Daily Archives: 2024-07-08

2024-07-08: News Headlines

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-07-08). Israel Refuses Hamas Demand For Written Ceasefire Assurances. popularresistance.org Israel will not accept Hamas' request for written assurances regarding negotiations in the second phase of a proposed deal for a ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement in Gaza. | The Palestinian resistance group is demanding that a cessation of hostilities outlined in the first phase of the proposal be ongoing throughout negotiations in the second phase. However, Israel is insistent on the option to resume the war if negotiations falter. | During David Barnea's visit to the Qatari capital, Doha, last week, the Mossad chief conveyed the message to mediators that Israel "does not accept Hamas' demand for a writt…

newarab (2024-07-08). Israel 'executes' four Palestinian prisoners near Gaza border. newarab.com The Palestinian Prisoners Club (PPC) condemned on Sunday the

newarab (2024-07-08). Three Gazans 'found killed' following Israeli detention: family. newarab.com Abdel Hadi Ghabayen, an uncle of one of the detainees, Kamel Ghabayen, said he set out at 5 am on Sunday looking for his nephew following his arrest by Israeli forces on Saturday. | "I found him left on the ground along with the other two martyrs. They were…

newarab (2024-07-08). Amnesty urges Jordan to free journalist Ahmad Al-Zoubi. newarab.com Al-Zoubi was arrested on Tuesday by security forces implementing a 2023 court order, which sentenced him to jail over a Facebook post critical of the authorities' response to transportation strikes. | "No one should be imprisoned simply for expressing criticism of the authorities on social media," said Aya Majzoub, Amnesty's…

Mike Garrity (2024-07-08). Environmental Groups Save Ashley National Forest Roadless Areas from Bulldozers and Chainsaws. counterpunch.org The great news is the Ashley National Forest has been saved from a "landscape scale" deforestation plan in which the Forest Service planned to bulldoze in skid trails to log and burn up to 147,000 acres (230 square miles!) of Inventoried Roadless Areas. But when faced with the lawsuit brought by the Alliance for the

(2024-07-08). Myanmar journalist Htet Aung sentenced to 5 years in prison under counterterrorism law. cpj.org/feed/atom/

(2024-07-08). UN group says detention of Guatemalan journalist Zamora violates international law. cpj.org

Abayomi Azikiwe (2024-07-08). Juneteenth to Freedom Summer. The 60th Anniversary of the African-American Civil Rights Movement During 1964. globalresearch.ca

Peter Koenig (2024-07-08). WEF's Klaus Schwab Crossing the Line on Sexual Harassment and Discrimination. Exposed by WSJ. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Suzanne Burdick (2024-07-08). Lawsuit on Behalf of Vaccine-injured Seeks to Strike Down 'Unconstitutional' PREP Act. globalresearch.ca

Kevin Rennie (2024-07-08). 'Free at last': Aussies respond to Julian Assange homecoming. globalvoices.org Wikileaks founder's release from prison brings mixed reactions down underOriginally published on Julian Assange home in Australia. Screenshot from 7.30″ on the

Kodao Productions (2024-07-08). Philippines's oldest political prisoner walks free at 85. globalvoices.org

John Malkin (2024-07-08). Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis. indybay.org Interview with Dave Maass, author of the new graphic novel "Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis" based on a suppressed opera written in 1943 by Peter Kien and Viktor Ullmann, two prisoners at the Terezín Nazi concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. The authors did not live to see their masterpiece performed. Dave Maass is also investigations director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. This interview was originally broadcast on "Transformation Highway" with John Malkin on KZSC 88.1 FM / kzsc.org at the University of California Santa Cruz.

cscommittee (2024-07-08). An update on Casey Goonan's recent hunger strike. indybay.org Casey went on a weeklong hunger strike over jail conditions, ending it after 2 of 4 demands were agreed to by jailers.

presstv.ir (2024-07-08). Palestinian prisoners' heath condition worsening due to severe food shortage. presstv.ir That is according to the independent human rights organization Center for Defending Freedoms and Civil Rights (Hurriyat).

Plus News (2024-07-08). Three Hornby High School Staff in Custody over Missing Computers. plusnews.ug The theft of 19 computers from Hornby High School Junior in Kabale district has led to the detention of three staff members. The suspects are Nicholas Muhwezi, a computer teacher; Phillip Tushabomwe, a night watchman; and Michael Mbabazi, a casual staff member. Geoffrey Ainebyoona, the school head teacher, reported that the computers, worth 259 million …

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