Daily Archives: 2024-06-23

2024-06-23: News Headlines

presstv.ir (2024-06-23). France must swiftly free jailed Iranian musician: Top rights official. presstv.ir Iran's top human rights official says Paris must swiftly release Iranian musician and filmmaker Bashir Biazar.

presstv.ir (2024-06-23). Violence erupts as Israeli police clash with anti-regime protesters. presstv.ir Clashes have broken out between the Israeli police and anti-regime protesters in Tel Aviv and across the occupied territories, with demonstrators demanding new elections and a prisoner exchange deal with the Palestinian resistance group Hamas.

presstv.ir (2024-06-23). Guantanamo victims: Israel using 'US-style' torture against Palestinians. presstv.ir Former Guantanamo detainees recount their abuse and torture in the United States detention facilities, saying Israel is using the same pattern against Palestinians illegally jailed in the occupied territories.

Nat Parry, Consortium News. (2024-06-23). Anti-Trump Anxiety Ignores History. popularresistance.org With President Joe Biden's poll numbers tanking, American liberals are doubling down on what they apparently consider the best hope for his re-election: a strategy that relies heavily on whipping up fears of a dictatorship led by Donald Trump — warning that he would not only trample constitutional rights but likely imprison his political opponents. | Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) recently raised this specter on a podcast called "On with Kara Swisher," openly fretting that President Trump would throw her in jail if he wins the November election. | "I mean, it sounds nuts," she said, "but I wouldn't be…

People's Dispatch. (2024-06-23). The People's Struggle Will Free Leonard Peltier. popularresistance.org Peoples Dispatch speaks to Gloria La Riva, who has spent decades in the movement to free the longest-held political prisoner in the United States…

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes, EcoWatch. (2024-06-23). Hawaii To Decarbonize Transportation In Youth Climate Change Settlement. popularresistance.org On Thursday, Hawaii agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by 13 young people alleging the state had violated their constitutional rights with infrastructure that adds to greenhouse (GHG) emissions, exacerbating climate change. | In the settlement, the state agreed to decarbonize its transportation system by 2045. | At a news conference, Governor of Hawaii Josh Green, a Democrat, called the settlement "groundbreaking," reported Reuters. | "We're addressing the impacts of climate change today, and needless to say, this is a priority because we know now that climate change is here," Green said, as Reuters reported. "It…

Brenda Norrell (2024-06-23). Vigil for Freedom for Leonard Peltier in San Francisco: 'Let Leonard Breathe Fresh Air'. indybay.org The Prayer Vigil for Freedom for Leonard Peltier held at the U.S. Department of Justice in San Francisco honored the Ohlone people whose land the people stood on, and honored Peltier for the stand he took for the Lakota people on Pine Ridge before he was imprisoned 49 years ago. | "It would be very cruel if the parole board denies him his freedom," said Tony Gonzales, AIM West, pointing out that Peltier's last parole hearing was in 2009. The vigil was held on June 10, the same day as Peltier's parole hearing at Coleman Prison in Florida.

(2024-06-23). Niger reinstates prison sentences for journalists for defamation, insult. rfi.fr

aljazeera (2024-06-23). New Caledonia independence activists sent to France for detention. aljazeera.com Pro-independence leader Christian Tein among seven flown to the mainland after last month's large-scale riots.

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