Daily Archives: 2021-08-31

2021-08-31: News Headlines

Editor2 (2021-08-31). Free Meng Campaign Marks 1000 Days of Incarceration. orinocotribune.com By People's Voice — Aug 27, 2021 | Thursday, August 26, 2021, marked the 1000th day of unjust incarceration by the Trudeau government of Meng Wanzhou. That's 1000 days during which Ms. Meng has been denied her freedom, has not been able to be with members of her family, has not been able to carry on the duties of her very responsible position as Chief Financial Officer of Huawei Technologies, one of the world's leading tech companies, with 1300 employees in Canada. | Meng's ordeal began on December 1, 2018, the date on which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau kowtowed to the request of former US President Donald…

Staff (2021-08-30). Frankfurt Palestine stand highlights struggles of imprisoned Palestinian women. samidoun.net Samidoun Deutschland organized a Palestine Stand in central Frankfurt on Sunday, 29 August 2021. The action, organized at Hauptwache, highlighted the cases of several Palestinian women prisoners, including Israa Jaabis, Anhar al-Deek, Fadwa Hamadeh and Yasmin Jaber. Organizers set up a display of photos and calls to action highlighting imprisoned Palestinian students and calling for […] | The article

Peoples Dispatch (2021-08-30). Islamic State claims rocket attack on Kabul airport and other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode of the Daily Round-up we look at reports of civilian casualties after a US drone strike in Kabul; protests against police brutality by farmers in India as the struggle crosses 9 months; protests by Palestinians in Gaza against the crushing 14 year long Israeli siege; the March on Washington for Voting Rights in the US to demand better protections against voter suppression laws in the US; and a warning issued by the Executive Committee of the Permanent Assembly of Human Rights of Bolivia (APDHB) of coup leader Jeanine Anez's possible escape from prison.

Kevin Mwanza (2021-08-30). ISIS-K Thinks The Taliban Are Soft: 7 Things To Know. moguldom.com An ISIS-K commander imprisoned in Kabul was assassinated by the Taliban, prompting ISIS-K to deploy a suicide bomber on Thursday who killed 13 U.S. service members including 10 Marines and up to 170 Afghans and others, derailing the ongoing Afghanistan evacuation. Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K ) is an offshoot in Afghanistan of the Islamic State …

Staff (2021-08-30). Remembering Gloria Richardson. therealnews.com TRNN Executive Producer and former Black Panther Eddie Conway talks to author and activist Dominque Conway about Gloria Richardson, a fierce activist who led a multi-year campaign against segregation in Cambridge, Md. Richardson, who died July 15, 2021, was not as widely known as other civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. or Fannie Lou Hamer. Nevertheless, she was an important figure in the story of the struggle for civil rights both in the United States and all over the globe.

Ann Brown (2021-08-30). Rev. Jesse Jackson Transferred To Rehab, Wife Moved To ICU After Covid Hospitalizations. moguldom.com Civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson has been moved to a rehabilitation facility after spending almost a week in hospital where he was being treated for covid-19. Jackson's wife, Jacqueline, who also contracted covid, remains hospitalized and has been moved to the intensive care unit as of Aug. 27. Rev. Jackson, 79, was transferred from Chicago's Northwestern …

_____ (2021-08-30). US Education Dept. Opens Civil Rights Probes Into 5 States' Bans on School Mask Mandates. commondreams.org There are people who hope to invade Iran, or Venezuela, or pick-a-country-with-a-problem, but next time, they insist, they'll do it "better." They must stop. They must be stopped.

Mike Garrity (2021-08-30). Fighting to Protect the Grizzlies of the Cabinet-Yaak Region isn't "frivolous" counterpunch.org Montana's Governor Greg Gianforte and U.S. Senator Steve Daines recently claimed "frivolous" lawsuits had to be stopped so more logging could occur in our dwindling National Forests. But there's nothing frivolous about the Alliance for the Wild Rockies filing a 60-day Notice of Intent to Sue the Forest Service to stop the Ripley logging project

_____ (2021-08-30). Preventing A Dystopian Future: New Campaign To Ban Killer And Surveillance Drones. popularresistance.org Drones are being used as weapons of terror and oppression throughout the world. Not only do they make it possible for the United States to colonize and occupy other countries, but police departments in the US have access to surveillance and weaponized drones to target civilians. As the technology evolves, drones have the potential to lead to greater wars, including a war between major powers. To prevent this dystopian future, anti-drone activists are organizing an international campaign to ban drones. Clearing the FOG speaks with Nick Mottern, one of the founders of the Ban Killer Drones campaign, about the impac…

Staff (2021-08-30). The Court Knew She Didn't Commit the Murder. They Sentenced Her for It Anyway. truthout.org After nearly 15 years behind bars, 39-year-old mother and domestic violence survivor Erika Ray will soon get another day in court to attempt to gain her freedom. | Ray is currently sentenced to remain in prison until 2049. But on August 3, she appeared in court to argue that her defense attorneys provided ineffective assistance at her 2010 trial and that one of the actions for which she was convicted — armed robbery — did not occur at all. On September 1, she will return to court f…

Murtaza Hussain (2021-08-30). Post-9/11 Stings Targeted People Who Posed No Threat. zcomm.org They Remain in Prison…

Editor (2021-08-30). Harm reduction guided by the goal of the abolition of prisons and capitalism: an interview with former Direct Action member and ex-prisoner Ann Hansen. mronline.org I am active with the Prison for Women (P4W) Memorial Collective which has been fighting for a Memorial Garden at the site of the now closed Prison for Women, and a Gallery where the women's art and writing can be seen in order to give some context to their lives and deaths. We also agitate to improve prison and parole conditions as a harm reduction tactic in order to alleviate some of the suffering, but always within the context of the abolition of prisons and capitalism as the goal, the light that guides us through the darkness.

Editor (2021-08-30). Harm reduction guided by the coal of the abolition of prisons and capitalism: an interview with former Direct Action member and ex-prisoner Ann Hansen. mronline.org I am active with the Prison for Women (P4W) Memorial Collective which has been fighting for a Memorial Garden at the site of the now closed Prison for Women, and a Gallery where the women's art and writing can be seen in order to give some context to their lives and deaths. We also agitate to improve prison and parole conditions as a harm reduction tactic in order to alleviate some of the suffering, but always within the context of the abolition of prisons and capitalism as the goal, the light that guides us through the darkness.

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