Daily Archives: 2023-10-03

2023-10-03: News Headlines

Chris Hedges, Scheer Post. (2023-10-02). Why Our Popular Mass Movements Fail. popularresistance.org There was a decade of popular uprisings from 2010 until the global pandemic in 2020. These uprisings shook the foundations of the global order. They denounced corporate domination, austerity cuts and demanded economic justice and civil rights. There were nationwide protests in the United States centered around the 59-day Occupy encampments. There were popular eruptions in Greece, Spain, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Turkey, Brazil, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Chile and during South Korea's Candlelight Light Revolution. Discredited politicians were driven from office in Greece, Spain, Ukraine, South Korea,…

Sara Luterman (2023-10-02). Could This Supreme Court Case Gut the Americans With Disabilities Act? truthout.org On Wednesday, the Supreme Court will hear arguments for Acheson Hotels LLC v. Laufer. The court will examine whether Deborah Laufer, a disabled advocate, can sue hotels for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), despite having no intention to visit them. Civil rights advocates fear that the court has the potential to gut one of the main enforcement mechanisms of the ADA. |

Peoples Dispatch (2023-10-02). Palestinian-Italian researcher Khaled El Qaisi released on bail pending further hearings by Israeli court. peoplesdispatch.org After a month in detention, Palestinian-Italian activist and researcher Khaled el Qaisi has been released on bail by an Israeli court although he has been banned from traveling outside Palestine. As uncertainty remains regarding El Qaisi's freedom and safety, his family and those campaigning for his release have urged people to remain vigilant…

Staff (2023-10-02). Kayed Fasfous on 60th day of hunger strike: Freedom Now! samidoun.net Palestinian political prisoner Kayed Fasfous is on his 60th day of hunger strike in occupation prisons against his administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. Fasfous, 34, entered his third month of hunger strike on 1 October 2023. On Monday, 2 October, an Israeli occupation military court is scheduled to hear another appeal by Fasfous …

Patricia Harrity (2023-10-03). TECH EXPERTS CALL FOR A STOP TO FACIAL RECOGNITION SURVEILLANCE. expose-news.com There has been a surge in police use of facial recognition technology despite independent reviews citing human rights concerns, discrimination, and many incidences of innocent people being wrongly identified as criminals. Despite …

Amari Butler (2023-10-02). MIT graduate workers win precedent-setting first contract. liberationnews.org On September 22, 2023 the MIT Graduate Student Union (GSU) – UE Local 256 ratified their first contract by a margin of 95.8%. After years of building their union and a year of contract negotiations, MIT graduate workers won a historic victory including protections from harassment, discrimination and bullying, an economic package with a net compensation improvement of more than 10% on average, and union security, which will allow for a strong union that can effectively enforce their contract.

Dana Sanchez (2023-10-02). U.S. Government Sues Tesla For Anti-Black Discrimination Against Workers. moguldom.com Twitter owner Elon Musk's electric car maker Tesla, one of the largest employers in Silicon Valley, has been sued by the federal government for discrimination and racial harassment against Black employees and for retaliating against those who complained about their treatment. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that …

Amy Goodman (2023-10-02). Criminalized Survivor Tracy McCarter Discusses the Movement to Free Her. truthout.org October is National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, and we look at how Black and Brown survivors of domestic abuse are further criminalized by police and prisons — and how activists have been organizing to win their freedom. In her first broadcast interview, we speak with Tracy McCarter, a nurse and grandmother who was jailed after her abusive husband, a white man, died of a stab… |

MEE staff (2023-10-02). Tunisian President Kais Saied guilty of 'murder' if jailed opponent dies, predecessor says. middleeasteye.net

Staff (2023-10-02). Survived & Punished: Meet Tracy McCarter, a Nurse Jailed, Then Cleared, for Stabbing Abusive Husband. democracynow.org October is National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, and we look at how Black and Brown survivors of domestic abuse are further criminalized by police and prisons — and how activists have been organizing to win their freedom. In her first broadcast interview, we speak with Tracy McCarter, a nurse and grandmother who was jailed after her abusive husband, a white man, died of a stab wound when she defended herself during an altercation. McCarter, who is Black, describes being a criminalized survivor of both domestic violence and the criminal legal system. She was held at the notorious Rikers…

Staff (2023-10-02). In Toulouse and elsewhere, the launch of the international month of action for Georges Abdallah. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all to participate in the month of action to free Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine jailed in France for 39 years. On 19-20 October, the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, will hold two days of meetings in Toulouse, capped by a public event …

MEE staff (2023-10-02). US lawsuit claims Chipotle manager forcefully removed employee's hijab. middleeasteye.net US lawsuit claims Chipotle manager forcefully removed employee's hijab | He allegedly demanded to see her hair at least 10 times over course of one month, until one day he pulled her hijab off | Mon, 10/02/2023 – 18: 49 | A man walks past a Chipotle restaurant in the Columbia Heights neighbourhood of Washington DC, on 8 February 2016 (AFP) | A federal agency filed a lawsuit against Chipotle, alleging re…

WSWS (2023-10-02). Pro-Zionist film smears Roger Waters as an "antisemite" wsws.org Roger Waters responded on Friday to the new slanderous film defaming him as an antisemite. Waters defended his support of Palestinian rights against Zionist violence and oppression by the state of Israel.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-10-03). California "Game Breeders" Who Hold Native Wildlife Captive. indybay.org The following businesses profit from imprisoning thousands of Pheasants, Ducks, Doves, Pigeons, Partridges, Quail, Turkey, and Geese.

Staff (2023-10-03). Headlines for October 3, 2023. democracynow.org U.N. Approves Armed Intervention Force for Haiti, U.N. Mission Arrives in Nagorno-Karabakh as Some 120,000 Ethnic Armenians Flee Azerbaijan's Takeover, Supreme Court Opens New Term with Case on Reduced Sentences for Nonviolent Offenders, Supreme Court Won't Halt Execution of Texas Prisoner Sentenced over "Junk Science" Testimony, Clarence Thomas Recuses Self from Appeal of Trump Legal Adviser Who Communicated with Ginni Thomas, GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz Files Resolution to Remove Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker, Laphonza Butler to Be Sworn In as First-Ever Out Lesbian Black Senator, Trump Assail…

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-10-02). California "Game Breeders" Who Hold Native Wildlife Captive. indybay.org The following businesses profit from imprisoning thousands of Pheasants, Ducks, Doves, Pigeons, Partridges, Quail, Turkey, and Geese.

Elizabeth Hawes (2023-10-02). As Incarcerated Women, We're Subjected to State Rape. truthout.org "The first time I was raped I was eleven." Crystal did not know her first rapist. She was also raped several times by her uncle when she was fifteen. "And when I was between 18 and 22. I was raped about ten times." Later, when she entered prison, sexual violence followed her. "Being stripped here, in prison — even though I know the outcome will not be sexual — still feels the same as being raped… |

In Contempt (2023-10-02). In Contempt #33: Prisoner Strikes & Rebellions, Running Down the Walls Report Backs, Hands off Lief. itsgoingdown.org In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays. There's a lot happening, so let's dive right in! Political Prisoner News September saw Running Down the Walls events held in a number of cities,…

John Helmer (2023-10-02). Canada and the NATO Alliance Hunker Down to Defend Race War Against Russia. dissidentvoice.org MOSCOW — North Bay, Ontario, is a small Canadian city of immigrants from Europe, their upwardly mobile children, and their children's children. It's the town where Yaroslav Hunka lives after he left the British prisoner of war camp where he and other Ukrainian soldiers of the SS Waffen Grenadier Galician Division were held after the …

MEE staff (2023-10-02). Tunisia: More political prisoners announce hunger strike. middleeasteye.net Tunisia: More political prisoners announce hunger strike | Five senior political detainees join Rached Ghannouchi, leader of the Ennahda party who announced a strike on Friday | Mon, 10/02/2023 – 14: 47 | People lift placards demanding the release of political prisoners during an anti-government protest organised by the opposition National Salvation Front coalition in Tunis on 25 July 2023 (AFP) | More…

Staff (2023-10-02). All out to Lannemezan! All out to Toulouse! Free Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian Prisoners. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network calls on Palestinian communities in exile and diaspora, organizers and activists in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, anti-imperialist movements, and all people of conscience to join us this October 19-21, 2023 in Toulouse and Lannemezan, France, to mobilize for the liberation of Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners. For those …

Staff (2023-10-02). Berlin rally for Palestine confronts police repression: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! samidoun.net German police again demonstrated their dedication to repressing Palestinian organizing in the city — home to the largest Palestinian community in Europe — on Saturday, 30 September 2023, when over 200 Berlin police surrounded a rally in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners and against anti-Palestinian repression. Watch the video: Ôªø In a move clearly aimed at …

Staff (2023-10-02). Misbah al-Suri and the Gaza prison break of 1987: Sparks toward the Intifada. samidoun.net October 2023 marks the 36th anniversary of the martyrdom of Misbah al-Suri, the leader of a daring escape from the Israeli occupation's Gaza Central Prison in May 1987, one of the sparks of the great popular Intifada of 1987. Al-Suri was one of the leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement and one of its …

Staff (2023-10-02). Palestine and the Palestinian prisoners' movement at the Spanish Communist Party's 2023 Fiesta. samidoun.net From 29 September through 1 October, the Spanish Communist Party (PCE) organized its annual festival, the Fiesta, in Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Spain. As in past years, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement (Masar Badil) and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network had a strong presence at the Fiesta, together with Al-Yudur, the Palestinian Youth Mobilization in the Spanish …

WSWS (2023-10-02). Pro-Zionist film smears Roger Waters as an "antisemite" wsws.org Roger Waters responded on Friday to the new slanderous film defaming him as an antisemite and defending his support of Palestinian rights against Zionist violence and suppression by the state of Israel.

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