Daily Archives: 2023-12-10

2023-12-10: News Headlines

geo.tv (2023-12-09). French court convicts six teens in teacher's beheading case. geo.tv The French court delivered sentences ranging from 14 months to two years, all of which were suspended or commuted, meaning no jail time for any defendant…

Jon Jeter, Black Agenda Report. (2023-12-09). Fred Hampton's Martyrdom Looms Large Over Palestinians' Struggle. popularresistance.org Six months after Chicago police assassinated Fred Hampton, New York magazine published a remarkable cover story written by Tom Wolfe. Entitled Radical Chic: That Party at Lenny's, Wolfe's account of a lavish fundraiser for 21 jailed Black Panthers held at the composer Leonard Bernstein's tony Upper East Side townhouse was simply unlike anything ever seen in the annals of American journalism. | For starters, there was the cover photo of three glamorous white women in evening gowns raising their gloved fists in a Black power salute, More shocking, though, was Wolfe's novelistic treatment of the event, which made no…

Charles Glass (2023-12-09). The US Condemned Stalin's Prosecution of Journalists. Now It Uses His Playbook. truthout.org Two of my colleagues — Evan Gershkovich in Moscow and Julian Assange in London — languish in prisons for doing their job: keeping you informed. Russia and the U.S., knowingly or not, are following Joseph Stalin's press playbook. A case in point: the Stalinist persecution of U.S. journalist William (Bill) Nathan Oatis in Cold War Czechoslovakia, which mirrors the contemporary prosecutions of my… |

Clau O'Brien Moscoso, Black Agenda Report. (2023-12-09). Protests Mark One Year Anniversary Of Coup Regime In Peru. popularresistance.org December 7, 2023, marks the one-year anniversary of the US backed right-wing parliamentary coup that ousted democratically elected president Pedro Castillo Terrones. The past 364 days have been some of the bloodiest, most repressive, and tumultuous in recent Peruvian history and the blood continues to be spilled. The US-backed Boluarte regime, led by the Fujimorista right-wing Congress, now has the blood of over 100 martyrs on its hands, with thousands severely injured, imprisoned, and tortured, and many more disappeared. There has yet to be justice in any of these cases as the prosecutor's office becomes mired i…

Editor (2023-12-09). How Israel undermined the prisoner exchange by widening the definition of 'security prisoners'. mronline.org Israel undermined the prisoner exchange with Hamas by widening the definition of "security prisoners" to include those held for little more than social media posts.

Fight Back! News. (2023-12-09). Charges Dropped On The Tampa Five. popularresistance.org The Tampa 5 are proud to announce a great victory: their misdemeanor and felony charges will be dropped! This victory was made possible by months of mobilizations of people across the state of Florida, and even across the entire country, in defense of the Tampa 5. It is because of the bravery of students and youth protesters coming out for diversity and for student protest, that these five members of Students for a Democratic Society protesters will not see a single day in prison. | They have just agreed to a misdemeanor intervention program that will lead to the dismissal of their charges upon the fulfillment of…

Editor (2023-12-10). The US Condemned Stalin's Prosecution of Journalists. Now It Uses His Playbook. scheerpost.com

Katya Schwenk (2023-12-09). YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: Farewell, Methane. levernews.com Good things are happening! The EPA announces a long-awaited crackdown on methane emissions, labor organizers take on non-union automakers around the country, Michigan will automatically register to vote anyone who is leaving prison, and a new study finds massive lithium deposits in California's Salton Sea.EPA Slashes Methane Emissions: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has

Staff (2023-12-09). Did Hamas Carry Out Mass Rapes On October 7? youtube.com Did Hamas really carry out a mass rape campaign of Israelis on October 7? That is the claim made by the Israeli government and by the likes of Hillary Clinton, who are asking the world to condemn a premeditated Hamas mass rape atrocity. Almost immediately after the seven-day truce and prisoner swap between Hamas and …

Stefan Christoff (2023-12-09). Paris protests for Gaza despite repression. mondoweiss.net The suppression of Palestine solidarity protests in France speaks to sustaining structures of colonial violence today.

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