Daily Archives: 2023-12-20

2023-12-20: News Headlines

Staff (2023-12-19). Palestinian American Woman Tries to Save Family in Gaza After Her Mom Dies Awaiting Evacuation. democracynow.org As the Biden administration faces accusations of being too slow to help Palestinian Americans and their families trapped in Gaza, we speak with Narmin Abushaban in Detroit whose mother died from lack of medical care while waiting to leave Gaza. She is working now to rescue the rest of her family members. This comes as calls grow for the U.S. to grant temporary protected status (TPS) to Palestinians already in the United States. We are also joined by civil rights attorney Sophia Akbar to discuss a lawsuit accusing the Biden administration of violating the constitutional rights of Palestinian Americans by withholdi…

Uriel J. García (2023-12-19). Rights Groups Sue Texas to Block New Law That Targets Migrants. truthout.org Immigrant rights organizations have sued Texas after Gov. Greg Abbott approved one of the strictest state immigration enforcement laws, which authorizes police to arrest immigrants suspected of crossing the border illegally. In their lawsuit, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Texas Civil Rights Project claim that Senate Bill 4, which Abbott signed on Monday and is scheduled to take effect… |

latintimes (2023-12-19). SB 4: Civil Rights Groups Sue Texas Over Law Allowing Police to Arrest and Deport Migrants. latintimes.com The organizations claim that the law, which was passed yesterday and is set to go into effect in March, is unconstitutional and preempted by federal law…

The Independent (2023-12-19). Ongwen transfered to Norway jail to serve 25-year jail sentence. independent.co.ug The Hague, Netherlands | THE INDEPENDENT | Dominic Ongwen, the former rebel Lord's Resistance (LRA) Army Commander will serve his 25-year jail term in Norway. He was transferred to an undisclosed detention facility in Norway on Monday, according to a statement from the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC)in the Netherlands. This comes more than two years after …

Ann Brown (2023-12-19). Largest Credit Union in America Rejects More Than 50% Of Black American Mortgage Applications, Approves 75% Of White. moguldom.com The largest credit union in the U.S., Navy Federal Credit Union, has come under scrutiny following a CNN investigative report revealing significant racial disparities in its mortgage lending practices. A class-action lawsuit has been filed against the lender, alleging discrimination against Black and Latino applicants. Additionally, a senior congressional Democrat has demanded answers about the …

Mansa Musa, The Real News Network. (2023-12-20). The 13th Amendment Legalizes Slavery; Many States Have Their Own Version. popularresistance.org The 13th Amendment of the US Constitution makes an exception to the abolition of slavery in order to permit the use of "involuntary servitude" as punishment for a crime. The modern system of mass incarceration depends on this exception to justify paying millions of incarcerated people subminimum wages that many advocates say is virtually indistinguishable from forms of slavery. Various US states also have their own constitutional "exception clauses" that mirror the language of the 13th Amendment, providing an additional layer of legal justification for the exploitation of prisoners.

presstv.ir (2023-12-20). Jailed Without Charge: Nael Barghouti, 64-year-old Palestinian in jail for 42 years. presstv.ir Nael Saleh al-Barghouti, 64, a Palestinian from the occupied Ramallah has been languishing in different Israeli jails for more than 42 years now on trumped-up charges.

presstv.ir (2023-12-19). 'New Gitmo': Rights group urges probe into Israel's starving, murdering Gaza abductees. presstv.ir A rights group calls for an investigation into the torture and killing of Palestinians abducted from Gaza in Israel's "Guantanamo-like" jails.

Chris Walker (2023-12-19). Giuliani Slapped With New Lawsuit From Election Workers Who Won Defamation Suit. truthout.org Two former Georgia election workers who successfully sued Rudy Giuliani for defamation over his false claims of election fraud are suing him again, alleging that he is continuing to use the very same rhetoric and errant assertions that led to their initial lawsuit. Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, two election workers in Georgia who are also mother and daughter, won the defamation suit against… |

Wyatt Reed (2023-12-19). Registered Israeli Foreign Agent Driving Contrived Campus Antisemitism Crisis. orinocotribune.com By Wyatt Reed ∑ Dec 17, 2023 | Lawsuits accusing top US universities of harboring antisemitism all originate from one source: a corporate law firm that fielded the pro-settler ex-US ambassador to Israel, and which was registered as a foreign agent of an Israeli principal as recently as 2021. | The firm now represents professional Israel lobby activists posing as victimized "Jewish students" and seeking to crush the free speech rights of Palestine solidarity activists. | The fallout from December 5 House Committe on Antisemitism hearings has already cost University of Pennsylvania president Liz Magill her job,…

Ann Brown (2023-12-20). Trump: Illegal Immigrants Are Poisoning The Blood Of America, They're Coming From Prisons And Mental Institutions. moguldom.com Former President Donald Trump characterized immigrants, singling out those from Africa and Asia, as "poisoning the blood of our country" at recent campaign events. The comments have sparked criticism and comparisons to Adolf Hitler-like rhetoric. During a rally in Durham, New Hampshire, Trump said: "They're poisoning the blood of our country. They're coming into our …

Joe Lauria, Consortium News. (2023-12-20). Assange Appeal Hearing Set For February. popularresistance.org Imprisoned publisher Julian Assange will face two High Court judges over two days on Feb. 20-21, 2024 in London in what will likely be his last appeal against being extradited to the United States to face charges of violating the Espionage Act. | Assange's wife Stella Assange confirmed that the hearing will take place at the Royal Courts of Justice. Assange had had an earlier request to appeal rejected by High Court Judge Jonathan Swift on June 6. | Assange then filed an application to appeal that decision and the dates have now been set. Assange is seeking to challenge both the home secretary's decision to extra…

Editor (2023-12-20). 'A crazy system': How arbitration returns abusive guards to New York prisons. mronline.org Over a 12-year span, three out of every four state correctional officers fired for abuse or covering it up got their jobs back.

presstv.ir (2023-12-20). Displaced inside prison: UNRWA says 1.9m Gazans forced out of homes by war. presstv.ir The UN Palestinian refugee agency says since the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza in early October almost 1.9 million have been internally displaced.

presstv.ir (2023-12-20). Sweden's verdict on Nouri 'unfair', only acquittal acceptable: Iran. presstv.ir Iran's Judiciary says a Swedish court's verdict against Hamid Nouri, a former Iranian Judiciary official who has been illegally imprisoned in Sweden, is unfair and that no ruling but the exoneration of the 62-year-old will be acceptable.

JANET (2023-12-19). Calendar of Resistance for Palestine! Events and actions around the world. iacenter.org

noemail (2023-12-19). Italy court hands lifetime sentence to Pakistani parents in 'honour killing' case. devdiscourse.com An Italian court sentenced two parents to lifetime imprisonment on Tuesday for killing their teenage daughter after she refused to travel to Pakistan for an arranged marriage. The so-called honour killing of 18-year-old Saman Abbas, who went missing in April 2021, shocked Italy.

presstv.ir (2023-12-19). Displaced inside prison: UNRWA says 1.9m Gazans forced out of homes by war. presstv.ir The UN Palestinian refugee agency says since the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza in early October almost 1.9 million have been internally displaced.

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