Daily Archives: 2021-07-10

2021-07-10: News Headlines

Editor (2021-07-10). Voter suppression — class war against workers. workers.org A July 1 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court issued a death blow to the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which protected historically disenfranchised voters of color. Election night, Lowndes County, Ala., Nov. 8, 1966. In a 6-3 ruling in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, the right-wing majority court nullified Section . . . |

Leon Kunstenaar (2021-07-10). Rallies in Bay Area for Voting Rights. indybay.org Bay Area residents mobilizing to demand Congress fight voter suppression and pass the For the People Act…

Allan Fisher (2021-07-10). Saturday 7/10: Protest US financed oppression in Palestine/Israel. indybay.org Corner of Water and Ocean Streets, Santa Cruz…

Andrew Moss (2021-07-10). Taking a Wrong Turn on Immigration Detention. zcomm.org The administration is helping to reinforce an extensive system of institutions, policies, attitudes, and values that cast migrants as criminals…

WSWS (2021-07-10). Notre Dame lead contamination lawsuit highlights criminality of Paris authorities, complicity of CGT union. wsws.org Two years after fire devastated the cathedral, restoration workers are still exposed to dangerous levels of the poisonous metal.

_____ (2021-07-10). Environmental Groups Calling On Big Plastic To Drop Its Lawsuit Against Federal Government. popularresistance.org This Plastic-Free July, Canadian environmental groups are calling out the top three producers of plastic in Canada: NOVA Chemicals, Dow Chemical and Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil. These three companies are suing the federal government in an effort to stop the federal action plan to reduce plastic pollution. This trashy tactic is aimed at protecting Big Plastic's bottom line.

Editor (2021-07-10). Where infrastructure means prisons: a drive into the Naqab and the illusion of Israeli democracy. mronline.org Out of close to 250,000 Palestinian Beduin in the Naqab, about half live in "unrecognized villages." This means they get no roads, no electricity or running water, no schools or medical facilities—no services at all. | July 10, 2021…

Lynda Carson (2021-07-10). How the Sackler family got away with mass murder, and avoided prison in the process. indybay.org

Yudit Namer, Oliver Razum (2021-07-10). [Correspondence] Surviving syndemics. thelancet.com In their Comment on the double burden of HIV and COVID-19 in US Black communities, Errol Fields and colleagues1 focus only on vulnerabilities as an alleged attribute of subpopulations, instead of stressing the importance of communities' agencies, resources, and strengths. Despite the authors 'reflective analysis of structural inequalities and the intersectional character of systems of oppression, the vulnerability accent—although benevolent—is inevitably alienating the groups that they are intending to prioritise.

Staff (2021-07-09). Headlines for July 9, 2021. democracynow.org "I Will Not Send Another Generation of Americans to War": Biden Steps Up Afghanistan Pullout, Haiti Arrests Colombian Ex-Soldiers and Two U.S. Citizens for Assassination of President MoàØse, Africa Suffers Worst Week Since Start of COVID-19 Pandemic , White House Coronavirus Task Force Warns of Surging Cases in Low-Vaccination Areas , Pfizer Tweaking Vaccine to Target Delta Coronavirus Variant, Will Seek Authorization for Third Shot, Texas GOP Unveils Sweeping Voter Suppression Measures in Special Legislative Session, 15 States Drop Case Against Purdue Pharma's Bankruptcy Plan in Landmark Opioids Case, Whi…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-07-09). UK court allows US appeal on Assange's extradition on limited grounds. peoplesdispatch.org Prosecutors said judge Vanessa Baraitser erred in determining what could be "oppressive conditions" in case Assange is extradited. They claimed she did not give the US enough opportunity to give "assurances" over her concerns about harsh prison conditions…

teleSUR (2021-07-09). US Sanctions 14 More Chinese Companies for Activity in Xinjiang. telesurenglish.net The Commerce Department alleged the companies had been "implicated in human rights violations and abuses in the implementation of China's campaign of repression, mass detention, and high technology surveillance against Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other members of Muslim minority groups in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region." | Beijing and its allies worldwide deny the alleged abuses. | They sanctions have been placed against the China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology; Xinjiang Lianhai Chuangzhi Information Technology Co; Shenzhen Cobber Information Technology Co; Xinjiang Sailing Information Tech…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-07-09). There's a Dirty Tricks Campaign Underway in Peru to Deny the Left's Presidential Victory. libya360.wordpress.com José Carlos Llerena, Vijay Prashad As Keiko Fujimori fights tooth and nail to overturn the results of the elections in Peru, evidence suggests collusion with her father's intelligence chief, Vladimir Montesinos. Half an hour's taxi ride from the House of Pizarro, the presidential palace in Lima, Peru, is a high-security prison at the Callao naval…

Staff (2021-07-09). Cape Verde Violates Human Rights: Alex Saab Forced to Undergo Medical Examination in Front of Military & Police. orinocotribune.com By orders of the Cape Verdean government, and violating doctor-patient confidentiality, a team of medical oncologists who were finally permitted access to the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab were forced to examine him in the presence of the military and the police. | According to a report by the African news agencies Noticias do Norte and Business Day Ghana, this group of specialists traveled to Cape Verdean soil in order to monitor Alex Saab's health, deteriorating as a result of his prolonged illegal detention and the prison conditions to which he has been subjected. | Only after legal pressure was applied, and a…

_____ (2021-07-09). Progressives, Peace Groups Welcome Biden Announcement of US Afghan Withdrawal Date. commondreams.org Since law school, Chief Justice John Roberts personal political crusades have been to undermine protections for voting rights, enable voter suppression, turn a blind eye to gerrymandering and increase the influence of big money in politics.

Leon Kunstenaar (2021-07-09). Rallies in Bay Area for Voting Rights. indybay.org Bay Area residents mobilizing to demand Congress fight voter suppression and pass the For the People Act…

Staff (2021-07-09). As Texas Pushes "Worst Voter Suppression Bill in the Country," Activists Call on Biden to Do More. democracynow.org As President Joe Biden met with civil rights groups this week to discuss how to fight voter suppression efforts, Texas lawmakers followed other battleground states controlled by Republicans with a new push to overhaul the state's election laws. New restrictions would include a ban on drive-thru voting and 24-hour or late-night voting options, and election officials could be penalized for sending out unsolicited absentee applications. The measures would also impose stringent signature-matching requirements and increase the power of partisan poll observers, which can result in intimidation. "This would make it the…

Staff (2021-07-09). Texas Pushes "Worst Voter Suppression Bill" as Activists Demand Urgent Action. truthout.org Image Credit: Twitter: @unitehere23 | As President Joe Biden met with civil rights groups this week to discuss how to fight voter suppression efforts, Texas lawmakers followed other battleground states controlled by Republicans with a new push to overhaul the state's election laws. New restrictions would include a ban on drive-thru voting and 24-hour or late-night voting options, and election officials could be penalized for sending out unsolicited absentee applications. The measures would also i…

Editor (2021-07-09). Exposing police lies to destroy the legacy of Kwame Ture. mronline.org His work touched the civil rights, Black Power, and Pan-African movements and his selflessness and strong organizing skills helped create revolutionary cadre who continue to carry out the work he engaged in today. | July 9, 2021…

Kristin Henderson (2021-07-09). Make Police Obsolete. counterpunch.org The summer of 2020 was the largest protest movement for civil rights and racial justice in a generation. As Americans flooded the streets demanding justice and accountability for police brutality, police departments responded in force. By October 2020, five months into the protests, there were nearly 1000 instances of police brutality recorded. I was one

Allan Fisher (2021-07-09). Saturday 7/10: Protest US financed oppression in Palestine/Israel. indybay.org Corner of Water and Ocean Streets, Santa Cruz…

Staff (2021-07-09). Head of Dam-Building Company Convicted in Murder of Activist Berta Cáceres. truthout.org Catastrophic climate change is heating the planet, shattering records from Siberia to California, fueling wildfires, droughts and hurricanes. Yet, land and water defenders fighting to save the planet face threats ranging from intimidation to imprisonment to assassination. | In Honduras, Berta Cáceres was a leader of the indigenous Lenca people's campaign to stop construction of a hydroelectric dam on the Gualcarque River, which they consider sacred. She was gunned down in her home on March 2nd,…

Kathy Kelly (2021-07-09). Why Whistleblower Daniel Hale Deserves Gratitude, Not Prison. counterpunch.org "Pardon Daniel Hale." These words hung in the air on a recent Saturday evening, projected onto several Washington, D.C. buildings, above the face of a courageous whistleblower facing ten years in prison. The artists aimed to inform the U.S. public about Daniel E. Hale, a former Air Force analyst who blew the whistle on the

teleSUR (2021-07-09). Italy Confirms 14 Life Sentences for Operation Condor Killers. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Italy's Supreme Court confirmed life imprisonment for 14 former officials and military personnel from Chile and Uruguay who were charged with the murder of citizens during Operation Condor, a U.S. counterinsurgency strategy implemented in Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s. | RELATED: | The judges revalidated the judgment of the Rome Court of Appeal issued in July 2019 against these human rights vi…

teleSUR (2021-07-09). Palestinian Hunger Striker Released in Poor Conditions. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Israel released Palestinian prisoner Ghadanfar Abu Atwan, who spent 65 days on hunger strike for being imprisoned without charge or a trial. The 28-year-old man was transferred to Kaplan Medical Center, where he faces a life-threatening health condition. | RELATED: | Arrested ten months ago, Abu Atwan was held under the "administrative detention" mechanism, for which the Israeli government has no obligation to present any offic…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-07-09). Palestinian administrative detainee ends 65-day long hunger strike after securing his release from Israeli detention. peoplesdispatch.org Currently at least 520 Palestinians are being held in Israeli prisons and detention centers under the illegal administrative detention policy, according to prisoners' rights group Addameer…

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