strike to resist repression. On Tuesday, 5 September, Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, spoke with Salaamedia, based in South Africa, about the current situation of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation jails. Specifically, the Palestinian prisoners' movement has called for a collective open hunger strike launching on Thursday, 14 September against the latest attacks on prisoners' living conditions by …

Staff (2023-09-06). Growing campaign to free Amin Abu Rashed, Palestinian political prisoner in the Netherlands. The campaign for the liberation of Amin Abu Rashed, Palestinian-Dutch community leader, organizer and humanitarian worker, held as a Palestinian political prisoner in the Netherlands, is growing. Amin Abu Rashed is being jailed before trial despite his difficult health situation. For decades, he has been one of the most prominent leaders of the Palestinian community …

Abby Zimet (2023-09-07). Completely Without Merit, Every Time, On Every Level.

Abhishek Awasthi (2023-09-07). Press freedom? Photojournalist in Myanmar gets 20 years in Jail for 'misreporting' on Cyclone aftermath. A Myanmar court has given a photojournalist a 20-year prison sentence with hard labor due to his reporting on the aftermath of a deadly cyclone. | This information comes from Myanmar Now, the media outlet he worked for. | Sai Zaw Thaike, a photographer for the independent online news service, received what seems to be the harshest punishment for any journalist detained since the military took control of the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in February 2021. | Myanmar Now, operating covertly, reported that a military tribunal conducted the trial, found Sai Zaw Thaike guilty, and issued the sentence on Wednes…

Dianne Mathiowetz (2023-09-07). Death toll mounts at Fulton County Jail. Inside notorious Fulton County jail Atlanta In the last five weeks, five inmates have died while being held at the massive Fulton County Jail in Atlanta. Since September 2022, 16 people have died while being detained there. Built in 1989 in advance of the 1996 Olympic Games — to house . . . |

Martha Grevatt (2023-09-07). Cleveland: A message to the community — "No new jail!" Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition before marching in the Cleveland Labor Day parade, Sept. 4, 2023. Cleveland The Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition was warmly received by participants and onlookers at Cleveland's Labor Day parade Sept. 4, as it promoted its efforts to stop construction of a new county jail. With principal . . . |

themoscowtimes (2023-09-07). Siberian Journalist Jailed Over 5 Years for 'Fake' War Reporting. Authorities accused Mikhail Afanasyev of publishing "inaccurate information" in a report about riot police officers refusing to be deployed in Ukraine.

Murray Horton (2023-09-06). In the U.S., Investigative Journalists Are Blacklisted, Ostracized and Even Jailed; in New Zealand, They are Honored. Nicky Hager received major national award in New Zealand after having written a book exposing a secret spy base in New Zealand and exposing other state crimes Julian Assange has, thus far, spent years in a British prison, awaiting extradition to the U.S., where he faces charges under the Espionage Act, for which he could …

Martha Grevatt (2023-09-07). Cleveland: A message to the community — "No new jail!" Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition before marching in the Cleveland Labor Day parade, Sept. 4, 2023. Cleveland The Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition was warmly received by participants and onlookers at Cleveland's Labor Day parade Sept. 4, as it promoted its efforts to stop construction of a new county jail. With principal . . . |

Dianne Mathiowetz (2023-09-07). Death toll mounts at Fulton County Jail. Inside notorious Fulton County jail Atlanta In the last five weeks, five inmates have died while being held at the massive Fulton County Jail in Atlanta. Since September 2022, 16 people have died while being detained there. Built in 1989 in advance of the 1996 Olympic Games — to house . . . |

Staff (2023-09-06). Audio interview: Palestinian prisoners' movement declares plans for hunger strike to resist repression. On Tuesday, 5 September, Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, spoke with Salaamedia, based in South Africa, about the current situation of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation jails. Specifically, the Palestinian prisoners' movement has called for a collective open hunger strike launching on Thursday, 14 September against the latest attacks on prisoners' living conditions by …

WSWS (2023-09-06). Homeless 73-year-old dies while being held in Arlington County jail in Northern Virginia. Abonesh Woldegeorges was found unresponsive after being held in jail for two weeks, unable to afford the $500 bail.

Murray Horton (2023-09-06). In the U.S., Investigative Journalists Are Blacklisted, Ostracized and Even Jailed; in New Zealand, They are Honored. Nicky Hager received major national award in New Zealand after having written a book exposing a secret spy base in New Zealand and exposing other state crimes Julian Assange has, thus far, spent years in a British prison, awaiting extradition to the U.S., where he faces charges under the Espionage Act, for which he could …

WSWS (2023-09-06). Homeless 73 year old dies while being held in Arlington County jail in Northern Virginia. Abonesh Woldegeorges was found unresponsive after being held in jail for two weeks, unable to afford the $500 bail.

Staff (2023-09-06). 7 September, Vienna: Free Amin Abu Rashed! Palestine Solidarity Austria is organizing a demonstration at the Dutch embassy in Austria to demand freedom for Amin Abu Rashed, Palestinian leader and organizer being persecuted and jailed for his charity work for Palestine. Details at their Instagram: Join our rally on Thursday at 6pm in front of the Dutch Embassy in Vienna (Opernring …

Staff (2023-09-06). Growing campaign to free Amin Abu Rashed, Palestinian political prisoner in the Netherlands. The campaign for the liberation of Amin Abu Rashed, Palestinian-Dutch community leader, organizer and humanitarian worker, held as a Palestinian political prisoner in the Netherlands, is growing. Amin Abu Rashed is being jailed before trial despite his difficult health situation. For decades, he has been one of the most prominent leaders of the Palestinian community …

WSWS (2023-09-06). Homeless 73-year-old dies while being held in Arlington County jail in Northern Virginia. Abonesh Woldegeorges was found unresponsive after being held in jail for two weeks, unable to afford the $500 bail.

WSWS (2023-09-07). Will Lehman replies to Biden's Department of Labor in ongoing lawsuit to demand rerun of UAW election. The filing takes apart the ridiculous claims by the DOL that Lehman should have filed his complaint–which centered on the fact that the historically low turnout was the product of deliberate voter suppression by the UAW bureaucracy–before the election results were known.

Chris Walker (2023-09-06). Watchdog Files Lawsuit to Block Trump From Running for President Again. A nonprofit, nonpartisan government watchdog group has filed a lawsuit, on behalf of six Colorado residents, alleging that former President Donald Trump is disqualified from holding future office — including the presidency, which he is currently pursuing — due to his involvement in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol building. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)… |

Newswire Editor (2023-09-06). Lawsuit filed to remove Trump from ballot in CO under 14th Amendment. Having disqualified himself from public office by violating Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, Donald Trump must be removed from the ballot, according to a lawsuit filed today by six Republican and unaffiliated Colorado voters including former state, federal and local officials, represented by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the firms Tierney Lawrence Stiles LLC, KBN Law, LLC and Olson Grimsley Kawanabe Hinchcliff & Murray LLC.Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, also known as the Disqualification Clause, bars any person from holding federal or state office who took an "oath…to support the…

WSWS (2023-09-07). Will Lehman replies to Biden's Department of Labor in ongoing lawsuit to demand rerun of UAW election. The filing takes apart the ridiculous claims by the DOL that Lehman should have filed his complaint–which centered on the fact that the historically low turnout was the product of deliberate voter suppression by the UAW bureaucracy–before the election results were known.

Chris Walker (2023-09-06). Watchdog Files Lawsuit to Block Trump From Running for President Again. A nonprofit, nonpartisan government watchdog group has filed a lawsuit, on behalf of six Colorado residents, alleging that former President Donald Trump is disqualified from holding future office — including the presidency, which he is currently pursuing — due to his involvement in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol building. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)… |

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-06). Haiti ¥s Jacmel prison inmates face unsafe conditions, says Arnel Rémy. Port-au-Prince, Sep 6 (Prensa Latina) The Collective of Lawyers Defenders of Human Rights on Wednesday condemned the precarious conditions in Jacmel prison, southeast of the Haitian capital, described as deplorable and dehumanizing.

Staff (2023-09-06). Headlines for September 6, 2023. Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison for Jan. 6 Seditious Conspiracy, Blinken Visits Kyiv to Unveil New $1 Billion Aid Package for Ukraine, Meadows, Eastman & Clark Plead Not Guilty in Georgia Election Case, Special Counsel Jack Smith Warns Trump's Remarks May Be Prejudicing Jury Pool in D.C., Trial Begins for Trump's Former Trade Adviser Peter Navarro, 61 Cop City Activists Face RICO Charges in Atlanta for Protests Against Police Facility, U.N. Head Warns "Climate Breakdown Has Begun", Brazil: 21 Die After Cyclone Triggers Floods & Landslides, Seven Killed Afte…

WSWS (2023-09-06). Ex-leader of Proud Boys and "prolific" FBI informant sentenced to 22 years in prison for role in January 6 coup. Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the fascistic militia group and protégé of Trump political crony Roger Stone, was previously convicted of six felonies related to the failed coup, including seditious conspiracy.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-07). Defense Says Will Appeal Verdict After Klyushin Sentenced to 9 Years in US Prison. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Russian businessman Vladislav Klyushin's defense will appeal his nine-year sentence delivered by a US court, lawyer Maksim Nemtsev said Thursday.

Staff (2023-09-07). Collectif Palestine Vaincra on Al Mayadeen: Free all Palestinian prisoners, free Georges Abdallah. On Wednesday 6 September 2023, the Lebanese channel Al Mayadeen organized a special program on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Freedom Tunnel operation, when six Palestinian prisoners escaped from the maximum security prison of Gilboa. This program took place with the participation of a member of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, alongside Sahar Francis, …

Staff (2023-09-06). 7 September, Online Event: From Cop City to Palestine. Thursday, September 7th at 4 pm/PST, 6 pm/CST, 7 pm/EST Register: This is the first in a series of webinars in partnership with Black Alliance for Peace and Samidoun (an international aid organization for Palestinian prisoners and their families). The webinar will examine the connections between the Black and Palestinian struggles. Panelists will explore …

Staff (2023-09-06). Anniversary of the Freedom Tunnel: Palestinian prisoners reaffirm their leadership in the resistance. On the second anniversary of the Freedom Tunnel, in which six Palestinian prisoners: Mahmoud al-Ardah, Mohammed al-Ardah, Yousef Qadri, Ayham Kamamji, Munadil Nafa'at and Zakaria Zubaidi — liberated themselves from the Israeli occupation's Gilboa prison, this iconic event continues to highlight the commitment of the Palestinian prisoners and the Palestinian people as a whole to …

Staff (2023-09-06). Paris rally supports Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian prisoners. On Saturday, 2 September, during the afternoon, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine organized a rally at the Fontaine des Innocents in Paris in support of the Palestinian resistance, as it confronts the intensification of colonial violence throughout occupied Palestine, including the Palestinian prisoners' movement. For several hours, many people took part in this dynamic mass gathering, including activists from …

Staff (2023-09-06). Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in Charleroi, Belgium. On Saturday, 2 September, the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine in Charleroi, Belgium, a member of the Samidoun network, organized a Palestine awareness stand on the Place Verte in Charleroi, where activists had the opportunity to discuss the situation of Palestinian prisoners with a diverse group of city residents. Participants in the stand highlighted that over 5,000 men, women …

Abhishek Awasthi (2023-09-07). Ex-army soldier facing terror charges escapes prison by 'clinging to food delivery Van' in UK. A nationwide search is underway for a ex-UK soldier, Daniel Abed Khalife, 21, who is suspected of committing acts of terrorism and has managed to escape from HMP Wandsworth, a prison located in London. | The escape took place on Wednesday morning, leading to significant disruptions at airports and ports due to increased security measures. | Khalife, who had been awaiting trial, was accused of placing hoax explosive devices at a military base. His escape involved attaching himself to the underside of a food delivery van in the prison's kitchen, a daring move that allowed him to elude authorities. | Standing at 6 f…

Ann Brown (2023-09-07). Proud Boys Leader Was 'Prolific' Government Informant And Still Got 22-Year Sentence. Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, former leader of the right-wing extremist group Proud Boys, has been sentenced to 22 years in prison for his involvement in the Jan. 6th Capitol insurrection. Tarrio was found guilty in May of seditious conspiracy related to the events of Jan. 6th, along with several other members of the Proud Boys. Prosecutors …

FP Staff (2023-09-07). Wealthy Russian with Kremlin ties gets 9 years in US prison for insider trading. A wealthy Russian businessman with ties to the Kremlin was sentenced on Thursday to nine years in prison for his role in a nearly $100 million stock market cheating scheme that relied on secret earnings information stolen through the hacking of US computer networks. | Vladislav Klyushin, who ran a Moscow-based information technology company that did work for the highest levels of the Russian government, was convicted in February of charges including wire fraud and securities fraud after a two-week trial in federal court in Boston. | Authorities say he personally pocketed more than $33 million in the scheme, which…

Kirill Medvedev (2023-09-07). Russia Policing and Repression Prisons The Persecution of Azat Miftakhov Is Designed to Silence Russia's Left.

MEE staff (2023-09-07). Daniel Khalife: Terror suspect who escaped UK prison accused of spying for Iran, says BBC.

Revolution Books (2023-09-07). Sunday 9/17: An Evening of Poetry for the Mahsa Amini Uprising & the Heroic Political Prisoners in Iran. Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

Tina Vásquez (2023-09-07). Incarcerated Laborers Can Barely Afford Basic Necessities While in Prison. The outside world may be in the grips of inflation and financial instability, but inside a Burgin, Kentucky, prison, the financial woes more closely resemble the Great Depression. For many incarcerated inside the Northpoint Training Center, the primary concern isn't how they will pay for gas, insurance, or even rent upon release from prison. The uncertainty they feel is far more urgent. |

Unicorn Riot (2023-09-07). Civil Disobedience Inside Minnesota's Stillwater Prison.

Cherise Morris (2023-09-06). To Build an Abolitionist Future, We Must Look to Indigenous Pasts. The movement to abolish systems of policing and prisons is often discredited as an unfeasible, utopian notion that is not possible in the context of human "nature." We live in a violent society built from the violence of settler colonialism, slavery and patriarchy. The violence of this system and its origins make the violence of police and prisons seem necessary to many. When I talk about… |

Chris Walker (2023-09-06). Former Proud Boys Leader Tarrio Receives 22-Year Sentence for Capitol Attack. Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, the former chair and leader of the Proud Boys, a far right, white nationalist organization, was sentenced on Tuesday to 22 years in federal prison for his involvement in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Tarrio was convicted in May of seditious conspiracy for his role in the attack, trying to keep former President Donald Trump in power beyond his single term… |

Nadda Osman (2023-09-06). Bahrain: Hundreds of political prisoners enter fourth week of hunger strike.

NewsOne Staff (2023-09-06). Exonerated! Wrongly Convicted Black Folks Whose Names Have Been Cleared. Source: screenshot / Twitter | UPDATED: 8: 00 a.m. ET, Sept 6, 2023 | It's a tragic story told time and time again: But have you heard the one about the

Zack Linly (2023-09-06). 'Fired On His Day Off': Enrique Tarrio Gets 22 Years For Plotting Jan. 6 Riot He Didn't Attend. Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in prison for his involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Ann Brown (2023-09-07). Proud Boys Leader Was 'Prolific' Government Informant And Still Got 22-Year Sentence. Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, former leader of the right-wing extremist group Proud Boys, has been sentenced to 22 years in prison for his involvement in the Jan. 6th Capitol insurrection. Tarrio was found guilty in May of seditious conspiracy related to the events of Jan. 6th, along with several other members of the Proud Boys. Prosecutors …

Revolution Books (2023-09-07). Sunday 9/17: An Evening of Poetry for the Mahsa Amini Uprising & the Heroic Political Prisoners in Iran. Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

WSWS (2023-09-06). Ex-leader of Proud Boys and "prolific" FBI informant sentenced to 22 years in prison for role in January 6 coup. Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the fascistic militia group and protégé of Trump political crony Roger Stone, was previously convicted of six felonies related to the failed coup, including seditious conspiracy.

Staff (2023-09-06). Headlines for September 6, 2023. Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison for Jan. 6 Seditious Conspiracy, Blinken Visits Kyiv to Unveil New $1 Billion Aid Package for Ukraine, Meadows, Eastman & Clark Plead Not Guilty in Georgia Election Case, Special Counsel Jack Smith Warns Trump's Remarks May Be Prejudicing Jury Pool in D.C., Trial Begins for Trump's Former Trade Adviser Peter Navarro, 61 Cop City Activists Face RICO Charges in Atlanta for Protests Against Police Facility, U.N. Head Warns "Climate Breakdown Has Begun", Brazil: 21 Die After Cyclone Triggers Floods & Landslides, Seven Killed Afte…

Staff (2023-09-06). Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in Charleroi, Belgium. On Saturday, 2 September, the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine in Charleroi, Belgium, a member of the Samidoun network, organized a Palestine awareness stand on the Place Verte in Charleroi, where activists had the opportunity to discuss the situation of Palestinian prisoners with a diverse group of city residents. Participants in the stand highlighted that over 5,000 men, women …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-06). Haiti ¥s Jacmel prison inmates face unsafe conditions, says Arnel Rémy. Port-au-Prince, Sep 6 (Prensa Latina) The Collective of Lawyers Defenders of Human Rights on Wednesday condemned the precarious conditions in Jacmel prison, southeast of the Haitian capital, described as deplorable and dehumanizing.

Staff (2023-09-06). 7 September, Online Event: From Cop City to Palestine. Thursday, September 7th at 4 pm/PST, 6 pm/CST, 7 pm/EST Register: This is the first in a series of webinars in partnership with Black Alliance for Peace and Samidoun (an international aid organization for Palestinian prisoners and their families). The webinar will examine the connections between the Black and Palestinian struggles. Panelists will explore …

Staff (2023-09-06). Anniversary of the Freedom Tunnel: Palestinian prisoners reaffirm their leadership in the resistance. On the second anniversary of the Freedom Tunnel, in which six Palestinian prisoners: Mahmoud al-Ardah, Mohammed al-Ardah, Yousef Qadri, Ayham Kamamji, Munadil Nafa'at and Zakaria Zubaidi — liberated themselves from the Israeli occupation's Gilboa prison, this iconic event continues to highlight the commitment of the Palestinian prisoners and the Palestinian people as a whole to …

Staff (2023-09-06). Paris rally supports Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian prisoners. On Saturday, 2 September, during the afternoon, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine organized a rally at the Fontaine des Innocents in Paris in support of the Palestinian resistance, as it confronts the intensification of colonial violence throughout occupied Palestine, including the Palestinian prisoners' movement. For several hours, many people took part in this dynamic mass gathering, including activists from …

Cherise Morris (2023-09-06). To Build an Abolitionist Future, We Must Look to Indigenous Pasts. The movement to abolish systems of policing and prisons is often discredited as an unfeasible, utopian notion that is not possible in the context of human "nature." We live in a violent society built from the violence of settler colonialism, slavery and patriarchy. The violence of this system and its origins make the violence of police and prisons seem necessary to many. When I talk about… |

Chris Walker (2023-09-06). Former Proud Boys Leader Tarrio Receives 22-Year Sentence for Capitol Attack. Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, the former chair and leader of the Proud Boys, a far right, white nationalist organization, was sentenced on Tuesday to 22 years in federal prison for his involvement in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Tarrio was convicted in May of seditious conspiracy for his role in the attack, trying to keep former President Donald Trump in power beyond his single term… |

sputnikglobe (2023-09-06). French Court Reportedly Rejects Request for Julian Assange to Apply for Asylum in France. PARIS (Sputnik) – A French court has reportedly rejected a request to allow WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to apply for asylum in France, serving his prison sentence in a facility in the United Kingdom.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-06). US Court Hands Proud Boys Leader 22-Year Prison Sentence Over Jan. 6 Capitol Breach. Enrique Tarrio, who has been behind bars since his arrest in 2022, was convicted earlier this year by a Washington, DC jury on multiple charges, including those related to him leading a failed plot to prevent the transfer of power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 US presidential election.

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