Daily Archives: 2024-05-17

2024-05-17: News Headlines

Naledi Pandor, Mondoweiss. (2024-05-17). South Africa FM: 'We Will Not Rest Until Palestine's Freedom Is Realized'. popularresistance.org South Africa is of the view that the international community has an obligation to find a comprehensive and just resolution to the Palestinian issue. So far, the traditional approach to conflict resolution has failed to achieve peace in the Israel—Palestine conflict. It is possible that a different approach, one that uses a human rights perspective on conflict resolution, could produce what the old approach could not. | A human rights approach asserts that the principles and practices enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including equality and non-discrimination, participation, inclusion,…

John Kiriakou, Consortium News. (2024-05-17). The Heroism Of David McBride. popularresistance.org Sometimes a whistleblower does everything right. He or she makes a revelation that is clearly in the public interest. The revelation is clearly a violation of the law. And then he or she is even more clearly abused by the government. It would be great if these stories always had happy endings. Unfortunately, they don't. | In this case, the whistleblower, the hero, Australian David McBride has been sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for telling the truth. He will not be eligible for parole for 27 months. | David McBride is former British Army officer and a lawyer with the Australian Special Forces…

A Guest Author (2024-05-17). Abuse of Palestinian prisoners 'a crime that surpasses all limits'. workers.org This statement was issued by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and Wounded on May 11, 2024. The international institutions, especially the Red Cross, are completely complicit in these heinous crimes. What has been revealed about secret detention centers where brutal practices are committed . . . |

Michael Hudson (2024-05-17). Seven Features of Ancient Enterprise. counterpunch.org There are multiple differences between antiquity's economic practices and those of the modern world, and these should be borne in mind when considering the changing context for enterprise through the centuries. Whereas modern business largely operates on credit, in archaic and classical times handicraft workshops were located on basically self-sufficient landed estates, including those of

Santa Cruz County Chapter of the ACLU (2024-05-17). Monday 5/20: A Community Conversation on Surveillance and the Expectation of Privacy. indybay.org

Akio Tanaka (2024-05-17). Ziri Rideaux vs Pacifica. indybay.org On October 20, 2022, the PNB voted to extend the terms if the elections were not held. | On February 2, 2023, Ziri Rideaux filed a lawsuit claiming that such extension is in direct violation of the Bylaws and the Corporations Code.

Raihan Alam (2024-05-17). Thinking Clearly About The Protesters. counterpunch.org "Do you think 'sit-ins' at lunch counters, 'Freedom Buses' and other demonstrations by Negroes will hurt or help the Negro's chances of being integrated in the South?" This question was posed by Gallup, a leading polling organization, back in 1961, during the heyday of the Civil Rights Movement. A majority of Americans at the time,

Katherine Hearst (2024-05-17). Egyptians accused in Pylos shipwreck to stand trial after year in detention. middleeasteye.net Egyptians accused in Pylos shipwreck to stand trial after year in detention | Lawyers representing the defendants say the investigation has omitted key evidence and witnesses | | About 100 people gathered outside of the Reception and Identification Center in Malakasa, Greece, in…

teleSUR (2024-05-17). Ukrainian President Signs Law to Send Prisoners to Front Lines. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law approved on May 8 by Parliament that allows certain categories of prisoners to sign contracts with the Army. | RELATED: | With the approval of this law, Ukraine seeks to increase the number of soldiers in its ranks to reduce the gap in personnel that separates its army from the Russian Armed Forces. | The regulations allow prisoners who wish to shorten their sentences if th…

cpj.org (2024-05-17). Syrian journalist Mahmoud Ibrahim arrested after post on anti-Assad protests. cpj.org Istanbul, May 17, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday called on Syrian authorities to release detained Syrian journalist Mahmoud Ibrahim immediately and to disclose his location and that of all imprisoned journalists. On February 25, Syrian government forces arrested Ibrahim, an editor with Al-Thawra newspaper, which is published by the ruling Baath party, after…

Reuters (2024-05-17). Texas governor pardons man convicted of murdering Black Lives Matter protester. scmp.com Daniel Perry, who gunned down US Air Force veteran Garrett Foster at a rally, said the victim had pointed an AK-47 at him, and he opened fire in self-defence.

The Independent (2024-05-17). Police officer ordered to pay sh40m compensation for illegal arrests. independent.co.ug Iganga, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Iganga Chief Magistrates Court has ordered a Namutumba-based Assistant Superintendent of Police Stella Nankunda to pay two Court Process Servers sh40 million as compensation for unlawful arrest and subsequent detention. The Court Process Servers are Michael Kaluusi and Richard Mwesigwa who work in the Iganga High Court Circuit. …

Reuters (2024-05-17). Donald Trump's lawyer accuses Michael Cohen of lying at hush money trial. scmp.com Jurors heard audio clips of Cohen saying the case 'fills me with delight' and that he felt 'giddy with hope and laughter' imagining Trump and his family in jail.

UMMID (2024-05-17). Why the forces behind 3 assassinations in USA must be exposed. ummid.com The three lives lost were those of President John F. Kennedy followed by the loss 5 years later of prominent civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy.

aljazeera (2024-05-17). Colombia hunts for assailants after Bogota prison director shot dead. aljazeera.com Elmer Fernandez's killing comes after an emergency was declared in February to curb a surge in prison violence.

Melissa Vida (2024-05-17). Guatemalan journalist receives prestigious award from prison. globalvoices.org

Eric Brooks (2024-05-17). Develop "healthcare struggles" cpusa.org This piece is a contribution to the Pre-Convention Discussion for our 32nd National Convention. During Pre-Convention Discussion, all aspects of the party's program, strategy, and tactics are up for consideration and debate. The ideas presented here are those of the author or authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Communist Party USA, its membership, or their elected leadership bodies. — Editors | Let's update and expand our party's analysis of "Healthcare Struggles." The party program should emphasize the role of special oppression in this discussion. Racist medical experimen…

UMMID (2024-05-17). After over 7 months, SC finds NewsClick founder's arrest illegal, void. ummid.com In a judgement pronounced Wednesday May 15, 2024 the Supreme Court of India ordered immediate release of NewsClick Founder and Editor-in-Chief Prabir Purkayastha from jail.

aljazeera (2024-05-17). Texas governor Abbott pardons man who killed Black Lives Matter protester. aljazeera.com Daniel Perry was jailed for 25 years for shooting dead protester Garrett Foster in Austin in 2020.

newarab (2024-05-17). Turkey jails Kurdish leader for 42 years over 2014 unrest. newarab.com

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Prison officers protest outside Gradignan prison after two officers killed. presstv.ir Prison officers demonstrate in front of the Bordeaux-Gradignan penitentiary center a day after two officers were killed.

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