Monthly Archives: August 2024

2024-08-28: News Headlines

Ed Rampell (2024-08-28). Fighting racism on two fronts: 'The Double V' on stage. LONG BEACH, Calif. — Playwright Carole Eglash-Kosoff's The Double V is an entertaining history lesson about an overlooked, if not entirely forgotten cause that is arguably a forerunner to the Civil Rights movement. While Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her public bus seat to a white passenger in 1955 is common knowledge, how many …

WSWS (2024-08-28). The arrest of journalist Richard Medhurst and the fight to defend democratic rights. Medhurst said of his detention at the UK's Heathrow Airport, "I believe I'm the first journalist to be arrested under this provision of the Terrorism Act."

_____ (2024-08-28). Hong Kong denies work visa to Bloomberg reporter Haze Fan.

WSWS (2024-08-28). Socialist Equality Group meeting on Wellington rail workers' dispute calls for rank-and-file committee. The SEG in New Zealand held an online meeting to discuss the need for rail workers to form a rank-and-file committee, break from the union bureaucracy, and unite with workers internationally, following their rejection of a wage-cutting offer from Transdev and Hyundai Rotem.

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-28). Stop Politicizing Education for Lebanon's Refugee Children. Click to expand Image | Chairs are placed on classroom tables at a closed public school in Beirut, Lebanon September 22, 2022. | © 2022 Mohamed Azakir/Reuters | Ahead of the upcoming school year, local authorities and politicians in Lebanon are seeking to impose discriminatory restrictions that could result in tens of thousands of refugee children being denied their right to education.On July 8, Lebanese Forces party leader Samir Geagea wrote on social media that the Education Ministry must require all students to provide identification papers to register for the 2024-25 school year, for both public and p…

Pressenza New York (2024-08-28). 7 years of Rohingya crisis: International community must be serious in the crisis resolution. The Rohingya crisis has lasted for seven years, and there still seems to be no sign of an end in sight. More than a million Rohingya people in Myanmar crossed the border to seek refuge in Bangladesh in 2017 as a result of systematic ethnic cleansing operations carried out by their government, which the world appears to be allowing to continue apace. This represents one of the worst cases of human rights violations in recorded history. The violent crackdown by the Myanmar government in 2017 also led to 9,000 fatalities and widespread destruction. | By Ozair Islam | As the major Rohingya refugee crisis has been ove…

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-28). Turkey: Joint trial observation report on the case of Kurdish human rights defenders and IHD members Eren Keskin Güllistan Yarkın. In a joint report, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders—a partnership between the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)—and the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger (OIAD) present findings from the judicial observation of the first hearing in the trial of Eren Keskin and Güllistan Yarkın, from the Human Rights Association (IHD). Both were accused of "publicly denigrating the Turkish Nation" (…) | – |

Juliette Rousselot (2024-08-28). India: UN Human Rights Committee calls for protection of human rights defenders and reform of counter-terrorism laws. Front Line Defenders (FLD) together with the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, welcome the findings of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee following its review of India's situation of civil and political rights. FLD and the Observatory urge the government to take immediate steps to address the serious concerns expressed by the (…) | – |

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-08-28). China reiterates its commitment to human rights protection. Beijing, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) China maintains a people-centered approach and considers the protection of human rights as a fundamental task in the country's governance, stressed Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Lin Jian.

MEE staff (2024-08-28). UK: Starmer avoided mention of political prisoners in meeting with Bahrain PM, say activists. UK: Starmer avoided mention of political prisoners in meeting with Bahrain PM, say activists | Activists had urged British prime minister to prioritise human rights in his government's bilateral relations with Bahrain | | British Prime Minister Keir Starmer shakes hands with Bahrain's Prime Minist…

Juliette Rousselot (2024-08-28). Joint Letter: Requesting urgent action towards UN human rights monitoring and investigation in Bangladesh. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) joins 12 other human rights organisations in an open letter calling on United Nations (UN) member states to take immediate steps to ensure an independent investigation and accountability into human rights violations committed in Bangladesh and to prevent further human rights violations, including by ensuring that the UN Human Rights Council establishes an independent mechanism with a comprehensive mandate to investigate, collect, store and (…) | – |

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-08-28). Laos: Government fails in follow-up review of key civil and political rights. The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Lao Movement for Human Rights (LMHR) welcome the assessment by the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee (CCPR), which gave the Lao government low grades concerning the implementation of the committee's recommendations on enforced disappearances and participation in public affairs and the right to vote.
Paris, 15 August 2024. On 6 August 2024, the CCPR released its report on the follow-up to the Concluding Observations it (…) | – |

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-28). DRC: Disillusion and concern for human rights defenders and civil society.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-28). India: Release Kashmiri human rights defender Khurram Parvez, arbitrarily detained for 1,000 days.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-28). Greece: Continued judicial harassment of migrants' rights defender Panayote Dimitras. The recent summons by the Athens Magistrate marks a new development in Mr Dimitras' long history of judicial harassment, this time also prospecting the criminal prosecution of his wife, constituting a major violation of their right to defend human rights as well as of the recently adopted European Union (EU) anti-SLAPP Directive. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (FIDH-OMCT) urges the Greek authorities to put an immediate end to this practice of harassment and to (…) | – |

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-28). Cambodia: Arrests Target Critics of Regional Development Zone. (Bangkok) — Cambodian authorities have arbitrarily arrested at least 94 people since late July 2024 for publicly criticizing the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (CLV), Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International said today. At least 59 of those arrested, which include environmental, human rights, and other activists, as well as several children, remain unlawfully detained and charged for peacefully expressing their views. The authorities should immediately drop all charges for which no internationally recognized charge is brought. The CLV is a development plan among the governments of Cambo…

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-28). Mexico: Flawed Inquiry on Soldiers' Alleged Killing of Child. Click to expand Image | An undated photograph of Heidi Pérez. | © Cristina Pérez | (Mexico City) — The Mexican Attorney General's Office has failed to properly investigate allegations that soldiers shot and killed a 4-year-old girl in August 2022, Human Rights Watch said in a report, including visual evidence, published today.The report, "Who Killed Heidi Pérez?" details the serious omissions and errors committed by prosecutors leading the investigation. The Attorney General's Office failed to take basic steps to corroborate the military's version of events, despite irregularities in the evidence pr…

Juliette Rousselot (2024-08-28). Need for an urgent rethink of international response to the human rights crisis in Afghanistan.

Maxime Duriez (2024-08-28). Egypt: Human rights organisations condemn the targeting of ElMaraya for culture and arts and call for the protection of cultural institutions. The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is co-signing a call to the Egyptian authorities to end their harassement and repression of independent cultural organisations in Egypt. The political regime's continued use of security services, police crackdowns, arrests and prison sentencing to intimidate artists and cultural workers must stop.
13 August 2024. The signatories of this statement condemn the Egyptian security forces' raid on the headquarters of ElMaraya for Culture and (…) | – | /…

WSWS (2024-08-28). Instagram shuts down accounts of anti-genocide student groups before start of fall classes. The photo and video sharing social media platform Instagram permanently shut down the accounts of Columbia University Students for Justice in Palestine and New York University People's Solidarity Coalition a week before fall semester classes start.

Phil Pasquini (2024-08-28). Biden's Israel-Gaza Policy "fueled by Racism and Islamophobia" Noting that those who speak out at first against injustices are considered a "marginal fringe," Edward Ahmed Mitchell, Deputy Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said that history has shown that with the passage of time they are seen for "the wisdom of their ways." As an example, he cited the Vietnam antiwar movement whose tireless efforts eventually resulted in the US withdrawal from the conflict.

San Jose Peace, Justice Center (2024-08-28). Monday 8/26: Action: PELOSI Out of South Bay! California Theater, | 345 S First St | (Just south of San Carlos Ave.) | San Jose, CA…

Katya Schwenk (2024-08-28). Justice, Brought To You By Big Oil. On Sept. 1, Texas is slated to open its new business courts, a brand-new legal system backed by Big Oil — and several of the court's main judges have in the past represented fossil fuel companies as lawyers, The Lever has found.The judges were hand-picked over the last two months by Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, a major recipient of oil industry cash — and many can be quickly replaced if they hand down decisions he opposes, a judicial design that he championed.The courts consist of 11 regional business courts and a new statewide court of appeals to hear appellate litigation, which are expected t…

Staff (2024-08-28). Greece ‚Äï the country that lets people escape justice. Cover-ups, botched investigations and a general feeling of impunity set alarm bells ringing. By Nektaria Stamouli August 26, 2024 ATHENS ‚Äï In the country famous for inventing democracy, there's a sense it is fraying. Greece has experienced a series of scandals that, while all very different, add up to a feeling that justice is crumbling …

newarab (2024-08-28). Israeli court allows anti-LGBTQ group on Technion campus. An Israeli university cannot limit the activities of an ultra-orthodox and Ultra-orthodox group Choosing Family filed a lawsuit against

Gloria Rubac (2024-08-28). Victory for immigrant rights organization in Houston. Activists with a longtime immigrant rights organization in Houston celebrated a victory on Aug. 23 after a judge dismissed a lawsuit that tried to revoke the group's nonprofit status and shut it down. Cesar Espinosa speaks at Houston immigrant rights protest. (WW PHOTO: Gloria Rubac) Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton . . . |

Gloria Rubac (2024-08-28). Victory for immigrant rights organization in Houston. Activists with a longtime immigrant rights organization in Houston celebrated a victory on Aug. 23 after a judge dismissed a lawsuit that tried to revoke the group's nonprofit status and shut it down. Cesar Espinosa speaks at Houston immigrant rights protest. (WW PHOTO: Gloria Rubac) Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton . . . | (2024-08-28). Video of women scolding toddler on plane sparks debate. A video showing two women scolding a crying toddler in an airplane bathroom has gone viral on social media in China, igniting a wide-ranging debate on how to best handle distressed children on public transportation.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28). New graduate students poised to drive innovation. New Mayo Clinic Ph.D. students Alani Perkin, Jordan Parks, Shanon Rego and Chelsea Powell, M.D. Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences welcomed its latest class of Ph.D. candidates this month. The students — from across the country and around the world — are now beginning their training on Mayo Clinic's campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota. The graduate school received a record 1,046 submissions last year for 45 spots in the school's eight graduate tracks…. (2024-08-28). Protesters march in support of Palestinians after Friday prayers in Amman. Jordanians have once again been out on the streets to express support for the Palestinian people, particularly those facing the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza.

UOSSM Canada, Cision. (2024-08-28). Over 3000 Physicians And 16 Medical And Humanitarian Organizations Demand An Arms Embargo On Israel. On August 26, 2024 medical and humanitarian organizations demand the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the NDP to enforce a full and complete arms embargo on Israel in recognition of the ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as plausible genocide of the people of Gaza. | We are alarmed that Canada is engaging in violation of Canadian and International Law by supplying Israel with munitions: | The M933A1 120mm High Explosive mortar cartridges with M783 fuzes that are going to be shipped to Israel via the U.S. is illegal under Canadian and International law. This is in violatio…

infobrics (2024-08-28). Elections in Austria as outlook on political developments in Europe. After the victory of the Patriotic Forces in the EU elections in Austria, many people also expect a political change in the national parliamentary elections. These elections could also have an impact on the political landscape in Europe.

kwjorinoco (2024-08-28). ALBA-TCP Summit: Heads of State Warn of Fascist Threats Against Venezuela. The presidents of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel; Bolivia, Luis Arce; and Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, expressed their support for the government of Venezuela in the face of the onslaught of imperialist powers during the 11th Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America—Peoples' Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP). | President Díaz-Canel said that on behalf of the people of Cuba, "we reiterate the congratulations already expressed to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, for the victory achieved in the elections of July 28." | He said that at th… (2024-08-28). FM: 'Final victory' belongs to Palestinians; Iran to stand with Palestine 'until the very end'. Iran hails Palestinians' steadfastness in the face of the Israeli regime's deadly atrocities, expressing certainty that "final victory" belongs to the Palestinian people.

Abdul Rahman, People's Dispatch. (2024-08-28). US Starts Another Round Of War Games In Korean Peninsula. The US and South Korea began yet another military drill in the Korean Peninsula this week, further heightening the possibility of nuclear confrontation and threatening peace and stability in the region. The Ulchi Freedom Shield, as the exercise is called, allegedly aims to strengthen both countries' joint "defense capabilities" against nuclear power North Korea, as stated by the spokespersons of both nations earlier this month.

Richard Berg, Fight Back! News. (2024-08-28). Nurses End Seven-Day Strike In Chicago. Chicago, Illinois — Working as a nurse in a large university hospital is a hard job. Large numbers of patients roll through. Vulnerable people look for hope, remedy and help. Despite this persistent pressure, hospital administrators ask for quick patient turnover. Supervisors ask overstressed nurses to do the work of housekeepers, food service, technical staff and others, who are often in short supply. Some doctors are nice, while others boss nurses around. | This is the case at the University of Illinois Health (UIH) as well as healthcare facilities across the country. One difference is that the nurses at… (2024-08-28). People from both sides of Strait celebrate hero. At an event in Beijing on Tuesday commemorating Zheng Chenggong, a national hero who expelled Dutch colonists from Taiwan in 1662 and recovered the island.

Thomas White (2024-08-28). Trump: Philosopher Mogul. Herbert Marcuse described the Happy Consciousness, the amoral product of the technocratic age, in which "guilt feeling has no place". A person with such a deficiency, Marcuse says, "can give the signal that liquidates hundreds and thousands of people, then declare himself free from all pangs of conscience, and live happily ever after". (2024-08-28). Dozens, including civilians, killed in militant attack in Burkina Faso. Civilians are among the dozens of people killed in an attack by militants in Burkina Faso.

Nava J. Thakuria (2024-08-28). Assam : Where Indigenous People Confront Illegal Migrants. Even the middle-aged Assamese nationals remember that Assam agitation was initially propagated as 'Bohiragata Kheda Andolan' (literarily meaning agitation to deport outsiders) and later, redefined as an agitation against illegal migrants (from East Pakistan/ Bangladesh) by the intellectuals and media barons based in Guwahati. After decades, the issue of outsiders (read non-Assamese Indians) came alive with an incident in Sibsagar of eastern Assam, where a community was compelled to apologize for a crime committed by some individuals (belonging to that group). The accused individuals, who physically assaulted a mi…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-08-28). Cuban FM sends congratulations to his Venezuelan counterpart. "We will work together for the strengthening of the solid bonds of brotherhood that unite our peoples and governments," Rodriguez highlighted on social network X. | This Tuesday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced a transformation in the ministerial cabinet to advance in the new stage of transition to socialism. | In total, the head of State made 17 changes and ratified 20 positions, highlighting the ratification of Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, who will also assume the Ministry of Petroleum. | Maduro stressed the importance of the team being integrated "to go to the great stage of the new…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-08-28). More than 600 deaths from Mpox in DRC this year. Kinshasa, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) At least 610 people died in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) this year due to monkeypox (Mpox), the Minister of Public Health, Roger Kamba, informed.

The Independent (2024-08-28). GULU SITTING: Museveni to address parliament tommorrow. GULU, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | The first regional parliamentary sitting has today, 28 August 2024 kicked off in Gulu city, Northern Uganda. Speaker Anita Among who is chairing the sitting, emphasised that the decision to hold parliamentary sittings in Uganda's four traditional regions is aimed at bridging the gap between Parliament and the people. She …

The Independent (2024-08-28). 10 killed in Kyenjojo road crash. Kyenjojo, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Ten people have been killed in a road crash in Kyenjojo District. The crash happened on Wednesday at 4: 00 am at Kaihura Trading Center along the Fort Portal-Kampala highway. Vincent Twesige the Rwenzori West Police Spokesperson, says that the accident involved a bus registration number UBE 807T belonging to Pokopoko …

The Independent (2024-08-28). FDC Katonga faction reserves new political party name. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Katonga faction of FDC has applied to the Electoral Commission-EC seeking to reserve a name People's Front for Freedom-PFF. The move marks the beginning of another splinter group from the Forum For Democratic Change (FDC). The FDC was the largest opposition political party in the country following the return …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Managing migraines in the summer. Severe weather conditions are enough to give anyone a headache, but temperature fluctuations are even more problematic for migraine sufferers. Dr. Rashmi Halker Singh, a Mayo Clinic neurologist, says the weather can trigger some migraine patients. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 08) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. For some people, migraines are debilitating. The intense, throbbing head…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why diverse organ donors are needed. August is National Minority Donor Awareness Month. It's a time of celebrating organ donation and educating people about transplantation by encouraging donor registration and promoting healthy living. Dr. Shennen Mao, a Mayo Clinic transplant surgeon, says having a diverse pool of organ donors will help serve a growing wait list of those in need. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 07) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: What are brain metastases? Over one million people in the U.S. are living with brain tumors, and more than 90,000 new diagnoses are made each year. Dr. Rich Byrne, a Mayo Clinic neurosurgeon, explains how brain tumors are classified and what that means for treatment. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. There are dozens of types of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can injectable weight-loss drugs improve heart health? Injectable weight-loss medications called semaglutides are helping people with obesity by reducing appetite. But could these drugs also be the next breakthrough in keeping your heart healthy? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Wegovy, a brand name of semaglutide, as a secondary prevention medication to reduce risk of serious heart problems. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28). Back pain basics and self-care tips. When it comes to back pain, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that back pain is rarely a sign of something serious and is often relatively short-lived. The bad news is that it's a common ailment for many adults. About 80% of adults experience pain in their back at some point in their lives. Nearly 90% of back pain cases are temporary, and people make a full functional recovery within 12…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28). Expert alert: Surgical approaches being studied to restore function after stroke. JACKSONVILLE, Florida — Stroke affects 15 million people worldwide every year, with most stroke-related surgery occurring during the patient's acute phase. An estimated half of those people will live with permanent or chronic disability. Researchers continue to study ways that may help patients regain function later, says Chris Fox M.D., a neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. A stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted. An ischemic stroke,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28). Mayo Clinic Health System's new hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin, integrates innovative technologies and design to support the overall care experience for patients and staff. LA CROSSE, Wis. — Mayo Clinic leaders and community officials today celebrated the completion of a new Mayo Clinic Health System hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin, which blends advanced technology with personalized care to bring an unparalleled experience to patients and equip staff with the tools to Cure more patients, Connect people with data to create new knowledge and scalable solutions and Transform community care. With patient comfort and safety as top priorities, the new…

Peter Crimmins (2024-08-28). A museum of formerly incarcerated people opens in Germantown. From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? Since being released from prison more than two decades ago for crimes related to drug addiction, Rev. Michelle Simmons has turned her formidable energies into helping other formerly incarcerated women transition back into society. | She founded Now art and artifacts from th…

The Onion Staff (2024-08-28). SATIRE: Catty Study Finds Majority Of Americans Must Lack Access To Reliable Mirrors. WASHINGTON—Publishing their work in the peer-reviewed journal Passive-Aggression, Georgetown University researchers released a catty new study Wednesday that found the majority of Americans must lack access to reliable mirrors. "After analyzing thousands of data points, from their tragic haircuts to their questionable tastes in footwear, we determined there are millions of people across the country who … (2024-08-28). Iran, Turkmenistan Sign Deals in Tehran. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran and Turkmenistan signed a number of cooperation agreements on Wednesday during a visit to Tehran by the Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow.

WSWS (2024-08-28). UN forced to suspend food distribution as Israel places 89 percent of Gaza under evacuation orders. In the latest stage of the US-Israeli genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza, Israeli officials ordered the evacuation of parts of the city of Deir al-Balah, cramming the displaced and starving population of Gaza into an ever-smaller portion of the territory.

IMEMC News (2024-08-28). Day 326 Update: Israel Kills Dozens, Displaces More Families In Gaza" On Tuesday, Day 326 of the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians in the destroyed Gaza Strip, the Israeli army killed and injured dozens of Palestinians across the coastal enclave and displaced, yet again, dozens of families, in central Gaza. A Palestinian woman was killed and four residents were injured when the army fired a missile …

Jim McMahan (2024-08-28). Protest marks 300 days of genocide, resistance. Hundreds of demonstrators marched through downtown Seattle on Aug. 25 to protest 300 days of genocide in Gaza since Octiber 7. The march was called by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. Its theme focused on the extreme repression being doled out to Palestinians, along with supporters, in both Palestine and the . . . |

The Independent (2024-08-28). MUKONO ACID ATTACK: Suspect re-arrested, remanded. Mukono, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Prosy Awusi, a suspect previously released by the court, has been re-arrested and remanded to Nakifuma Prison. Awusi, a resident of Kateete village in Kasawo Town Council, Nakifuma-Mukono District, is accused of viciously attacking her co-wife, Sylvia Achola, and Achola's twelve-year-old daughter with acid. The incident left Achola, who was four …

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-08-28). The New Issue Of JOHNSTONE Is Ready To Order! I publish my work in print form every month in a collection called JOHNSTONE magazine. The new edition is now available to order in print or download in pay-what-you-want e-book version. Earlier this month Vice President Kamala Harris shushed anti-genocide protesters with the words "I'm speaking" during a campaign rally, and was met with thunderous …

Workers World Editors (2024-08-28). No vote for genocide. The Workers World Party delegation marched in the protest outside the Democratic National Convention carrying a banner that read in part, "We won't vote for genocide!" If the only two candidates who can win the presidency both support an obvious, ongoing genocide by Israel in Gaza, there is no possible . . . | (2024-08-28). Pro-Palestinian protest in Netherlands challenges govt. stance on Gaza war. Large crowds gathered in the capital of the Netherlands to protest against Israel's ongoing military operations in Gaza.

IMEMC News (2024-08-28). Soldiers Shoot A Palestinian Child Near Tulkarem. On Tuesday night, Israeli soldiers shot a Palestinian child and abducted a man after they invaded, they invaded the town of Anabta, located east of Tulkarem in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said a child, 15, was shot in the thigh with live ammunition amid protests …

newarab (2024-08-28). Iraqi oil workers in Basra protest over gov't funding decision. Thousands of oil workers in (2024-08-28). Macron says Telegram CEO arrest not political. French President Emmanuel Macron said the arrest of Russian-born Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was part of an ongoing judicial investigation rather than a political move after the French action triggered a heated debate about free speech and protests from Russia.

WSWS (2024-08-28). One fifth of world's youth not in employment, education or training. These conditions testify to the powder keg that is Africa and indeed vast parts of the world. Youth-led protests have broken out in several countries over recent months calling for political change.

aljazeera (2024-08-28). What role have artists played in Kenya's antigovernment protests? We discuss the role of musicians and influencers in the ongoing protests against the Kenyan government.

noemail (2024-08-28). Mamata Dedicates Trinamool Foundation Day to Murdered Trainee Doctor Amid Protests. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, on Wednesday, expressed her profound grief and solidarity with the family of a trainee doctor who was sexually assaulted and murdered at Kolkata's RG Kar Medical College and Hospital on August 9. Banerjee dedicated the foundation day of Trinamool Chhatra Parishad to the victim in her post on X.

Maria Calvo (2024-08-28). Los peruanos buscan justicia. Los peruanos todavía aguardan porque se haga justicia, casi dos años después de que 49 ciudadanos murieran y más de mil resultaran lesionados en las multitudinarias protestas que tuvieron lugar en el país, y que fueron violentamente reprimidas por el ejército y la policía.

Sean Callebs (2024-08-28). The Heat: Mideast Tensions. A barrage of missiles and rockets stokes fears of an expanding conflict in the Middle East. Over the weekend, Israel targeted Hezbollah positions in Lebanon, prompting the militant group to retaliate with rocket fire following the assassination of one of its leaders. | Joining the discussion: | Ali Akbar Dareini is a Researcher and Writer at the Strategic Studies of Public Policy Journal. |

Staff (2024-08-28). Middle East braces for all-out war. Israel condemned for escalating crisis after air strikes target Lebanon Aug 25, 2024 ISRAEL was condemned today after it pummelled southern Lebanon with air strikes, driving the Middle East further into crisis, in what it claimed was a pre-emptive strike on Hezbollah. Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones of its own towards Israel in …

Gabriel Thompson, Scheer Post. (2024-08-28). A Landmark Federal Ruling Against Union-Busting Has Boosted Organizing. Five years ago, after a majority of workers at Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas signed cards to join the Culinary Workers Union, supervisors marched them into a series of mandatory meetings. The company promised employees free health care and new retirement benefits if they voted down the union, and vowed to drag out negotiations if the union won. (2024-08-28). Russia-French ties hit rock bottom following Telegram CEO's arrest: Moscow. Russia says its relations with France have reached their lowest level since Paris' arrest without charge of the Telegram messaging application's CEO.

Black Rose Anarchist Federation (2024-08-28). Black Rose/Rosa Negra 10th National Convention Report. Report back from the 10th anniversary convention of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation. Every year, Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN) holds a national Convention in a different city somewhere in the United States. Delegates from Black Rose Locals gather to debate and deliver the votes of members on proposals that…

Sonoma County Tenants Union, North Bay Org (2024-08-28). Saturday 9/14: 2024 Sonoma County Renters Assembly / Asamblea de Inquilines del Co. de Sonoma de 2024. Glaser Center | 547 Mendocino Ave | Santa Rosa (Downtown)…

aljazeera (2024-08-28). The US is Israel's accomplice, not a ceasefire mediator. Washington is purposefully dragging out negotiations to enable Israel's pursuit of its genocidal goals.

WSWS (2024-08-28). Washington, D.C. transit workers forced to vote on "memorandum of understanding" instead of contract. The four year contract emerging from this sordid maneuver will allow WMATA to abuse its workers until 2028, and likely introduce new attacks which haven't been disclosed to the membership.

newarab (2024-08-27). Israel torturing detained Gaza healthcare workers: HRW. According to the rights group, Israeli forces are abducting medical workers to detention facilities in Israel, where they are tortured and mistreated. | Doctors, nurses and paramedics released from Israeli detention told H…

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-27). Zimbabwe: Arbitrary detention and alleged torture of Namatai Kwekweza, Robson Chere and Samuel Gwenzi.

aljazeera (2024-08-27). UAE weighs in on Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's detention by France. United Arab Emirates calls on France to provide 'all consular services' to Durov, says care of citizens a 'priority'.

A a (2024-08-27). French judge extends Telegram founder's "absurd" detention.

Chris Mills Rodrigo (2024-08-27). Con Ed Contractors Demand a Fair Cut. Energy costs in New York City have skyrocketed over the past few years and show no signs of slowing down. One group that's being hit particularly hard by that bump in monthly bills? The workers that clean the offices, customer service centers, and substations of the utility giant Con Edison. Dozens of cleaners …

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-27). China: UN Needs to Address Crimes Against Humanity. Click to expand Image | United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tàºrk speaks at the UN in Geneva, Switzerland, November 16, 2023. | © 2023 Salvatore Di Nolfi/Keystone via AP Photo…

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-27). Ukraine Moves to Join ICC. Click to expand Image | Ukrainian Parliament during a session in Kyiv, Ukraine, August 21, 2024. | © 2024 Andrii Nesterenko/AP Photo | Ukraine is taking key steps toward becoming a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC), a milestone in advancing global justice. This comes after years of campaigning by national and international human rights groups. The Ukrainian government should ensure that membership moves forward, while dropping a limitation in the law that risks shielding war criminals.On August 21, 2024, Ukraine's parliament approved a law, which was then signed by President Volodymyr Zelen…

Amy Goodman (2024-08-27). New Report Reveals Torture of Palestinian Health Care Workers in Israeli Prisons. We speak with Human Rights Watch researcher Milena Ansari about the organization's new report detailing the torture of Palestinian medical workers in Israeli prisons. HRW spoke with eight doctors, paramedics and nurses who were picked up in Gaza before being transferred to the notorious Sde Teiman camp and other facilities, where they say they suffered beatings, starvation, humiliation… |

Jordan Atwood (2024-08-27). US sent over 50,000 tons of weapons to Israel amid Gaza assault, fueling humanitarian crisis. This unprecedented level of military aid, averaging one shipment every 12 hours, has drawn sharp criticism from human rights organizations and international observers.

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-27). Cameroon: 'Disappeared' Activist Resurfaces with Marks of Torture. Click to expand Image | Ramon Cotta (right), born Yves Kibouy Bershu, and also known as Steve Akam, with his lawyer Hippolyte Tiakouang Meli, on August 20, 2024, in military court in Yaoundé, Cameroon. | © 2024 Private…

Juliette Rousselot (2024-08-27). India: UN Human Rights Committee calls for protection of human rights defenders and reform of counter-terrorism laws. Front Line Defenders (FLD) together with the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, welcome the findings of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee following its review of India's situation of civil and political rights. FLD and the Observatory urge the government to take immediate steps to address the serious concerns expressed by the (…) | – |

Staff (2024-08-27). Jailed Kashmiri journalist Irfan Mehraj honoured with human rights journalism award. SRINAGAR : Jailed Kashmiri journalist Irfan Mehraj, who is currently incarcerated under draconian charges, has been honored with the Human Rights and Religious Freedom Journalism Award for 2024. Mehraj, who won in the Best Video Story category for his impactful work on the heroin epidemic in Kashmir, shared the award with Akanksha Saxena and Khalid …

Juliette Rousselot (2024-08-27). Joint Letter: Requesting urgent action towards UN human rights monitoring and investigation in Bangladesh. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) joins 12 other human rights organisations in an open letter calling on United Nations (UN) member states to take immediate steps to ensure an independent investigation and accountability into human rights violations committed in Bangladesh and to prevent further human rights violations, including by ensuring that the UN Human Rights Council establishes an independent mechanism with a comprehensive mandate to investigate, collect, store and (…) | – |

Sue Nunn (2024-08-27). Queensland gag laws are a human rights violation.

Antonio Plessmann, Federico Fuentes (2024-08-27). What happened in Venezuela's presidential elections? An interview with human rights activist Antonio Plessmann (Surgentes). Antonio González Plessmann breaks down the country's July 28 presidential election and its fallout from an anti-capitalist perspective.

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-27). Kazakhstan: Unjustified 'Financing Terrorism' Restrictions. Click to expand Image | Protesters hold placards during an opposition rally in Almaty, Kazakhstan on February 28, 2021. | © 2021 RUSLAN PRYANIKOV/AFP via Getty Images | Authorities in Kazakhstan are misusing extremism and terrorism legislation to target peaceful government critics and others, in violation of international human rights law.People convicted on overbroad extremism and terrorism charges — even those who have not participated in, instigated, or financed violence — are automatically subject to wide-ranging financial restrictions that interfere with their economic and social rights.

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-27). Taliban's Relentless Assault on Afghan Women's Bodies, Autonomy. Click to expand Image | A 15-year-old girl, barred from attending secondary school since 2021, reads a notebook in Afghanistan, March 20, 2024. | © 2024 Fariba Akbari/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Photo…

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-08-27). Laos: Government fails in follow-up review of key civil and political rights. The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Lao Movement for Human Rights (LMHR) welcome the assessment by the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee (CCPR), which gave the Lao government low grades concerning the implementation of the committee's recommendations on enforced disappearances and participation in public affairs and the right to vote.
Paris, 15 August 2024. On 6 August 2024, the CCPR released its report on the follow-up to the Concluding Observations it (…) | – |

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-27). India: Release Kashmiri human rights defender Khurram Parvez, arbitrarily detained for 1,000 days.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-27). Greece: Continued judicial harassment of migrants' rights defender Panayote Dimitras. The recent summons by the Athens Magistrate marks a new development in Mr Dimitras' long history of judicial harassment, this time also prospecting the criminal prosecution of his wife, constituting a major violation of their right to defend human rights as well as of the recently adopted European Union (EU) anti-SLAPP Directive. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (FIDH-OMCT) urges the Greek authorities to put an immediate end to this practice of harassment and to (…) | – |

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-27). China: UN Needs to Address Crimes Against Humanity. Click to expand Image | United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tàºrk speaks at the UN in Geneva, Switzerland, November 16, 2023. | © 2023 Salvatore Di Nolfi/Keystone via AP Photo…

Juliette Rousselot (2024-08-27). Need for an urgent rethink of international response to the human rights crisis in Afghanistan.

Maxime Duriez (2024-08-27). Egypt: Human rights organisations condemn the targeting of ElMaraya for culture and arts and call for the protection of cultural institutions. The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is co-signing a call to the Egyptian authorities to end their harassement and repression of independent cultural organisations in Egypt. The political regime's continued use of security services, police crackdowns, arrests and prison sentencing to intimidate artists and cultural workers must stop.
13 August 2024. The signatories of this statement condemn the Egyptian security forces' raid on the headquarters of ElMaraya for Culture and (…) | – | /…

Staff (2024-08-27). Delhi court likely to hear Lok Sabha MP Engineer Rashid's bail plea on Aug 28. New Delhi : A Delhi court is likely to hear on August 28 an application filed by Lok Sabha MP Rashid Engineer, who is in jail since 2019, seeking regular bail in a 2017 Jammu and Kashmir terror funding case. Sheikh Abdul Rashid, popularly known as Engineer Rashid, defeated former chief minister and National Conference …

Mark Gruenberg (2024-08-27). Tulsa massacre survivors still seek justice, after 103 years. CHICAGO—One hundred and three years after they and their parents had to flee for their lives, Viola Fletcher, now aged 110, and Lessie Benningfield Randle, now 109, still seek justice for Tulsa's Greenwood Massacre. And via DeMario Solomon-Simmons, the lawyer for those two survivors and descendants of other massacre survivors, they brought their case to …

David Kattenburg (2024-08-27). Justice delayed, not yet denied: an update on the ICC arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant. ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan's request for arrest warrants against Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant has been mired in attempts to shield Israel from accountability since May, but this soon could change.

Ana Perdigón (2024-08-27). CNE To Publish Results from Venezuela's July 28 Election. The Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) announced that it will comply with the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), which requested that the CNE publish the results of the presidential elections of July 28. | In a statement issued this Monday, August 26, the CNE informed that it received notification of the ruling issued by the TSJ's Electoral Chamber, issued in the file containing the electoral contentious appeal filed in the framework of the presidential elections. | It also confirmed that the institution will abide by the decision and will comply with the order of the Electoral Chamber of the…

Staff (2024-08-27). China Calls for Respect for the Choice of Venezuelans. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian urged the international community to respect the choice of the Venezuelan people, following the ruling confirming the results of the presidential elections issued by the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela last Thursday. | "All parties should respect the choice made by the Venezuelan people and respect Venezuela's right to choose its own development path. The Venezuelan government and people are capable of managing their internal affairs," Lin Jian said during a press conference this Monday, August 26, in Beijing in reference to the re-election of Nicolas Maduro as…

Gidi Weitz (2024-08-27). Instead of apologizing to bereaved families, Israel's justice minister is set on advancing the judicial coup. In the period following October 7, judicial coup architect Yariv Levin appeared depressed and withdrawn. Messages sent to him accused him of direct responsibility for the attack, prompting him to consider resigning. Since then, however, the color has returned to his cheeks…

Chen Maanit (2024-08-27). High court tells justice minister to convene Judicial Appointments Committee after months of delay. As Justice Minister Yariv Levin has failed to select a Supreme Court President or fill the courts vacancies, the High Court said the appointments committee must convene before September, otherwise an order will be issued…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-08-27). Declaration of the 11th Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of ALBA-TCP. Monday, August 26, 2024 We, the Heads of State and Government of the member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America — People's Trade Treaty (ALBATCP), committed to the founding principles and values of solidarity, social justice and cooperation, and in adherence to the purposes and principles of the Charter of…

Mark Gruenberg (2024-08-27). Jack Smith demands appeals court restore Trump's stolen documents trial. ATLANTA—Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith has asked the federal appeals court in Atlanta to put the trial of Donald Trump for stealing classified documents from the White House and taking them to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida back on track. If Smith wins his demand—and there's a good chance he will—the judges in the …

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-08-27). Homicide rate in El Salvador is lower than a year ago. San Salvador, Aug 27 (Prensa Latina) El Salvador reported a homicide rate between 2 and 2.1 per 100,000 inhabitants, a reduction compared to 2023, Justice and Security Minister Gustavo Villatoro said.

Gabisile (2024-08-27). Govt pulling resources together to curb extortion crimes, says Mashatile. Govt pulling resources together to curb extortion crimes, says Mashatile | Through the Justice, Crime Prevention, and Security (JCPS) Cluster, government is consolidating resources to end extortion and ensure that communities conduct business without fear or intimidation. | "We are also aware of the persistent issues of high levels of extortion crimes, particularly in Mthatha, Eastern Cape," said Deputy President Paul Mashatile. | The Eastern Cape town of Mthatha is battling extortion crime by syndicates, which have led to at least one school and several businesses shutting down, according to reports. | Mashati…

NEOB (2024-08-27). Justice department dismisses 27 officials. Justice department dismisses 27 officials | Some 27 officials of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DJCOD) have been dismissed for various forms of misconduct. | "These dismissals are part of 81 appeal matters recorded by the Department, which include 55 dismissals, 25 suspensions and 1 warning. These appeals were lodged by officials who were found guilty of serious misconduct. | "The misconduct in question ranged from fraud, theft, sexual harassment and bringing the department into disrepute to absenteeism, abuse of state vehicles and insubordination," the department said. | The department…

Eric Tucker, Alanna Durkin Richer (2024-08-27). Feds file new indictment in Trump Jan. 6 case, keeping charges intact but narrowing allegations. Special counsel Jack Smith filed a new indictment Tuesday against Donald Trump The new indictment removes a section of the indictment that had accused Trump of trying to use the law enforcement powers of the Justice Department to overturn his election loss, an area of condu…

Hannah Sharland (2024-08-27). Met police and right-wing corporate media spout their usual racist narrative on the Notting Hill Carnival. Throughout this year's Notting Hill Carnival, the Met police, the corporate media, and the far right have reared their usual display of rancid racism. Social media has been awash with this vile show of bigotry — proving all the more why the world's second largest street festival with its roots in fighting racial injustice is […] | By

6abc digital staff (2024-08-27). Philly school district sued over Nicolas Elizade's killing. This story originally appeared on The mother of a 14-year-old who was shot and killed after a high school football scrimmage in Roxborough is suing the School District of Philadelphia in federal court. | Nicolas Elizalde was among several teens He and fo…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-08-27). Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts: The time of blind trust in WHO's narrative is over; it's now the age of "prove it" Malcolm Roberts, Senator for Queensland, has delivered a speech in the Australian about the World Health Organisation declaring monkeypox (now mpox) a global public health emergency. WHO is influenced by big pharmaceutical …

newarab (2024-08-27). Security pact sparks fears of Turkey's growing ambitions in Iraq.

Paulo Cabral (2024-08-27). Arrests made in Brazil wildfires. Brazilian authorities have arrested three people in three different cities in connection with the wildfires that ripped through the countryside of Sà£o Paulo state over the weekend. While drought has created ideal conditions for fires to spread, authorities are investigating possible criminal actions that lit sparks, and led to at least two deaths. Paulo Cabral reports.

Al-Ittihad (2024-08-27). Israeli police shut down Communist Party HQ to disrupt anti-war activities. HAIFA, Israel—The Israeli police and Netanyahu's Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir attacked the Israeli Communist Party, closing its headquarters in the city of Haifa to stop the party from organizing anti-war and anti-genocide activities. The police summoned Reem Hazan, secretary of the party's Haifa region, for a second time Monday afternoon and interrogated her about …

infobrics (2024-08-27). Poland still refuses to listen to its most experienced generals and back off. People like Major General Komornicki are perfectly aware of the consequences of antagonizing Russia. Unfortunately, endemic Russophobia is clouding the judgment of Polish top leadership.

Dave DeCamp (2024-08-27). Israel Kills 41 Palestinians Across Gaza. On Tuesday, Gaza's Health Ministry said that Israeli forces killed at least 41 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in the previous 24-hour period. "Israeli forces killed 41 people and injured 113 others in three 'massacres' of families in the last 24 hours," the ministry said. "Many people are still trapped under the rubble and on …

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2024-08-27). Protests/Color Revolution in Bangladesh Brings to Power Tax Evading Banker Who Plunged Poor People Into Debt Through Micro-finance Loan Scheme. Muhammad Yunus awarded Nobel Peace Prize and given Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama despite screwing over poor On August 8, Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank and a pioneer in the issuance of micro-finance credit loans, was sworn in as Bangladesh's Prime Minister after protests forced the resignation of Sheikh Hasina, who had …

Emily Drabinski (2024-08-27). Librarians Resist Israel's Efforts to Destroy Palestinian Cultural Heritage. Ten months into its assault on Gaza, Israel has killed more than 40,000 people from the besieged strip and also demolished some of the main repositories of Palestinian cultural heritage, including the Central Archives of Gaza City, the Gaza Municipal Library and the Islamic University of Gaza Library — acts condemned by the American Library Association in January. As the United States funds Israel'… |

aljazeera (2024-08-27). Israel killed 40,000 people in Gaza. What does that look like? More than 40,000 people have been killed in Gaza, AJLabs puts this number into context.

newarab (2024-08-27). Dozens missing after dam collapses in east Sudan after rainfall. A dam collapsed in Sudan's eastern In a statement late Sunday, the ministry said that the Arbaat dam had collapsed and that resources had been deployed to the area to help the people who had been stranded. | The statement said at least four people had died in the

Jessica Corbett (2024-08-27). Heat-Related Deaths in the US Rose 117 Percent Between 1999 and 2023. As 55 million people in the U.S. Midwest faced heat alerts on Monday, research published in the peer-reviewed Journal of the American Medical Association showed that heat-related deaths in the country rose 117% between 1999 and 2023. "The current trajectory that we're on, in terms of warming and the change in the climate, is starting to actually show up in increased deaths… |

Staff (2024-08-27). Faith verses compassion: The Islamic dilemma of organ donation. By Mutyim Kamalee As advancements continue in the field of medicine, the donation of human organs has proven to be a blessing for all of humanity in saving lives and improving health. Experts say that the organs from one donor can save or help up to 50 people. These donations are usually taken after the … (2024-08-27). PLA to conduct live-fire drill near Myanmar border. The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command will conduct a joint live-fire drill on the Chinese side of the China-Myanmar border starting on Tuesday, a spokesperson said on Tuesday morning. (2024-08-27). Sudden storm kills 3, damages homes in Shandong. A brief but intense burst of extreme weather on Monday night left three people dead and seven people with minor injures in two villages of Yitang town in the Lanshan district of Linyi, Shandong province, the district's emergency management bureau reported. (2024-08-27). Yak racing festival celebrated in Qinghai. People race yak during a folk festival on Qaidam Basin in Delinghai, Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province, Aug. 25, 2024.

Eric Matteson (2024-08-27). Supreme Court ruling against homeless also has made America meaner to Russians. The American campaign against its own homeless people has | also triggered a increased cruelty to Russians inside of | Russia.

Ana Vračar (2024-08-27). Two months after elections, Macron refuses to nominate progressive prime minister.

Pablo Meriguet (2024-08-27). Direct and popular democracy of communes: the 2nd National Popular Consultation was held in Venezuela. Communal elections are held to select local social projects for each commune in Venezuela. This initiative aims to transform the very structure of the State…

Anita Hofschneider (2024-08-27). Thawing Alaskan permafrost is releasing more mercury, confirming scientists' worst fears. Alaska's permafrost is melting and revealing high levels of mercury that could threaten Alaska Native peoples. That's according to a new study released earlier this month by the University of Southern California, analyzing sediment from melted permafrost along Alaska's Yukon River. Researchers already knew that the Arctic permafrost was releasing some mercury, but scientists weren't …

C.J. Atkins (2024-08-27). Macron aligns with fascists to block New Popular Front government. Almost two months after the New Popular Front won France's parliamentary elections, President Emmanuel Macron has unveiled a new tactic in his effort to delay allowing the left-wing coalition to form a government: joining forces with the fascists. The snap elections of early July put the NPF—an alliance of the French Communist Party (PCF), La …

aljazeera (2024-08-27). Aftermath of Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukraine. Russia launches a wave of attacks for a second day, killing at least five people.

Basit Mahmood (2024-08-27). Number of patients waiting 'too long' for cancer treatment triples over decade. The percentage of patients waiting 'too long' for cancer treatment has tripled over the past decade, the latest figures for the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show. | In June 33.4 per cent of patients were waiting longer than the 62-day official standard for people to start treatment after cancer is suspected, up from 11 per cent between January and March 2012. | When it came to another government target, that treatment for cancer should begin within 31 days of a decision that it is necessary, performance had also declined. According to ONS data, 8.9 per cent of patients were waiting more than 31 days in…

Adam Fishbein (2024-08-27). Why 'No Taxes on Tips' Won't Help Most Workers. The Progressive See article on original site. With the race for the White House heating up, a curious policy idea appeared seemingly out of nowhere: ending federal taxes on tips. While this policy shift may have wide appeal—most people aren't going to say no to a tax cut—it would not translate into real benefits for workers struggling …

Dean Baker (2024-08-27). Yet Another in the Economy Is Bad Under Biden Series. Yes folks, like other major news outlets the Washington Post is perfectly happy to ignore the data to tell you the economy is bad under Biden. Past entries in this series included the many pieces telling us young people have given up ever being able to own a home, even though the number of young …

Imran Mulla (2024-08-27). Far-right riots: British Muslims say there has been no public reckoning. Far-right riots: British Muslims say there has been no public reckoning | The government has ignored the deep issues that caused the riots, many Muslims believe | | People hold signs that read 'No room for racism' during a counter demonstration against far-right riots in the Walthamstow su…

aljazeera (2024-08-27). Bangladesh floods leave millions affected. Deadly flooding in Bangladesh has left millions of people stranded following one of the country's worst monsoon seasons.

aljazeera (2024-08-27). Kamala Harris and fortifying Black-Palestinian solidarity. Black, Palestinian and other oppressed people face the same enemy. They need to stand together.

aljazeera (2024-08-27). Prosecutors investigating captain of superyacht that sank off Sicily. Seven people, including British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and his daughter, died when the ship went down in a sudden storm.

David Rovics (2024-08-27). I Survived Chicago. As Kamala Emanuel (the Other Kamala) and I were touring on the west coast, people frequently wished us luck in Chicago, particularly with regards to the Chicago police, who will, for good reason, forever be associated with the police riots at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. I wasn't worried about the cops. I've been

Danaka Katovich (2024-08-27). You Will Hear the Names of the Dead: The DNC in Chicago. Luxury SUVs carried important people into important buildings for important events. And between us and the importance, there were police with rifles strapped to their chests. A couple of weeks ago, I plunged into Lake Michigan. Unlike usual, the water felt warm. It was easy to run all the way in and easy to float

Eric Worrall (2024-08-27). German State Broadcaster Funds Fantasy Murder of "Climate Deniers" The German State promoting the dehumanisation and fantasy murder of a group of people. What could possibly go wrong?>

Hannah Sharland (2024-08-27). DWP denied thousands of people PIP back-payments — make sure you're not one of them. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) could potentially owe hundreds of thousands of personal independence payment (PIP) claimants thousands in back-payments. This is thanks to a high court ruling from 2019. Specifically, it found that the DWP should have awarded many disabled claimants the higher rate of PIP. Notably, the court ruling will particularly […] | By

Jake Bittle (2024-08-27). They settled in Houston after Katrina — and then faced a political storm. By the time Mtangulizi Sanyika got to Houston in September 2005, he and his wife were tired of moving. Sanyika, a lifelong resident of New Orleans and a professor at a historically Black college in the city, had spent weeks jumping from town to town after being displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Simultaneously, he waited for information about his mother and sister, who had been stranded in New Orleans's Charity Hospital with no power and little food. Eight people died at the hospital while waiting to be evacuated, but Sanyika's mother and sister made it out, and the family reunited in Houston, where some of their…

JANET (2024-08-27). People's Democracy vs Corporate Democracy: Discussion — Sat. Aug. 31.

John Paul, 6abc (2024-08-27). Mosquito-borne illnesses discovered throughout Philadelphia region. This story originally appeared on Mosquito-borne illnesses have been discovered in nearly every county in the Philadelphia region, and several people have tested positive for viruses. | There are six local cases of West Nile virus in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and one case of Eastern equestrian encephalitis in Atlantic County, New Jersey. | "If there was West Nile present in a mosquito, we know about it in Bucks County," said Ray Buckley, the mosquito control coordinator for the Bucks Coun…

Democracy Now! (2024-08-27). Democracy Now! 2024-08-27 Tuesday. Headlines for August 27, 2024; Palestinian Healthcare Workers Chained, Starved, Sexually Abused: New HRW Report on Israeli Prisons; What Is RealPage? DOJ Sues Software Firm Using Algorithm Enabling Landlords to Fix High Rents | Headlines for August 27, 2024; Palestinian Healthcare Workers Chained, Starved, Sexually Abused: New HRW Report on Israeli Prisons; What Is RealPage? DOJ Sues Software Firm Using Algorithm Enabling Landlords to Fix High Rents…

IMEMC News (2024-08-27). Soldiers Abduct Three Palestinians In Bethlehem And Salfit. On Tuesday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted three Palestinians, including a former political prisoner whom the army also assaulted, in Bethlehem and Salfit, in the occupied West Bank. Media sources said the army invaded the Al-Manshiyya village, south of Bethlehem, before storming and ransacking homes. They added that the soldiers abducted Mohammad Taha Abu Hussein and …

Chen Maanit (2024-08-27). Palestinian suspected of murdering Israeli prison guard in West Bank had nationalistic motives, army says. The indictment filed in a military court states that Ibrahim Mansour, a resident of the West Bank village of Biddu, murdered Israel Prison Service guard Yohai Avni by stabbing him 66 times. An amendment added that Mansour killed him for being Jewish…

Anonymous Contributor (2024-08-27). Call to Support Ashanti Alston! Call to support former Black liberation political prisoner and anarchist elder, Ashanti Alston.  Ashanti Alston is a Black Anarchist revolutionary, speaker, writer, organizer, and motivator who, as a result of his membership in both the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and the Black Liberation Army, served a total of 14 years as a political…

Itay Stern (2024-08-27). When Ultra-Orthodox rappers spit hot fire in Mea She'arim. The protagonists of a new social media series 'Mea Shearim Underground' manage to bridge the gap between the protest culture of hip-hop and the yeshivas for the newly religious…

aljazeera (2024-08-27). In Chicago's Little Palestine, locals protest and mourn amid Gaza war. The Palestinian community where Democrats held their convention last week takes pride in identity and rallies for Gaza.

aljazeera (2024-08-27). Japan says China airspace incursion 'serious violation of our sovereignty'. Tokyo summoned ambassador and lodged protest after surveillance plane was detected on Monday morning.

Jessica Corbett (2024-08-27). US-trained military in Uganda targets oil pipeline protesters. This story originally appeared in Police and soldiers from Uganda's U.S.-trained army cracked down on demonstrators at two Monday protests against the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, continuing the globally condemned In the capital city of Kampala, where protesters tried to march on P…

Marc Steiner (2024-08-27). Remembering the Chicano Moratorium Against the Vietnam War. On August 29, 1970, the Chicano Moratorium Against the Vietnam War mobilized the largest Chicano protest and the largest anti-war protest led by a community of color at the time. Combining a critique of US imperialism abroad and racism at home, the Chicano Moratorium was the result of years of organizing and consciousness raising by Chicano liberation activists around the country. Former Brown Beret Bill Gallegos and CSU Northridge professor Theresa Montaño join The Marc Steiner Show for a look back on the Chicano Moratorium and the struggle from which it arose. | Studio: Cameron Granadino | Post-Production…

hindustantimes (2024-08-27). Hezbollah's First Attack Since 300-Rocket Barrage; Assault Drone 'Directly' Hits North Israel Target. Hezbollah on August 26 claimed to have struck Israel with an assault drone, Al Jazeera reported. The Lebanese militant group said to "directly hit" a surveillance equipment in Ramyah site in northern Israel. This is the first reported Hezbollah attack on Israel since the August 25 mega attack in which the Iran-backed group fired over 300 rockets and drones. Watch this video for more information.

Ben Bartee (2024-08-27). 'Flying Syringes': Next-Level Biomedical Terrorism. Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes. I'm old enough to remember that, until approximately four years ago, the mandate to obtain informed consent from the patient by the medical system was sacrosanct. | Via "Informed consent is the process in which a health …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-08-27). The Eight Families: The Freemason BUS & The House of Rothschild (Part II). The Freemasons have had significant influence in the United States, particularly in early American politics, finance and international relations. Prominent figures such as Alexander Hamilton and George Washington were Freemasons and also …

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