Daily Archives: 2021-08-14

2021-08-14: News Headlines

DLI (2021-08-14). Imminent Collapse of U.S. Imperial project Afghanistan. indybay.org the 40+ year U.S. Imperial project in Afghanistan(started by the Carter administration back in 1979, with Uncle Sam's backing of Usama binLaden–UBL–and his band of jihadists) is now collapsing like a house of cards, sending shock waves in Washington and on the Public airwaves, especially in the NeoLiberal "Corprorate-bin-Laden" media. The rush is on to explain away the bloody hands of Uncle Sam in creating and maintaining the myth that the U.S. went in with good intentions to help "democratize" the Afghan people and, especially, to "liberate" Afghan women from oppression. The reality is almost 180 degrees from…

Bryant Diaz (2021-08-14). U.S. Premiere Screening + Q&A: Fedayin. peoplesforum.org For over 35 years, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been imprisoned. A Lebanese communist engaged in resistance alongside Palestinian fighters, he has been imprisoned by the French judicial system and successive governments since 1984. Beyond the judicial harassment to which he has been subjected, this documentary film will trace the political course of Georges Abdallah and seeks to show how his ideas and struggle are still vital and necessary.

Editor2 (2021-08-14). 'Economic Warfare [Is] Designed to Starve the Cuban People Into Rebellion' (Interview). orinocotribune.com CounterSpin interview with James Early on Cuban blockade | Janine Jackson interviewed IPS's James Early about the Cuban blockade for the Janine Jackson: In the wake of Black Lives Matter and George Floyd protests, lawmakers in Florida—as elsewhere—passed legislation increasing penalties for blocking public streets, and offering protection to people who hit protesters with their car. But when people took to the street to show suppo…

Bryant Arroyo (2021-08-14). Resistance continues vs. solitary and banning. workers.org Incarcerated people depend on their voices being heard outside the walls for their grievances against prison officials to be effective inside. Without public pressure from family, friends and other supporters, the prison guards, supervisors and administrators can literally get away with murder. Bryant Arroyo has been a voice from inside . . . |

Fight Back (2021-08-14). Venezuela: Laws aimed at gender violence have major impact. fightbacknews.org Caracas, Venezuela – Images of men sitting in prison, looking down at their shoes, awaiting court for violating and committing acts of violence against women appear on the TV screen. Scrolling across the bottom of the screen are the words, "The most people in prison in Venezuela are men who have committed gender violence." | Venezuela has one of the strongest gender laws of any country in the world. The laws strongly protect women, so men are held accountable and cannot hurt them again. | "We made laws in Venezuela so we will be a country without violence against women. These laws don't just protect us from being…

Asa Winstanley (2021-08-13). Israeli cities impose beach apartheid on Palestinians. electronicintifada.net Civil rights group slams "illegal measures" on the pretext of coronavirus.

Allan Fisher (2021-08-13). Saturday 8/14: Protest US financed oppression in Palestine/Israel. indybay.org Intersection of Water and Ocean Streets, Santa Cruz…

August H. Nimtz (2021-08-13). Race hustling at George Floyd square: a valuable teaching moment. mronline.org Only "niggers" have the right to employ the example of George Floyd to fight oppression. And, "there are no niggers in Cuba!" So proclaimed someone who identified himself as a "nigger" to a group of us at George Floyd Square on Saturday afternoon, July 31.

Heather L. Weaver (2021-08-13). Church or Jail? Federal Court Delivers Qualified Immunity Win For Religious Freedom. aclu.org Go to church or go to jail. That's the unfathomable choice that a parole officer gave our client,

John Pilger (2021-08-13). A day in the death of British justice. zcomm.org For the crime of real journalism, Assange has spent most of the past decade in one form of incarceration or another, including Belmarsh prison, a horrific place…

Center For Food Safety (2021-08-13). Lawsuit Challenges "Bioengineered" GMO Food Labeling. globalresearch.ca

A Guest Author (2021-08-13). Caste: Oppression through the legal system. workers.org By Wesley Massey Wesley Massey is currently incarcerated in State Correctional Institute Pine Grove in Pennsylvania. As I sit here reading "Caste" by Isabel Wilkerson, I am reminded how dark our history in the U.S. was and still is. When I say "our," I mean Black and Brown people. Race . . . |

_____ (2021-08-13). Scheer Intelligence: Prisons Enable America's Obscene Wealth. popularresistance.org The story of Marshall "Eddie" Conway, a military veteran and former Black Panther who was imprisoned for 43 years for a crime he didn't commit, is one that gets to the heart of systemic racism in the United States. Despite grueling conditions, in prison Conway pursued three college degrees, and was considered an "exemplary" prisoner for starting a prison literacy program and organizing the prison library. On the other hand, his efforts to organize a union among his fellow convict laborers was crushed by the authorities. After being released in 2014 following an appellate court judgment that his jury had been give…

Anonymous Contributor (2021-08-13). Slave Labor, Overcrowding, and Unmarked Graves: The Buried History of Atlanta's Prison Farm from the 1920s to 1990s. itsgoingdown.org The official histories of the Atlanta Prison Farm paint a rosy picture of "respect," "trust," "reform," and "the dignity of work." But digging deeper reveals a much darker history that the City has not yet reckoned with. And it's about to be sold and bulldozed by the same government institutions who caused the untold suffering…

Moderator (2021-08-13). Eddie Conway: Prisons Enable America's Obscene Wealth. scheerpost.com Eddie Conway. [J.M. Giordano/City PaperCredits] Click to subscribe on: Apple / Spotify / Google Play The story of Marshall "Eddie" Conway, a military veteran and former Black Panther who was imprisoned for 43 years for a crime he didn't commit, is one that gets to the heart of systemic racism in the United States. Despite grueling conditions, in prison Conway pursued three college degrees… |

Paul Street (2021-08-13). Hey Joe, The Coup Rolls On. counterpunch.org While Joe Biden champions bipartisanship, the Republicans, now the Amerikaner Party of Trump (APOT), are taking a leaf from Adolf Hitler. Just before Christmas in 1924, Hitler left prison after serving time for leading the failed Nazi revolution (Beer Hall Putsch) of November 1923. He now understood that it had been premature to attempt to

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