Daily Archives: 2021-06-08

2021-06-08: News Headlines

Editorial Team (2021-06-08). Peruvian socialist Pedro Castillo pulls ahead in election as further hurdles await. challenge-magazine.org The fate of Peru hangs in the balance as voters eagerly await the results of an election that'll be won by no more than a handful of votes. | Rural teacher turned champion of the poor Pedro Castillo is facing off against Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of imprisoned former dictator Alberto Fujimori. | Castillo, who is a relatively new face in Peruvian politics, represents the Free Peru party. Their focus is on nationalising important industries, particularly copper, and taking a stand against the neoliberal order that's been imposed on the Latin American country for the last few decades. | On the other hand, Fuji…

Staff (2021-06-08). Socialist Teacher Takes Lead in Peruvian Election as Nation Reels from Pandemic & Political Crisis. democracynow.org We get an update from Peru, where socialist candidate Pedro Castillo has pulled ahead of his right-wing rival Keiko Fujimori in the country's presidential election on Sunday. Castillo is the son of peasant farmers, and a union leader who led a nationwide teachers' strike in 2017. Fujimori is the daughter of former dictator Alberto Fujimori, who is in prison for human rights abuses and corruption. Political scientist Carlos León Moya discusses the history of the two candidates and describes how the election took place amid a years-long political crisis. "You have most of the Peruvian political elite charged by cor…

Staff (2021-06-08). Socialist Teacher Takes Lead in Peruvian Election. truthout.org We get an update from Peru, where socialist candidate Pedro Castillo has pulled ahead of his right-wing rival Keiko Fujimori in the country's presidential election on Sunday. Castillo is the son of peasant farmers, and a union leader who led a nationwide teachers' strike in 2017. Fujimori is the daughter of former dictator Alberto Fujimori, who is in prison for human rights abuses and corruption. Political scientist Carlos León Moya discusses the history of the two candidates and describes how the election took place amid…

Max Lill (2021-06-08). Learning to Feel Collectively. indybay.org The starting point of the upheavals are the anti-colonial movements that have been spreading across the globe since the end of World War II. With the Black Civil Rights Movement, they penetrate into the heart of the capitalist world system starting in the mid-1950s, where they politicize liberal students* and the existentialist beat culture of the bohemians.

Staff (2021-06-08). Civil Rights Leaders and West Virginia Miners Turn Up the Heat on Joe Manchin. truthout.org As Manchin's next week or two won't be the building falling,…

_____ (2021-06-08). Israel Carries Out Detention Campaign Against Prominent Palestine Activists. popularresistance.org Israeli occupation forces and police carried out a detention campaign against journalists and activists in Sheikh Jarrah over the weekend, Arab48 and agencies reported. | As part of the campaign, occupation forces raided the house of the prominent activist Muna El-Kurd and detained her. They left a detention order for her brother Mohammed and he later handed himself into the detention centre where his sister was being held. | Many other activists were either detained, summoned or beaten by police including Al Jazeera correspondent Givara Budeiri, who was beaten and detained while covering events at Sheikh Jarrah.

AutumnSun (2021-06-08). Protest US-financed oppression in Palestine/Israel. indybay.org Here are a few photos from today's protest on Ocean St. at Water St. that was held from 11am. to 2pm.

Tim Wheeler (2021-06-08). 'Caste': From billionaires to 'untouchables'—a way to understand oppression. peoplesworld.org One evening decades ago, fresh from milking the cows on my family's farm in Sequim, Wash., my mother handed me a slim booklet. "You might find this interesting," she said quietly. It was The Communist Manifesto, and I read it cover to cover. I was 13 years old. I even nodded in agreement when the …

teleSUR (2021-06-08). UN Committee Ruled on Detention of Venezuelan Diplomat Saab. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the United Nations Human Rights Committee ruled on the illegal detention of the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab and requested the government of Cabo Verde to suspend his extradition process to the United States. | RELATED: | "Pursuant to rule 94 of the Committee's rules of procedure, the State party has been requested to refrain from extraditing Mr. Alex Nain Saab Moran to the United States of America wh…

Katrina vanden Heuvel (2021-06-08). What Joe Manchin Doesn't Get About the GOP's Voter Suppression. thenation.com What Joe Manchin Doesn't Get About the GOP's Voter Suppression…

teleSUR (2021-06-07). Colombia's Police Used Bus Stations as Detention Centers. telesurenglish.net In response to a petition filed by Bogota's councilman Diego Cancino, TransMilenio confirmed that the Mobile Anti-Riot Squadron (ESMAD) used its stations as centers for the detention of citizens during the National Strike. | RELATED: | TransMilenio is a rapid transit bus system that serves Bogota with raised-floor stations distributed along the main routes. According to information provided by the company's manager,…

Esha Bhandari (2021-06-07). Supreme Court Ruling is a Win for Investigative Journalists and Civil Rights Researchers. aclu.org Earlier this week, the Supreme Court issued a At first glance, the decision may not seem obviously related to civil rights enforc…

Max Lill (2021-06-07). Learning to Feel Collectively. indybay.org The starting point of the upheavals are the anti-colonial movements that have been spreading across the globe since the end of World War II. With the Black Civil Rights Movement, they penetrate into the heart of the capitalist world system starting in the mid-1950s, where they politicize liberal students* and the existentialist beat culture of the bohemians.

Sí, se puede: People's World (2021-06-07). Sí, se puede: People's World / Mundo Popular Immigrant Rights Town Hall. peoplesworld.org Save the Date — Immigrant Rights Town Hall June 20 "Sí, se puede — No Human Being is Illegal" The urgent push toward comprehensive immigration reform and an end to deportations, detentions, family separation, and walls will be the topic of discussion on Sunday, June 20 at 6 pm Eastern Time at a virtual Town Hall …

WSWS (2021-06-07). Amid surging pandemic, Sri Lankan government criminalizes strikes by public sector workers. wsws.org Nearly one million public sector workers now face draconian punishments, including mass firings and lengthy jail terms, if they strike in opposition to the Sri Lankan government's homicidal response to the pandemic and its attacks on workers' rights.

AutumnSun (2021-06-07). Protest US-financed oppression in Palestine/Israel. indybay.org Here are a few photos from today's protest on Ocean St. at Water St. that was held from 11am. to 2pm.

priscilla (2021-06-07). DSA's Labor Strategy: Organizing Worker Power for a Socialist Future. dsausa.org RSVP Here As we assess the current state of class struggle post-Covid, organized labor is still weak after decades of capitalist suppression. Yet, support for the PRO Act is slowly growing, militant workplace actions are becoming more common, and a large majority of Americans favor unions. What should socialists make of this daunting but hopeful…

Jo Allen-Eure (2021-06-07). The fourth R in education: Reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic and racism. peoplesworld.org Racism. "A belief that some races are by nature superior to others, in which discrimination can be practiced, based on this belief" (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2019). This cruel practice of acting out hateful feelings toward groups of people who are of a darker hue (especially Black, brown, Indigenous and Asian), is ripping this country into …

Jo Allen-Eure (2021-06-07). The fourth R in education: Reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic and racism. peoplesworld.org Racism. "A belief that some races are by nature superior to others, in which discrimination can be practiced, based on this belief" (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2019). This cruel practice of acting out hateful feelings toward groups of people who are of a darker hue (especially Black, brown, Indigenous, and Asian), is ripping this country into …

Staff (2021-06-07). Texas AG Says He Helped Trump Win State With His Lawsuit Against Mail-In Ballots. truthout.org Conservative Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said on Friday that, had his office not blocked Harris County from sending out mail-in ballot applications to all of its registered voters, Donald Trump would have lost the state. | Paxton

WSWS (2021-06-07). Tragic death of young Sri Lankan woman exposes horrific conditions in Japanese detention centres. wsws.org Ridma Ratnayake, Sandamali's younger sister, spoke to the spoke to the World Socialist Web Site from Tokyo last week.

Peoples Dispatch (2021-06-07). Israeli intimidation, oppression of Palestinians continues unabated through the weekend. peoplesdispatch.org Israeli forces over the last 3 days violently assaulted journalists, arrested prominent Palestinians activists resisting evictions in Sheikh Jarrah and attacked Palestinian runners taking part in a solidarity race in support of Sheikh Jarrah…

L. Ali Khan (2021-06-07). The Law of Aggression. counterpunch.org Aggression objective: domination Notes. Emotions for aggression are primitive traits of the human species. The cultivation of civilization proposes the suppression of this primary inclination. The sages constrict aggression through divine and secular methods. "God breaks down the rod of the wicked that subdue nations with relentless aggression." Hebrew Bible. Yet, aggression is rampant. Individuals

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-06-07). Israeli Intimidation, Oppression of Palestinians Continues Unabated. libya360.wordpress.com Peoples Dispatch Israeli forces arresting Al Jazeera journalist Givara Budeiri. Photo: PIC Israeli forces over the last 3 days violently assaulted journalists, arrested prominent Palestinians activists resisting evictions in Sheikh Jarrah and attacked Palestinian runners taking part in a solidarity race in support of Sheikh Jarrah Israeli security forces on Sunday arrested prominent Palestinian activist…

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