Daily Archives: 2021-04-13

2021-04-13: News Headlines

Phyllis Bennis (2021-04-13). This isn't a Border Crisis, It's a Poverty, Violence and Climate Crisis. counterpunch.org Thousands of desperate migrants, mostly from Central America, are stuck at the U.S.-Mexico border. Most are families and unaccompanied children. Despite their legal rights to apply for asylum, U.S. officials are turning away huge numbers, claiming pandemic restrictions. But thousands of children remain, held in crowded border detention facilities while awaiting transfer to Department of

Ted Kelly (2021-04-13). Victory for Jalil Muntaqim over Monroe County DA. workers.org After 49 years, on Oct. 7, 2020, political prisoner Jalil Muntaqim was finally released, becoming the last remaining Black Panther Party member to survive the New York State prison system. However, Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley charged Muntaqim with felony voter fraud immediately after his release, claiming that he . . . |

webdev (2021-04-13). Derek Chauvin Trial Breaks Down "Blue Wall of Silence" as Police Officials Testify Against Ex-Cop. democracynow.org We get the latest on the murder trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who killed George Floyd, with Minneapolis-based civil rights attorney Nekima Levy Armstrong. She says prosecutors in the case have successfully chipped away at the "blue wall of silence" by getting current police officials to testify against Chauvin. However, she says it's likely that "the only reason that these officers have testified is because the world is watching."

webdev (2021-04-13). GOP Smears DOJ Civil Rights Pick Kristen Clarke in Latest Attack on Voting Rights & Racial Justice. democracynow.org We look at President Biden's nomination of Kristen Clarke to become the first Black woman to lead the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division and the conservative smear campaign against the veteran civil rights lawyer. The far-right Fox News host Tucker Carlson has devoted at least five segments to attacking Clarke's nomination, including baseless accusations of anti-Semitism. Ben Jealous, president of People for the American Way and former president of the NAACP, says "the right-wing attack machine" springs into action whenever Black nominees are up for confirmation. "They make sport, quite frankly, of trying…

Mohammad Ayesh (2021-04-13). Arabic press review: Egypt builds 35 new prisons since 2011 revolution. middleeasteye.net Arabic press review: Egypt builds 35 new prisons since 2011 revolution | Meanwhile, former Qatari PM says US is behind Jordan's crisis, foreign investment in Dubai declines by 53 percent, and 43 percent of Lebanese families struggle to secure food in Ramadan | Tue, 04/13/2021 – 13: 41 | Policewomen standing outside the entrance to al-Qanatir women's prison, about 30km north of the Egyptian capit…

MEE, agencies (2021-04-13). Egypt: Prominent journalist Khaled Dawoud released from prison. middleeasteye.net Egypt: Prominent journalist Khaled Dawoud released from prison | While in detention, the activist and journalist was held in very poor conditions for 18 months | Tue, 04/13/2021 – 13: 24 | Khaled Dawoud was an outspoken critic of the government and was known for his journalism (AFP) | Egyptian journalist and activist Khaled Dawoud was released from prison on Monday, pending investigation o…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-04-13). Two years of Assange's imprisonment. peoplesdispatch.org Assange is being indicted in the US under the infamous Espionage Act and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. He faces a total 18 federal criminal charges, including espionage and cybercrimes, which together carry a maximum sentence of 175 years.

Jeremy Shur (2021-04-13). The Computer Got it Wrong: Why We're Taking the Detroit Police to Court Over a Faulty Face Recognition 'Match'. aclu.org Last year, Detroit police

James Goodman (2021-04-13). Reclaiming Asylum, Rethinking the Border. progressive.org A much different mindset is needed about border issues—one that doesn't treat asylum seekers as criminals and instead keeps them out of detention and in communities.

Alison Wellford (2021-04-13). How Antidiscrimination Law Fails Black Mothers. thenation.com How Antidiscrimination Law Fails Black Mothers…

reposted by the Jamal Journal (2021-04-13). Free Mumia! protests: April 20 in SF at KQED, April 24 in Oakland. indybay.org April 20th: Protest at KQED Headquarters,50 Beale St., San Francisco; Protest against Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner, who is trying to keep Mumia imprisoned for life. Krasner is the star of a new PBS documentary, "Philly D.A." Then, on April 24 in Oakland, (Mumia's Birthday) — March and Car Caravan, Oscar Grant Plaza (14th and Broadway) to Alameda County Courthouse, 1221 Fallon Street, Rally on the steps of the Alameda County Courthouse, where the Panthers demonstrated for Huey Newton, on Mumia's Birthday!

pyeverino (2021-04-13). Police & Prison Abolition — YDSA Reading Group. dsausa.org RSVP Here Join YDSA members from across the country for a series of discussions about police & prison abolition and how it relates to our vision and strategy for winning socialism.

teleSUR (2021-04-12). Peru's Electoral Authority Declares Presidential Runoff June 6. telesurenglish.net Pedro Castillo, known for leading a Peruvian teachers' strike in 2017, was the first-place winner in the polls, while Keiko Fujimori, the eldest daughter of jailed former president Alberto Fujimori, and right-wing economist Hernando de Soto, continue to fight for the other runoff slot after polls closed at 7: 00 p.m. | While Fujimori bets on continuing his father's legacy, alleviating pandemic measures, promoting large mining projects, and generating new jobs, Soto reiterated that he would continue with an expansive fiscal and monetary policy to help reactivate the economy, support businesses and strengthen bor…

Eds. (2021-04-12). Rosa Luxemburg and postcolonial criticism. mronline.org Her understanding of oppression was bolstered by personal circumstances: female in an overwhelmingly male public sphere, Jewish in a climate of vicious antisemitism, Polish at a time when Poles suffered national oppression, and an individual who lived with a disability. | April 12, 2021 | Newswire…

samidoun (2021-04-12). Yemeni Liberation Movement: Hunger Strike for Yemen Actions this Week. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network supports the work of the Yemeni Liberation Movement, who have been on hunger strike for over 2 weeks in Washington, D.C, against U.S. support for the Saudi blockade of Yemen. Please take action to support this important, brave effort! The following updates come from the Yemeni Liberation movement — follow them on Twitter and Instagram! After 15 days of hunger striking, we have mounted significant pressure on the Biden Administration and the US government to hear our demands. 1. Publicly speak out against the blockade 2. End US support for the Saudi-led blockad…

Sara Flounders (2021-04-12). Ramsey Clark, human rights fighter — 1927-2021. workers.org Ramsey Clark was a founder of the International Action Center and inspired the political activists who used its structure to defend liberation struggles, oppose U.S. wars of aggression, defend political prisoners whether in U.S. prison-industrial complex or in the U.S.-backed dictatorships worldwide. IAC militants joined international delegations that defied the . . . |

MEE, agencies (2021-04-12). Egypt jails man for harassment spree that sparked #MeToo movement. middleeasteye.net Egypt jails man for harassment spree that sparked #MeToo movement | Ahmed Bassam Zaki had already been sentenced to three years in prison for harassing two young women | Mon, 04/12/2021 – 08: 33 | An Egyptian protester holds a sign reading "Yes to castrating the sexual harasser" during a protest against harassment of women, June 2014 (Reuters/Asmaa Waguih) | An Egyptian court Sunday senten…

Juan Cole (2021-04-12). With Cyber-Attack on Iran's Natanz Nuclear Enrichment Facility, is Israel's Netanyahu trying to derail Biden talks and Escape Jail? juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The BBC reports that a power outage and consequent explosion at the Natanz nuclear enrichment site in Iran on Sunday is being blamed by Iranian officials on sabotage. It reports that some Israeli outlets have speculated that the cause was an Israeli cyber-attack. The head of Iran's nuclear energy program, …

Juan Cole (2021-04-12). Is Israel's Netanyahu trying to derail Biden talks and Escape Jail? zcomm.org The BBC reports that a power outage and consequent explosion at the Natanz nuclear enrichment site in Iran on Sunday is being blamed by Iranian officials on sabotage…

Jennifer Stisa Granick (2021-04-12). Police Must Not Create Digital Dossiers of Data from our Phones and Computers. aclu.org Think about all the information stored on your cell phone or computers — photos, texts, location data, and even more information generated by a multitude of apps. These tools are convenient and integral to our everyday lives. But what does that mean for our privacy rights in the digital age? Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court hears oral arguments addressing this question, including arguments that the ACLU has presented in a series of amicus briefs. | The Wisconsin case concerns cell phone data seized by the police. During a hit-and-run investigation in 2016, a suspect, George Burch, consented to a police…

Kenny Stancil, staff writer (2021-04-12). Protests Erupt After Police Kill Black Man During Traffic Stop Near Minneapolis. commondreams.org "Yet another Black life was taken by those sworn to protect, and we join the community in mourning Wright's loss," said the ACLU of Minnesota. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/daunte_wright_protest.jpg

Alyssa Oursler, Anna DalCortivo (2021-04-12). For Black Lives Matter Protesters, There Are No Days Off. thenation.com For Black Lives Matter Protesters, There Are No Days Off…

Telesur (2021-04-12). Cuban and Venezuelan Authorities Mourn Ramsey Clark's Death. globalresearch.ca As an Attorney General, Clark stood up for civil rights and …

Carla Gomez, Hena Mansori, Sophia Gurulé (2021-04-12). Biden Has a Chance to End the Jail-to-Deportation Pipeline. thenation.com Carla Gomez, Hena Mansori, Sophia Gurulé Biden Has a Chance to End the Jail-to-Deportation Pipeline…

Fight Back (2021-04-12). Tampa rallies against repressive legislation. fightbacknews.org Tampa FL – On Saturday April 10, a crowd of 40 people gathered at Curtis Hixon Park to fight back against the Florida anti-protest bill (HB1/SB484). The bill bypassed one state senate sub-committee hearing and it passed the Appropriations Committee on Friday. | "What HB1 makes clear is that police are not protectors of the community but are, in fact, our enemies. They saw millions rise up against police brutality. They saw African Americans, who have endured years of oppression at the hands of the police and the prison industrial complex, push back against this oppression through organizing and they got scared. T…

J. B. Gerald (2021-04-12). "A Knee on the Neck" of Longterm Political Prisoners. globalresearch.ca The line between clearly defined political prisoners and prisoners targeted to …

Peoples Dispatch (2021-04-12). 23 Hirak protesters arrested last week in Algeria launch hunger strike. peoplesdispatch.org The North African country witnessed massive demonstrations by Hirak protesters on April 9 demanding that the government unconditionally release all political prisoners on the eve of beginning of the holy Islamic month of Ramadan…

commondreams (2021-04-12). Voting Rights Groups Across the Country Condemn State-Level Voter Suppression, Urge Senate Passage of For the People Act. commondreams.org ______________________________…

Updated: 2021-04-13 19:10 | 15:10 EST | 28 | 1 | 16 | 12 | 0