Daily Archives: 2021-12-07

2021-12-07: News Headlines

Staff (2021-12-07). Headlines for December 7, 2021. democracynow.org Justice Department Sues Texas Over Political Maps That Diminish Power of Voters of Color, New York City Announces First-in-Nation Vaccine Mandate For Private Employers, Biden Meets Putin as Russian Troops Mass on Ukraine Border, Russia and India Agree to Deepen Military Ties, Haitian Kidnappers Release 3 More Missionaries, 12 Remain Hostages, Civil Rights Office's Warnings Over Haiti Deportations Went Ignored by DHS and ICE , Biden Administration Reinstates and Expands Trump-Era "Remain in Mexico" Policy, Trump-era Oil & Gas Drilling Boom Continues Under Biden, Despite Campaign Pledge , Top Mike Pence Aide Will C…

IGD Worldwide (2021-12-07). International Call For New Year's Eve Noise Demonstrations — in English, Español, Português, ŒïŒªŒªŒ∑ŒΩŒπŒ∫Œ¨, Franàßais & Deutsch. itsgoingdown.org English — Español — Português — Ελληνικά — Français — Deutsch Call from New York City Anarchist Black Cross for yearly New Year's Eve noise demonstrations outside of jails, detention centers and prisons. This is a call for a night of strong solidarity with those imprisoned by the state. Historically, New Year's Eve is…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-07). Rally held in Sydney against Morrison government's push to dilute LGBT+ rights. peoplesdispatch.org Activists have opposed the conservative Liberal-National coalition government's attempts to push through the Religious Discrimination Bill that dilutes the existing anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in faith-based schools and institutions…

Brittani Banks (2021-12-07). Progressives Sweep 2021's Municipal Elections Across Georgia. independentmediainstitute.org Georgia's 2021 municipal runoff elections saw dozens of progressives elected as new mayors, city council members and local officials in a wave that challenges the political narrative that only centrists can win in Southern battleground states, according to several organizers of voter outreach efforts. "Last night proves two things," said Ray McClendon, the Atlanta NAACP's …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-06). Nicaragua's Evidence-Based Democracy Threatens U.S. Oppression Domestically and Abroad. libya360.wordpress.com Lauren Smith President Daniel Ortega shown dancing with musicians and supporters at the first public event after his and Vice President, Rosario Murillo's reelection on November 8th. [Source: photo by Lauren Smith] Despite Washington's best effort to derail Nicaragua's electoral process through hybrid warfare, strong voter turnout resulted in a decisive victory by the Sandinista…

_____ (2021-12-06). Former DINA Agent Living in Australia Is One Step Closer to Facing Justice in Chile. strategic-culture.org With Rivas one step closer to facing the Chilean courts, pressure should be ramped up for further disclosure on Australia's duplicitous role, and how it might be contributing towards the oblivion and impunity enacted by Pinochet. | Chile's dictatorship operated over 1,200 detention and torture centres, yet Cuartel Simon Bolivar was its best kept secret until Jorgelino Vergara Bravo, a former errand boy for the National Intelligence Directorate (DINA) chief Manuel Contreras, revealed its existence as "the place where no one got out alive." Vergara, known as El Mocito, gave testimony which placed the feared Lautar…

Ann Brown (2021-12-06). West Hollywood Considers Financial Compensation For Redlining Against Black Residents. moguldom.com A city in Los Angeles may give reparations to Black residents who were victims of redlining. West Hollywood announced it is considering giving financial compensation to Black residents for housing discrimination that took place over the last century. The West Hollywood City Council aims to spend $100,000 on a historical context study to determine the …

Ann Brown (2021-12-06). San Diego Company Tells Black Man to Cut Locs For Supervisor Job, They Claim It Was Misunderstanding After Lawsuit. moguldom.com A Black job applicant is suing over hair discrimination, but the company says it was a misunderstanding. Cut your hair or no job, that's what a Black job applicant said a potential employer told him. Jeffrey Thornton is now suing an employer over hair discrimination is demanding an apology and policy change. The company, however, …

Rachel Evans (2021-12-06). Protest demands Morrison 'kills the bill'. greenleft.org.au Protesters rallied in Sydney against the federal government's religious discrimination bill. Rachel Evans reports.

Anonymous Contributor (2021-12-06). Report Back from Disruption of Heartland Alliance's Holiday Brunch. itsgoingdown.org Report back on recent mobilization and disruption of the Heartland Alliance, a non-profit which imprisons migrant children in so-called Chicago. For a deeper dive, go here. On Sunday, December 5 at 10 AM, demonstrators gathered outside the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Chicago to confront donors arriving at Heartland Health's annual holiday brunch. While Heartland…

teleSUR (2021-12-06). Myanmar Junta Sentences Suu Kyi To Four Years In Prison. telesurenglish.net On Monday, the Myanmar dictatorship sentenced Nobel Peace Prize Aung San Suu Kyi to four years in prison, accusing her of incitement against the Military and violation of COVID-19 regulations. | RELATED: | Using the Penal Code to justify the accusation of "incitement", the accusing court held that her political party, the National League for Democracy (LND), issued several public statements against the recognition of the Military Junta that took the po…

Staff (2021-12-06). Headlines for December 6, 2021. democracynow.org International Travelers Face Tightened Restrictions as Omicron Variant Spreads Worldwide, More Protests Erupt as European Countries Tighten Vaccine Mandates, Parents of Michigan High School Shooting Suspect Arrested After Manhunt, Burmese Court Sentences Deposed Leader Aung San Suu Kyi to 4 Years in Prison, Biden Expected to Announce U.S. Diplomatic Boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics, 15 Dead, Dozens Missing as Indonesian Volcano Erupts, Funerals Held for 15 Civilians Killed by Security Forces in India's Nagaland State, Pope Francis Voices Support for Refugees in Trip to Greek Island of Lesbos, Voters in The Gamb…

Jessica Phoenix Sylvia (2021-12-06). Prison Officials Punished Me With Solitary — Against Their Own Rules. truthout.org My experience as a trans woman forced to live in a men's prison in Washington State is barbaric and dehumanizing. Imagine living in an environment where you are surrounded by men and never seem to fit in. Trans women are a particularly vulnerable population who are at higher risk of physical and sexual violence, as well as suicide. Being placed in segregation for an extended period of time is another thing altogether; it is torturous. | In 2015, international standards were changed: The United Nations…

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