Daily Archives: 2023-01-22

2023-01-22: News Headlines

Brandon Caldwell (2023-01-22). Houston Restaurant With Controversial Dress Code Is Sued For $1.3M Over Grocery Bill. newsone.com Houston's popular Turkey Leg Hut restaurant is facing a seven-figure lawsuit over an unpaid balance with US Foods. It previously faced backlash due to a controversial dress code.

Fight Back (2023-01-22). Tampa protesters condemn Mayor Castor's veto of democracy. fightbacknews.org Tampa, FL- Dozens of outraged protesters gathered in an emergency action at Tampa City Hall on January 18, hours after Mayor Jane Castor vetoed all five proposed city charter amendments. The unprecedented veto marks the first time in Tampa history where the mayor vetoed all the city charter amendments, putting Tampa voters in the crossfire between the between the city council and the mayor. Voters had called for an end to the blatant ballot suppression, to have their rights put first, and overwhelmingly demanded an opportunity to vote for greater police oversight. | Two weeks before, on January 5, the Tampa city…

isj.org.uk (2023-01-21). Capitalism and Slavery revisited. isj.org.uk The reprint of the book, written by Eric Williams, comes in the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Mikhal Weiner (2023-01-21). Queer and Trans Elders in Search of Safe Housing Face Barriers, Discrimination. truthout.org As the baby boom generation enters its golden years and average lifespans increase, the U.S. is becoming home to more older adults. In 2019, there were over 74.6 million Americans over the age of 60, according to recent data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS). The agency projects that there will be 80.8 million seniors in the U.S. by 2040, a demographic trend that has… |

Seth Galinsky (2023-01-21). Iran unrest fueled by attacks on labor, women, nationalities. themilitant.com Dozens demonstrated outside Rajai Shahr jail near Tehran Jan. 8 and 9 to demand an end to the death penalty, including the mother of Mohammad Ghobadlou, one of several anti-government protesters convicted of "enmity to God" and sentenced to death. | The protest began the day after the Iranian government executed political prisoners Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Mohammad Hosseini Jan. 7, bringing to four the number of recent protesters executed since Dec. 8. The courts have since put several executions on hold or ordered new trials. | The bourgeois-clerical regime hoped the executions would push back the movement acro…

Joe Young (2023-01-21). End forced sterilization of Native women in Canada! themilitant.com MONTREAL — Two recent reports document the longstanding practice of the capitalist rulers in Canada to promote forcibly sterilizing Indigenous women. And the numbers reported are just the tip of the iceberg. This is part of the long history of oppression against Native people by the Canadian state. | An inquiry last November by the First Nations of Quebec and the Labrador Health and Social Services Commission, documents 22 cases since 1980 where Indigenous women were sterilized without their consent, most recently in 2019. Many of the women had gone to the hospital to give birth. There were three cases of f…

Prabhat Patnaik (2023-01-21). The abuse of the concept of "populism" mronline.org ALL regimes based on class antagonism require a discourse to legitimise class oppression and this discourse in turn requires a vocabulary of its own. The neoliberal regime too has developed its own discourse and vocabulary and a key concept in this vocabulary is "populism".

It's Going Down (2023-01-21). This Is America #180: An Antifascist Got 20 Years in Prison For Defending Counter-Protesters on J20; Report from Rural PNW. itsgoingdown.org Welcome, to This Is America, January 20th, 2023. On today's episode, first we speak with autonomous organizers in the rural Pacific Northwest town of Aberdeen, WA. We then talk to a supporter of antifascist political prisoner Alex Stokes, who has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for standing up to protect his friends from…

Staff (2023-01-21). 21 January, NYC: Day of Rage Free Ahmad Sa'adat, Free Ahmad Manasra, Honor the Martyrs of Palestine. samidoun.net Saturday, 21 January 2 pm Grand Central Station, Main Concourse NYC Info: www.instagram.com/p/Cnim_b-LwgY/ Rally to demand the immediate release of Ahmad Sa'adat, Ahmad Manasra, and all Palestinian prisoners, and to honor the martyrs of Palestine! Come out and have your voice be heard! Join Samidoun NY/NJ and Within Our Lifetime United for Palestine! Free …

WSWS (2023-01-21). New laws targeting the homeless passed in multiple US states. wsws.org In Tennessee, a law passed last July makes sleeping in a tent on public property, under a bridge, or on an interstate exit a felony punishable by imprisonment, the first of its kind in the nation.

WSWS (2023-01-21). Spanish-Russian journalist Pablo González held in Polish prison for nearly a year on bogus spy charges. wsws.org The imprisonment of González has far-reaching implications for the ability of journalists to report on and criticise the actions of the imperialist powers globally, amid a concerted campaign to obscure and falsify the real origins of the war in Ukraine.

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