Daily Archives: 2021-08-08

2021-08-08: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2021-08-08). In Video: Kunduz, Sari-Pul Capitals Fell Under Taliban Control. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On August 7th, the Taliban launched an advance in the city of Kunduz in the north-eastern Afghanistan. | Following the night-long clashes, the Taliban fighters declared the complete capture of Kunduz. According to the group's representatives, the militants managed to take control of the police department building, the residence of the provincial governor and the prison building. | The Taliban released video showing the Kunduz police headquarters under the complete control of…

Allan Fisher (2021-08-08). Saturday 8/7: Protest US financed oppression in Palestine/Israel. indybay.org Corner of Water and Ocean Streets, Santa Cruz…

Eve Ottenberg (2021-08-08). Fannie Lou Hamer and the Ongoing Struggle for Voting Rights. counterpunch.org Fannie Lou Hamer was a firebrand. She was a civil rights organizer that doesn't come along every day. Charismatic, she did not kowtow to charismatic leaders. An individual who was a force of nature, she preferred group leadership. A politician who could have led nationally, she believed fiercely in the local and in grassroots organizing. […] | To read this article, In order to read CP+ articles, your web browser must be set to acc…

Staff (2021-08-07). WATCH: Taliban fighters joyride in Humvees after capturing Nimroz provincial capital & seizing more US-made weaponry. rt.com Taliban militants were spotted parading around in US-made Humvees after seizing a major city in Nimroz province, footage shows — the first regional capital to fall to the group as it launches a wave of attacks across Afghanistan. | The militants were seen making victory laps around the city of Zaranj on Friday afternoon in the captured vehicles, having just captured the provincial capital after overrunning Afghan government forces. |

sputniknews (2021-08-07). Watch Taliban Militants Parade in US-Made Humvees After Seizing Afghan Provincial Capital. sputniknews.com On Friday, Afghanistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ghulam Isaczai told the UN Security Council that the scale and scope of the ongoing Taliban* offensive in the country "are akin to an invasion unparalleled in the last 30 years of the conflict".

sputniknews (2021-08-07). Israel-Hezbollah Confrontation is 'Exchange of Messages', War is Not on Horizon, Expert Says. sputniknews.com The reason for this is not only the reluctance of Hezbollah to draw Lebanon into another bloody conflict, especially now when the country is mired in deep economic and political crises. It also stems from Israel being preoccupied with other problems and the split within its own coalition.

Dave DeCamp (2021-08-07). Hezbollah Fires Rockets in Response to Israeli Airstrikes. news.antiwar.com Hezbollah responded Friday to recent Israeli shelling and airstrikes in southern Lebanon by firing rockets into Israel. The incident marks the Israel said 19 rockets were launched from Lebanon and that it fired back with artillery after the barrage. The back and forth is the most significant escalation between Israel and Hezbollah in years, but no casualties were reported on either side. | Israel's initial shelling of Lebanon took place late We…

Staff (2021-08-07). 7 August, Toulouse: Palestine Stand — Free all Palestinian prisoners! samidoun.net Saturday, 7 August 11 am Metro Capitole Toulouse, France Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/436408997413252/ Saturday August 7th from 11am to 1pm, Collectif Palestine Vaincra is organizing a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Capitole metro in Toulouse. Today, 4,850 Palestinians are imprisoned in Israeli occupation prisons, including 540 administrative detainees (without charge or trial). This comes in addition to the case of Georges Abdallah, Palestinian resistance fighter imprisoned in France since 1984. Faced with this situation, more than 17 prisoners are on hunger strike to demand their immediate rele…

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2021-08-07). US transfers 40 ISIL forces to its base in Hasaka: report. en.mehrnews.com Syrian sources reported that the US military transferred dozens of ISIL prisoners in Syria to its base.

teleSUR, SH (2021-08-07). Talibanes capturan una segunda capital provincial en Afganistán. telesurtv.net En la tarde del viernes, los talibanes tomaron el control de la ciudad de Zaranj, capital de la provincia suroccidental de Nimroz.

Greg Palast (2021-08-07). Facing Prison for Fighting Chevron. zcomm.org Rights Attorney Pays Price for Defending Indigenous in Ecuador Poisoned by Oil…

ecns.cn (2021-08-07). What is the U.S. afraid of? What kind of 'truth' does it try to make up?>. ecns.cn The U.S.' "excessive efforts" on origin tracing has distorted this scientific issue while its failure to curb the surging COVID-19 cases has ruined its international image.

teleSUR, MER (2021-08-07). Defensa de diplomático Alex Saab expone ilegalidades en proceso. telesurtv.net El Tribunal de la Cedeao ha ordenado en dos ocasiones la libertad inmediata de Alex Saab ante las irregularidades en su detención.

J. Davis (2021-08-07). Ayesha Johnson dies in custody at Boston's Suffolk County Jail, family demands justice. liberationnews.org Ayesha Johnson, a 35-year-old Black woman and mother died in custody on July 28 after she was found alone and unresponsive in a holding cell.

It's Going Down (2021-08-07). "Energize the Movement": Jailhouse Lawyers Speak on the Importance of the National Shut'Em Down Demonstrations. itsgoingdown.org At It's Going Down, we've been tracking, reporting, and interviewing people involved in the growing abolitionist and prisoner resistance movement since we began this project over 6 years ago. On May Day of 2016, we saw growing support among anarchist and autonomous anti-capitalist currents for a wave of strikes across Texas prisons and in September…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2021-08-07). Colombian State and Paramilitarism: Salvatore Mancuso's Tell-all Declaration Before Truth Commission. orinocotribune.com Salvatore Mancuso, demobilized and imprisoned Colombian paramilitary leader, has provided detailed testimony on how the Colombian government is closely linked to the creation and preservation of paramilitary groups like the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC). | Mancuso, a.k.a. Mono Mancuso, Santander Lozada or Triple Cero, was extradited to the United States in 2008, where he remains imprisoned in a maximum security cell in Atlanta. From there, Mancuso declared before the Truth Commission set up by the Colombian government as part of an ongoing judicial process for prosecuting Colombian paramilitary arm…

_____ (2021-08-07). Rather Than Pay Fairer Wages, Businesses Look To Prisons. popularresistance.org For months, business owners and corporate media pundits in the US have complained about a "labor shortage," claiming that businesses are struggling to find new employees because "no one wants to work." Rather than enticing applicants with more competitive wages and stronger benefits and protections, though, many businesses are opting to exploit prison slave labor.

Anonymous Contributor (2021-08-07). Call for Phone-Zap to Support Revolutionary Prisoner, Kevin Rashid Johnson. itsgoingdown.org Call to support revolutionary and Black liberation prisoner Keven Rashid Johnson, who is being targeted by prison authorities and white supremacist prisoners. Kevin Rashid Johnson is an incarcerated comrade and revolutionary who is under attack by the prison authorities who are trying to pit him against white supremacist inmates. He needs your solidarity and support!…

ecns.cn (2021-08-07). WHO should conduct origin tracing in the US: China Daily editorial. ecns.cn A survey conducted around the world by China Global Television Network in the six official languages of the United Nations over the past few weeks found that 83.1 percent of the respondents support the World Health Organization carrying out a novel coronavirus origin tracing investigation in the United States.

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2021-08-07). Iran not to hesitate to defend its sovereign rights in PG. en.mehrnews.com Condemning the G7 statement over baseless accusations against Iran, the Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that Iran will not hesitate to defend its sovereign rights in the Persian Gulf.

Marzieh Rahmani (2021-08-07). Biden flubs number of vaccinated Americans. en.mehrnews.com In his speech on Friday, the US president made another blunder, making a mistake over the total number of vaccinated people in the United States.

teleSUR, SH (2021-08-07). Colombia suma una nueva masacre para llegar a 64 en el 2021. telesurtv.net La masacre se registró en el interior de una vivienda en el municipio colombiano de Soacha dejando tres hombre y una mujer muerta.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-08-07). Colombian State and Paramilitarism: Salvatore Mancuso's Declaration Before the Truth Commission. libya360.wordpress.com José Manuel Blanco Díaz Salvatore Mancuso, demobilized and imprisoned Colombian paramilitary leader, has provided detailed testimony on how the Colombian government is closely linked to the creation and preservation of paramilitary groups like the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC). Mancuso, a.k.a. Mono Mancuso, Santander Lozada or Triple Cero, was extradited to the United States…

sputniknews (2021-08-07). Edward Snowden Slams Apple's Plan to Scan Every User's Phone as 'Assault on Privacy'. sputniknews.com The tech giant previously announced it will be using the neuralMatch software in order to scan photos uploaded to the iCloud by American users and will notify the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) if child abuse imagery is discovered.

teleSUR, lvm, MER (2021-08-07). Congresistas de EE.UU. piden a Biden cerrar cárcel en Guantánamo. telesurtv.net Los presidentes de varios comités legislativos se sumaron a la iniciativa para que se ejecute inmediatamente el cierre de la prisión.

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